Jarryd Cole's got your back

Now tell me how THAT wouldn't be taunting? That's not just celebrating with teammates, that's rubbing it in to your opponent. Of course, he was completely shut down after that, so I'd say that we CAN stop him. If you're a freshman in the Big Ten, you keep your mouth shut.

Because he was doing it in the middle of his own teamates not at Jarryd. He went up for a dunk, Jarryd went up and foulded him (got a big part of the ball as well).

Jarryd gave him a look like "not on me you don't" and rallied his team and said "this ends" now.

The Indiana kid wen't to celebrate with his team shanking his head like "they can't stop us" or "that isn't going to scare me".

Neither play was dirty, neither player is a hero and neither is classless. It was nothing more than good hard intense basketball, by both parties.
Any Iowa game from 2007 to 2010.

He said "high level" basketball...2007-2010 Iowa, doesn't qualify...:p

But I agree with those saying "sick dunk/acted like a punk"...but I don't care how dude acts as long as he "gets his" in the end...and he did. The way he acted after Cole blocked his shot should've gotten his a$$ kicked though...I'm surprised Cole wasn't waiting for him outside of the lockerroom to find out if he had anything else to say about it...
This includes the Cole block.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqNSF8X51q8&feature=related]YouTube - IOWA @ IND - Will Sheehey with the posterization (02.05.11)[/ame]
Wow, his after dunk and after dunk reaction was even less eventful than I remember. Much ado about nothing.
The dunk was nice... but worth 2 pts, and actually fired up Iowa more. Iowa won the game, that is what matters.
Read McCaffery's presser... he said Cole's block was clean. And he also thought Sheehey was gawking a little bit.

It fired up Iowa.
Like it or not... that dunk was pretty cool to see. Better learn to like it, cause we're going to be seeing that one on the BTN highlight reel for a long time. UGH! Great dunk... but loved JC's comeback even better! LOL
Read McCaffery's presser... he said Cole's block was clean. And he also thought Sheehey was gawking a little bit.

It fired up Iowa.

No one is disputing that it fired up Iowa. I think it clearly sparked them. No one is disputing Sheehey gawked a bit. Of course Fran thought it was clean, he's supposed to stick up for his guys.
Your ignorance is astounding, it truly knows no bounds. Not only did Cole get a big peice of his wrist forearm on the play he also crushed him with the body. It was a very good effort, and a very good foul, but it was not a clean block. It's getting to the point where I feel sorry for you.

WTF Duff? You seriously think a foul is called everytime that a little piece of the wrist is touched on a block, or a little bit of body is hit? Do you watch ANY BB at all, or just ref it? These things go uncalled all the time as long as it was mostly ball that was blocked. Almost every single clean block that is made has some piece of the hand/wrist and body are contacted to some degree. Watch the two plays, the dunk, and the foul. Basabe hits him with more body on the dunk with no call than Cole does on the foul call.

This isn't HS BB, and contact is part of that game......Complete FAIL on your part.
WTF Duff? You seriously think a foul is called everytime that a little piece of the wrist is touched on a block, or a little bit of body is hit? Do you watch ANY BB at all, or just ref it? These things go uncalled all the time as long as it was mostly ball that was blocked. Almost every single clean block that is made has some piece of the hand/wrist and body are contacted to some degree. Watch the two plays, the dunk, and the foul. Basabe hits him with more body on the dunk with no call than Cole does on the foul call.

This isn't HS BB, and contact is part of that game......Complete FAIL on your part.

Certainly contact is allowed when the defender is within his verticle plane, but Cole clearly isn't. Again it was a great defesnive effort and play on his part, but it was clearly a foul.
No one is disputing that it fired up Iowa. I think it clearly sparked them. No one is disputing Sheehey gawked a bit. Of course Fran thought it was clean, he's supposed to stick up for his guys.
Actually, no. Most coaches won't go on the record saying a call was bad. There are too many repercussions from doing that.

So Fran really must have thought it was clean, actually.
Actually, no. Most coaches won't go on the record saying a call was bad. There are too many repercussions from doing that.

So Fran really must have thought it was clean, actually.

Come on Spank, coaches do this all the time. He's not saying "That was a terrible call", he's expressing his opinion that he thought the block was clean.

There is a big difference between saying you saw something differently than really banging on an official or a crew which will get you into trouble.

I mean this is a total judgement call. All I can tell you is the way officials are trained we are taught to look at verticality regarding body and arm contact. If a defender is going straigt up in his plane he's fine. If he's running from the FT area to the rim, and knocks the offensive player sideways with his chest while get blocks the ball it's a foul. It might not be a fould in the NBA, but it certainly is in almost any high school and college gym in America.

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