Jaleel Tweet

A former co-worker did indeed order/pay the website once.. I don't think they actually send anything. So my warning is enjoy the site.. but do not pay them for anything.
And just to put a cherry on top Rob Howe is now telling people on twitter to leave JJ alone. That's rich coming from Mr. Howe.
Whoever ArmyBlue70 is, they definitely need to not be on twitter or else stop contacting iowa recruits because he is making Iowa fans look like complete tools
Whoever ArmyBlue70 is, they definitely need to not be on twitter or else stop contacting iowa recruits because he is making Iowa fans look like complete tools

dude is probably a fan of another team. Might actually be a sneaky recruiting tactic. Maybe I'll start selling my services.
dude is probably a fan of another team. Might actually be a sneaky recruiting tactic. Maybe I'll start selling my services.

Hey, good idea. Maybe Ill disquise myself as a Rutgers fan and start berating Lambert. Im actually surprised that doesn't happen more often.
The problem is there's not really any way to prevent it. You've just got to hope the kids aren't going to be influenced by what one (or even 20) people say from behind a computer.
The kid obviously wants the attention or he wouldn't be putting that stuff out on twitter. I'm pretty confident that if he ends up decomitting it wont be because someone is harassing him on twitter. He might use that as an excuse but I wouldn't buy it.