Its comforting to find a little common sense regarding ISU/Expansion

I have been going to football games since 1982 and there has only been one season that was true 2009.

From the content of your posts on this site, I would be more apt to say that maybe you've been the subject of multiple psychiatric studies since 1982.
Iowa and ISU fans are basically the same. ISU fans would absolutely mock Iowa if the shoe were on the other foot, just like a few of my fellow Hawk fans are doing now.

One thing that is different about the two universities is their AD's. Pollard likes to talk smack about Iowa every chance he gets and makes everything about the Hawkeyes. Have you ever heard Barta or Bowlsby do this? No because they have class. Jamie likes to run his mouth and write checks him or ISU can't cash. The bad part about this is that ISU fans bought into this and started doing the same thing. Iowans don't take kindly to some little twerp that likes to run his mouth all the time just to try to make themselves look more important than they are. The funny thing is I don't see Jamie talking all his crap now. It's been awfully quiet from Ames these days. Don't worry though if you give him enough money he will let you talk to him about any grievances you have. Ha.
Knowledgable? ISU shared 2 Big 12 North titles, not mentioned.


I can't wait for ISU fans to realize that it's not just us that ridicules them and their's the entire world...they'll probably realize this when they DON'T have a conference to go to!!
At one time I cheered for both teams until an unpleasant experience at which time I said I would never cheer for the clowns again... AND I haven't.

I am not unreasonable. I am an Iowa fan that REALLY REALLY doesn't care what happens to the clowns and wishes the worst upon them... I really would like to see them to drop a division.

What is bad for the clowns is good for the Hawks. It is as easy as that.

But hey, that's just me...

Me too...used to cheer for ISU...ran into a bunch of them that were ignorant pompous @$$'s. On multiple occasions I ran into ISU fans acting like, OSU, USC, or some other "elite schools fans". I'll put up with those guys because they have "walked the walk"...ISU however...I'd love to see them drop as low as possible...I hope they end up without a would make my day.
Unfortunately, expansion has nothing to do with what is actually done on the field but rather how many people are watching. If the roles were reversed and ISU was in the Big 10 not to many people would be knocking on UofI's door to invite them to the party either.

I'm not trying to knock Iowa one bit but this is the sad truth that has taken over college athletics.
One thing that is different about the two universities is their AD's. Pollard likes to talk smack about Iowa every chance he gets and makes everything about the Hawkeyes. Have you ever heard Barta or Bowlsby do this? No because they have class. Jamie likes to run his mouth and write checks him or ISU can't cash. The bad part about this is that ISU fans bought into this and started doing the same thing. Iowans don't take kindly to some little twerp that likes to run his mouth all the time just to try to make themselves look more important than they are. The funny thing is I don't see Jamie talking all his crap now. It's been awfully quiet from Ames these days. Don't worry though if you give him enough money he will let you talk to him about any grievances you have. Ha.

To be fair to Pollard, Barta doesn't do those things because he doesn't have to. Iowa doesn't have any problems getting media attention.

And I never said the two athletic departments were the same. I said the two fanbases are basically the same.
The directors cup puts it 23rd in the country in front of Texas, not too bad, since Texas is nearly triple our revenue.

Well I checked the directors cup standings, as of June 3 ISU is at #31. Just think you only have one more month left to see the final standings and how much further ISU has fallen.