It's been 19 years today since Chris Street's death

One's heart goes out reading all the kind words and memories about Chris Street. I have to admit that this was before my time as a Hawkeye fan. From the sounds of things, the kid was everything a coach, teacher, and parent would want. Given the tragic situation, I'm wondering if the University ever attempted to do a memorial of any type such as retiring his number, putting the # on our uniforms, a statue of some sort, etc. etc? I've never noticed anything at Carver, then again, maybe I'm just missing something that I'd really like to see?
It's trending in the Midwest:
One of the worst days of my life. His memory will live on in our hearts forever, not only as a great hawkeye, but a tremendous person.
Does a senior player at Iowa State or Iowa still wear the #40 in honor of Chris Street? I know Gatens, Cartwright or Brommer don't. If that tradition is not still going on, it's too bad.
Does a senior player at Iowa State or Iowa still wear the #40 in honor of Chris Street? I know Gatens, Cartwright or Brommer don't. If that tradition is not still going on, it's too bad.

It's not been worn since '93. I think it'd be cool if next year, on the 20th anniversary, one player wore the number with no name on the back. The 19th will be on a Saturday next year, so there will likely be a game that day.
It's not been worn since '93. I think it'd be cool if next year, on the 20th anniversary, one player wore the number with no name on the back. The 19th will be on a Saturday next year, so there will likely be a game that day.

Sorry brah, world's ending on 12/21/12. Look it up.
Does a senior player at Iowa State or Iowa still wear the #40 in honor of Chris Street? I know Gatens, Cartwright or Brommer don't. If that tradition is not still going on, it's too bad.

At ISU if the kid on the team was from Iowa, they would wear 40.
I know the Mayor wore 40 in honor of Chris Street.
This was done for like the first 15 years after his death

I do not believe this is done anymore however as this year there is no 40 on the ISU roster, and they do have a couple of Iowa kids on the team.
He was one of my all time favorite Hawks. I was in eight grade at the time, and was easily the biggest Hawkeye basketball fanatic in my school. I was absolutly crushed when I heard the news and cried my eyes out. I remember dressing in all black Hawkeye gear for like three days straight after that, and scrawled CS40 in marker on my gym shoes. To this day I still get choked up when thinking back on it.
Does a senior player at Iowa State or Iowa still wear the #40 in honor of Chris Street? I know Gatens, Cartwright or Brommer don't. If that tradition is not still going on, it's too bad.

The last player to wear #40 at ISU was Mark Currie back in 07-08.
I was a senior in highschool when Chris passed. He was and still is my favorite all time Hawk! Indianola printed a paper just in his honor. My buddy and I drove up there to get a copy, we stopped at the first gas station we came across and asked the man behind the counter if he had any copies? He told us he did'nt have any at the store but had several at home, he then informes us Chris was his son. I was in total shock, we visited for what seemed like hours and after our visit he went home and got me a couple copies of the paper. Total class act!! I have nothing but respect for the Street Family!

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