James VBerg reshirt?

Well i don't know, there's a lot of rumors flying around on the internet, --- my sources say KF is going to redshirt him.
The U of I is petitioning the Big 10 to see if we can get him a pink shirt. It is a lot like a red shirt. Only not as red...more pink.
I hear that he is going to come in for a series and fake like he is injured so they can petition for a sixth year. ;)
If I remember correctly, I think his mom has a pink shirt.
Ann wears Black and Gold.

I think we can dismiss the Vandy redshirt talk now.
But does anyone know if Les Jepsen ever redshirted?
Anyone else notice that AIRHAWK was merely saying that James just needed to be re-shirted? Apparently there's some style clashing going on...maybe some wrinkling?:D
You guys may think I am nuts but I think JVB should redshirt. At least think about it. Have him for next 3 years. If we get up, put in J Wienke. If Ricky gets hurt, ok burn the shirt but don't put him in tomorrow for mop up duty.

i believe he already red shirted. Besides the best way to get him ready for next year is to play him in mop up duty. Iowa did not have a mop up duty game last year. maybe they will give us a few games that are over by the end of the 3rd, this year, and we can play our back ups for next year. Iowa losses an awful lot after this year.
i believe he already red shirted. Besides the best way to get him ready for next year is to play him in mop up duty. Iowa did not have a mop up duty game last year. maybe they will give us a few games that are over by the end of the 3rd, this year, and we can play our back ups for next year. Iowa losses an awful lot after this year.

Ladies & Gentlemen, may I present to you, Mr. Fartinchurch.
who is Mr. Fartinchurch? Please explain what in my post bothers you?

Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand?

Naw, just goofing. Listen, we were having some silliness with the concept, and you got all serious and let the air out of the thread. Kind of like a fart in church.

No offense intended, bro. ;)