Jake Rudock

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I'm talking about in the horseshoe you moron. Is that Vandenberg? Uhh no? Do you even know what youre talking about? VANDENBERG AS A SOPHMORE WHEN HE STEPPED IN FOR STANZI. You obviously don't remember the games.
Obviously neither do you. Vandy was a RS Freshman when he started @OSU in 2009. If you're going to point out mistakes of others then don't have any yourself.
I couldn't agree more about Vandy. Wasn't his fault at all. He was setup to fail.

While I don't think it was all Vandenburg's fault.... he was pretty horrible last year.

It's funny how you downplay that Rudock pass... I remember that being a problem for Vandy. He bailed out a lot when pressure was coming.

Rudock to me shows a lot more promise in a lot of areas that matter to me.

Pocket presence, intelligence, mobility, touch, mental toughness... ect ect.
Show you a better pass that what JR made by any other Iowa QB in the last 20 years. What are you smoking Thunder??

I could probably give you 10 Drew Tate passes..
"probably" is a qualifier.

How about one or two in Tate's first eight games of his first season of play?

And I really don't have a dog in this fight. JR is solid. He will get better.
"probably" is a qualifier.

How about one or two in Tate's first eight games of his first season of play?

And I really don't have a dog in this fight. JR is solid. He will get better.

This isn't about comparing Quarterback DD and I agree that JR is solid. This is about ThunderHawk stating that the Touchdown pass today by JR in Overtime was the best pass he has seen by any Iowa QB in 20 years. My response is No way!!
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See, I think if he was put in place of Stanzi. We wouldn't have went to the Orange bowl. Maybe the outback. Not that like that is bad but even with those players he wouldn't make us a B1G contender I don't think.

Stanzi was a sophomore in the orange bowl?
I like him but I don't think he's the answer. I know he's young and I know he's good on his feet. We still continue to struggle with sitting in the pocket and throwing the ball down the field. I feel like he gives up too early and he always tucks it instead of still looking downfield for something when he is running towards the line of scrimmage. He isn't very clutch and I know he made that last throw today but I coulda lobbed that up to a 6''7" guy. I think he's doing well but I think we need a qb who can make plays with his arm and I just haven't seen that from him. His mechanics and spiral lack a lot of times too.

Idiot post of All-Time Idiot Posts. By the All-Time Idiot of Idiot Posters.
This isn't about comparing Quarterback DD and I agree that JR is solid. This is about ThunderHawk stating that the Touchdown pass today by JR in Overtime was the best pass he has seen by any Iowa QB in 20 years. My response is No way!!
My bad. :eek: I misread the point.

***walks away as sheepishly as a goat in the mountains of Afghanistan***
Jake Rudock will not be Stanzi or Tate. Jake Rudock right now is the Jake Rudock of the future. Unless we get a new offensive coordinator. A lot of our QB's problems fall on Davis. He can't call a play to get a receiver open.
Sorry I hit post reply before I realized you had to be r*tarded to post in this thread. Never go full Hawkeye guys.

Jake Rudock has started eight games and has shown more promise in those eight games than any other Hawkeye QB in their first eight games than Drew Tate. He's better than Stanzi's first...hell he's better than Stanzi's entire junior year. What Stanzi had was a top 5 defense. You wouldn't believe how good Jake Rudock would look with those defenses playing on the other side of the ball. He also probably has more on his back than Stanzi had running offense under KOK.

I'm not sure what you people are watching. What happened today is that Greg Davis got outcoached in the second half by the NW defensive coordinater. Either they were stealing signals or he was locked into what Davis wanted to do. They were aggressive at all the right times...and made the plays. Rudock for his part didn't force anything until that last throw.
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