Jaleel Tweet

Won't be much longer until he has the talk about shutting down his twitter account during football season.
I hope this kid comes to Iowa, but I'm not worried about it. If something bothers him and he decides not to come to Iowa then he doesn't, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. The whole thing with all the twees just seems a bit wishy washy, so I'll just wait until signing day to see who is officially a hawk.
This was from about 30 minutes ago. Something is definitely up with his recruitment. Sounds like Dantonio may be in his ear.

jaleel johnson @Jaleel_67 21m
@ArmyBlue70 what are you talking about? In case u didnt know Msu & Iowa are my top choices so I'm asking people's opinions.

For a guy that has been committed to Iowa for months now, kind of weird that not only he is re-evaluating things but furthermore that he actually says he is deciding between MSU and Iowa. Guess we should consider him a soft verbal now.
I don't really think asking your twitter followers where you should go is a good idea. More than likely most are Iowa fans anyway. And there will likely be a lot of bad mouthing going on. I guess nobody knows what's going on because a few days ago his coach said he was 100% Iowa. Like I said I have no idea what is going on here, but I hope that he honors his committment to Iowa.

Time will only tell, but I just don't feel good about this wavering attitude. Can't bode well for Iowa.
He also retweeted this (and this is if I am understanding this twitter ****) an hour ago:

@Jaleel_67 keep your head clear and keep working hard bro... Let's get that BIG championship #Hawkeyes #GoBigOrGoHome
1 hour ago