Jewell Hampton and Jordan Bernstien Arrested

any program, anywhere, man in.

These youngsters will now "be given the opportunity" to learn from this if they choose. You'd think a couple guys that saw a season of no playing time because of injuries might be anxious to do all the right things (on the field and off) to expedite their return.

One man's loss is another man's gain.
They will both miss the first game and they won't be needed anyway. Plus with the logjam at RB and the fact that JB isn't even a lock for his spot this really doesn't hurt us that much.
I'm willing to bet $1,000,000 that Vito's bar staff baited Jewel into going into the bar and then called the IC Police on him. Take responsibility Vito's! I'll be the first one to say that I'm boycotting that place.
any program, anywhere, man in.

These youngsters will now "be given the opportunity" to learn from this if they choose. You'd think a couple guys that saw a season of no playing time because of injuries might be anxious to do all the right things (on the field and off) to expedite their return.

One man's loss is another man's gain.

You'd sure think they would be...that's what makes this even more frustrating. These 2 dipsh!ts couldn't stay in their shoes for 2 months, heading into the season would see them on the field the most? It should've been their coming out they seem like a couple of "me first" guys who can't be trusted in what could be Iowa's biggest season ever...not cool.
I'm willing to bet $1,000,000 that Vito's bar staff baited Jewel into going into the bar and then called the IC Police on him. Take responsibility Vito's! I'll be the first one to say that I'm boycotting that place.

This is just stupid and makes us look like delusional fans. Nobody baited the fb players to come into a bar and no bar owner called the cops.
I'm willing to bet $1,000,000 that Vito's bar staff baited Jewel into going into the bar and then called the IC Police on him. Take responsibility Vito's! I'll be the first one to say that I'm boycotting that place.

How long til you notice that no one's biting on your troll bait? It's not saying much for you when it's been 3 or more posts already and you're still here, trying...
And once again, there are a few people on here who are ready to pass down a death sentence to these two young men for doing something that they have probably done themselves in their younger years.

Relax guys, this is something very trivial. Unless we hear that they tried to beat up a cop or steal a car, I don't think this is worth jumping off the ledge over.

My cousin got a public intox one time because he knew he shouldn't be driving, so he walked home which is about half a mile. When he was almost to his driveway, a cop pulled up, asked him why he was out so late, smelled alcohol on his breath and took him to jail.

He wasn't doing anything more than walking home, and he spent the night at the doughnut factory for it. I'm not saying that's what happened with JB and JH, but it could really be that simple.
Maybe you missed the incident report which referred to a fight at Vito's.

Sure, a lot of us had those experiences when we were younger, but we weren't on a full ride on a team that's had it's share of prior issues.
Thinking about it though you probably can't blame them. They were just out celebrating the news that ISU is going to the MAC.


Sucks to be those two, though. I'd hate to have that walk of shame going into Ferentz's office. Due to all the hype for this season, I really thought all the players would straighten up and be careful this off-season/summer. Never underestimate a college kid's desire to get drunk.
Think people are overreacting here. Yes, there will be punishment and no you shouldn't be getting arrested. But in the grand scheme of things nothing out of the ordinary for college kids occurred. Two guys got a little drunk (one underage) and got into some minimal altercation. Nobody was assaulted, nobody drink and drove, ect...

While you never want to simply accepting of this behavior, at the same point boys will be boys. There are 105 players on the team, its the summer in Iowa City (ie: boring), some players are going to get into some minor trouble. These guys will face their consequences and move on.
Maybe you missed the incident report which referred to a fight at Vito's.

Sure, a lot of us had those experiences when we were younger, but we weren't on a full ride on a team that's had it's share of prior issues.


These kids need to realize that they need the University of Iowa and it's football scholaship they've been given, more than it needs them. The opportunity to play here is a priviledge, not an entitlement. The coaching staff and the leadership council have layed out the code of conduct for these guys and pounded them over the head with it. They know what the expectations are, it's on them to abide by them. Kirk will nip this in the bud immediately, I can guarantee that, and I for one hope the punishment is severe. This is the last thing the team needs to be dealing with on the cusp of a potentially historic season. You'd think that the prospect of being on a team that will be a player in the NC hunt would keep the kids in line, but apparently these two could care less. How simple is it to just stay the hell out of the bars, and keep out of trouble?
Think people are overreacting here...nothing out of the ordinary for college kids occurred...There are 105 players on the team, its the summer in Iowa City (ie: boring), some players are going to get into some minor trouble. These guys will face their consequences and move on.

And some people, like you, are ignoring--or not mentioning--the most significant part of this incident for fans. These are two players who are involved in publicly, obviously, neck-and-neck position battles. "Face their consequences and move on"? Most of us were excited to see how these battles played out this off-season and fall. Now these two have eliminated themselves from contention for the starting spots. It is disappointing as a fan. For these two players, the consequences are monstrous.

Neither of these two are similar to Kyle Calloway, drunk on a moped, an incumbent 2-year starter, who sits a game and gets his spot back.

These guys acted foolishly and selfishly. Like James Ferentz. Except James just set himself back a year and possibly hurt the team's depth for this year.

Did this ever happen to AJ Edds? Tony Moeaki? Bryan Bulaga? Ricky Stanzi?

Some college kids act this way when they are bored in the summer. It is acceptable for fans to conclude that scholarship athletes, locked in heated position battles on championship caliber teams, should not act this way.
And some people, like you, are ignoring--or not mentioning--the most significant part of this incident for fans. These are two players who are involved in publicly, obviously, neck-and-neck position battles. "Face their consequences and move on"? Most of us were excited to see how these battles played out this off-season and fall. Now these two have eliminated themselves from contention for the starting spots. It is disappointing as a fan. For these two players, the consequences are monstrous.

Neither of these two are similar to Kyle Calloway, drunk on a moped, an incumbent 2-year starter, who sits a game and gets his spot back.

These guys acted foolishly and selfishly. Like James Ferentz.

Did this ever happen to AJ Edds? Tony Moeaki? Bryan Bulaga? Ricky Stanzi?

Some college kids act this way when they are bored in the summer. It is acceptable for fans to conclude that scholarship athletes, locked in heated position battles on championship caliber teams, should not act this way.

Very well said.
And some people, like you, are ignoring--or not mentioning--the most significant part of this incident for fans. These are two players who are involved in publicly, obviously, neck-and-neck position battles. "Face their consequences and move on"? Most of us were excited to see how these battles played out this off-season and fall. Now these two have eliminated themselves from contention for the starting spots. It is disappointing as a fan. For these two players, the consequences are monstrous.

Neither of these two are similar to Kyle Calloway, drunk on a moped, an incumbent 2-year starter, who sits a game and gets his spot back.

These guys acted foolishly and selfishly. Like James Ferentz.

Did this ever happen to AJ Edds? Tony Moeaki? Bryan Bulaga? Ricky Stanzi?

Some college kids act this way when they are bored in the summer. It is acceptable for fans to conclude that scholarship athletes, locked in heated position battles on championship caliber teams, should not act this way.[/QUOTE]

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!
Why in the world are folks overreacting here?

Hampton and Bernstine will get punished ... no doubt. However, it's not at all clear what the punishment will be. I don't recall Hampton or Bernstine ever landing on the blotter before ... so I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that they only face internal punishment. However, if the Hawks end up having a "bad summer" with respect to the blotter ... then they could end up facing a 1-game suspension. We'll see.

This isn't anything that folks should freak out about.
And some people, like you, are ignoring--or not mentioning--the most significant part of this incident for fans. These are two players who are involved in publicly, obviously, neck-and-neck position battles. "Face their consequences and move on"? Most of us were excited to see how these battles played out this off-season and fall. Now these two have eliminated themselves from contention for the starting spots. It is disappointing as a fan. For these two players, the consequences are monstrous.

Neither of these two are similar to Kyle Calloway, drunk on a moped, an incumbent 2-year starter, who sits a game and gets his spot back.

These guys acted foolishly and selfishly. Like James Ferentz. Except James just set himself back a year and possibly hurt the team's depth for this year.

Did this ever happen to AJ Edds? Tony Moeaki? Bryan Bulaga? Ricky Stanzi?

Some college kids act this way when they are bored in the summer. It is acceptable for fans to conclude that scholarship athletes, locked in heated position battles on championship caliber teams, should not act this way.

How about Angerer, who himself has freely admitted to indulging in selfish and self-destructive behavior as an underclassman at Iowa? And ask yourself, who was the biggest leader on the team last year?
And some people, like you, are ignoring--or not mentioning--the most significant part of this incident for fans. These are two players who are involved in publicly, obviously, neck-and-neck position battles. "Face their consequences and move on"? Most of us were excited to see how these battles played out this off-season and fall. Now these two have eliminated themselves from contention for the starting spots. It is disappointing as a fan. For these two players, the consequences are monstrous.

Neither of these two are similar to Kyle Calloway, drunk on a moped, an incumbent 2-year starter, who sits a game and gets his spot back.

These guys acted foolishly and selfishly. Like James Ferentz. Except James just set himself back a year and possibly hurt the team's depth for this year.

Did this ever happen to AJ Edds? Tony Moeaki? Bryan Bulaga? Ricky Stanzi?

Some college kids act this way when they are bored in the summer. It is acceptable for fans to conclude that scholarship athletes, locked in heated position battles on championship caliber teams, should not act this way.

I'm sorry your disappointed, but these kids don't owe you anything. Its their life, its their potential collegiate or possibly professional career. Iowa as a football program will be just fine. People get so angry when this stuff happens because they are so emotionally invested. But kids will be kids. A college scholarship doesn't magically make a kid more mature, even though you really want it to.

They will face their consequences, and they and the team will move on. People on here should to. Also, i believe beloved Bob Sanders and Matt Roth both had some altercations in their career. Kids make mistakes.
Why in the world are folks overreacting here?

Hampton and Bernstine will get punished ... no doubt. However, it's not at all clear what the punishment will be. I don't recall Hampton or Bernstine ever landing on the blotter before ... so I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that they only face internal punishment. However, if the Hawks end up having a "bad summer" with respect to the blotter ... then they could end up facing a 1-game suspension. We'll see.

This isn't anything that folks should freak out about.

They will get a one game suspension...minimum.

Why shouldn't people be irritated by this? The team and University puts code of conduct rules in place to be followed. The kids know what is expected of them, why is it outrageous of us to expect them to behave?
I'm sorry your disappointed, but these kids don't owe you anything. Its their life, its their potential collegiate or possibly professional career. Iowa as a football program will be just fine. People get so angry when this stuff happens because they are so emotionally invested. But kids will be kids. A college scholarship doesn't magically make a kid more mature, even though you really want it to.

They will face their consequences, and they and the team will move on. People on here should to. Also, i believe beloved Bob Sanders and Matt Roth both had some altercations in their career. Kids make mistakes.

The problem there is that some fans either have short memories ... or they just like to be self-righteous loud-mouths.
They will get a one game suspension...minimum.

Why shouldn't people be irritated by this? The team and University puts code of conduct rules in place to be followed. The kids know what is expected of them, why is it outrageous of us to expect them to behave?

Based on what precedent?

Prater got a 2-game suspension last year ... and that was for a much more egregious offense. Furthermore, on top of his offense, he also hurt himself by publicly making a pretty outrageous excuse.

Anyhow, while I'm certainly disappointed that some of these young men have made some bad choices. This doesn't mean that I can't or shouldn't give them another chance. It also doesn't mean that I should overreact and want to throw the book at the young men either.
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