It Does Not Matter The Topic!!!!

I thought the op was going to say, "It does not matter the topic--I will find multiple opportunities to overuse exclamation marks as though they might add substance to my comments!!!"
I remember the talk when Lick was hired. Jon, Stormin and many others were not predicting it to take 5 years. I'm sorry Forever I just don't beleive 3 years ago in 2007 you were saying yeah Lick will have us in the NCAA in 2012. Please I'm not buying that.

You hired a coach and you give him 5 years and over 5 millions dollars to get you to the NCAA Tourny. Wow!!! No logical fan thinks this way.

No, I didn't think 9 or 10 guys would leave the program either, for whatever the reason. Transfers have set this program back to square one. This team has made progress. They have Lick's best class coming in next year. You can't change this year!

Contracts are 5 years for a reason. Yes I know that Lick got 7. But 5 years is coming to come in, clean house, recruit your own players and have a year to recruit some players. Lick is still on track to do that in year 5. I wonder if some of you are capable of patience in your personal lives. If not, I really feel sorry for you!
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No, I didn't think 9 or 10 guys would leave the program either, for whatever the reason. Transfers have set this program back to square one. This team has made progress. They have Lick's best class coming in next year. You can't change this year. What the F*&K more do some of you want?

Forever but you just said all along I thought it would be at the end of year 5 that he would take us to the NCAA..

Originally Posted by ForeverHawk
I have been saying this all along and I think Iowa should be in the NCAA at the end of year 5
You are the one who keeps coming up with the excuses. Blame Alford, Young team, Needs more time, Fan's fault for not going to games, Hard system to learn. The excuses just keep coming. As HeneryHawk said Bluder is getting more done with less and isn't whining about the toughness of schedule all the time.
Forever but you just said all along I thought it would be at the end of year 5 that he would take us to the NCAA..

Originally Posted by ForeverHawk
I have been saying this all along and I think Iowa should be in the NCAA at the end of year 5

That is exactly what I said all of this year. And that is the same thing that I am saying now. I think they will make the NCAA at the end of year 5. If not, I think Lick will probably be gone then. So what is your point, and what have I said that would make you think I have deviated from those original thoughts and posts. Again, please read everything!
No, I didn't think 9 or 10 guys would leave the program either, for whatever the reason. Transfers have set this program back to square one. This team has made progress. They have Lick's best class coming in next year. You can't change this year. What the F*&K more do some of you want?[/QUOTE

Players leaving schools has a lot to do with the coach. You seem to think that these occurrences have nothing to do with ours. Where there's smoke there's fire. Now, I don't know how much blame TL has here but he has some level of it.
No, I didn't think 9 or 10 guys would leave the program either, for whatever the reason. Transfers have set this program back to square one. This team has made progress. They have Lick's best class coming in next year. You can't change this year!

Contracts are 5 years for a reason. Yes I know that Lick got 7. But 5 years is coming to come in, clean house, recruit your own players and have a year to recruit some players. Lick is still on track to do that in year 5. I wonder if some of you are capable of patience in your personal lives. If not, I really feel sorry for you!

Furthermore what progress has this particular team made. This is probably the worst team in the History of Iowa Basketball.
WHy would it take 5 years to get a system in place when the players only have 4 years to play? If it takes 5 years for people to learn the system I'm guessing its never going to work.[/QUOT

Because the cupboard was bare when he got here and he's lost a lot of Alford recruits since then. It's way too soon to pass judgement on him. It will take 5 years to make an objective analysis of the Lickliter era. The next two seasons he will have enough players that he recruited to get a better idea of what TL can do at Iowa. Anything less than that is a kneejerk reaction.
No, I didn't think 9 or 10 guys would leave the program either, for whatever the reason. Transfers have set this program back to square one. This team has made progress. They have Lick's best class coming in next year. You can't change this year!

Contracts are 5 years for a reason. Yes I know that Lick got 7. But 5 years is coming to come in, clean house, recruit your own players and have a year to recruit some players. Lick is still on track to do that in year 5. I wonder if some of you are capable of patience in your personal lives. If not, I really feel sorry for you!

Iowa is on track to do what in year 5?

Are you still predicting 20 wins next year?
Next year is going to be the key year. Although some want Lick out now, most of the Lick supporters want to see progress next year. If no progress next year, I think a significant number of Lick supporters (including myself) will join the "haters."

Many of these excuses should be null and void. We shouldn't be such a young team. I think Lick does need more time but next year is as long as I am willing to extend the leash. This extra year should give the players more time to "learn the system." If we start to win I think the crowds will get better. More wins = more fans in attendance.
I thought the op was going to say, "It does not matter the topic--I will find multiple opportunities to overuse exclamation marks as though they might add substance to my comments!!!"

Is that the best you could come up with Freddy? I've come to expect a little more creativity out of you!

*Note the use of only one question mark and one exclamation mark as to not offend Freddy
Next year is going to be the key year. Although some want Lick out now, most of the Lick supporters want to see progress next year. If no progress next year, I think a significant number of Lick supporters (including myself) will join the "haters."

Many of these excuses should be null and void. We shouldn't be such a young team. I think Lick does need more time but next year is as long as I am willing to extend the leash. This extra year should give the players more time to "learn the system." If we start to win I think the crowds will get better. More wins = more fans in attendance.

What will be considered progress next year?

Can we stop with the word "haters"?
Forever said in another post that we will win at least ten more games next season so that would be at least 18 wins.
Forever said in another post that we will win at least ten more games next season so that would be at least 18 wins.

I have no problem confirming that statement and that is what I believe. I would hope as a Hawk fan you would want that as well? What do you want 8 wins so we can run the Lickliters out of town on a rail?
What will be considered progress next year?

Can we stop with the word "haters"?

Progress can only be measured in number of wins. Personally, I would like to see us play in the post season... NIT of course

at least give me some credit for putting the term in quotations...
I have no problem confirming that statement and that is what I believe. I would hope as a Hawk fan you would want that as well? What do you want 8 wins so we can run the Lickliters out of town on a rail?

What some fans want and what is reality is not necessarily the same thing.

I hope Iowa does win at least 18 games next year, what makes you think they will win that many?
Progress can only be measured in number of wins. Personally, I would like to see us play in the post season... NIT of course

at least give me some credit for putting the term in quotations...

I don't agree that progress can only be measured in number of wins. I think this team has progressed this year and it is not equallying many wins, obviously. I was actually hoping for 17+ wins next year. I am sure if Koolhandlick looked up some of my older posts he would find those as well. But since earlier today I posted that I thought that with Archie and Tucker back and the addition of the incoming class, and assuming nobody of substance leaves that that would equate to 10 more wins. So, I guess I am bound to 18 wins next year!
I don't agree that progress can only be measured in number of wins. I think this team has progressed this year and it is not equallying many wins, obviously. I was actually hoping for 17+ wins next year. I am sure if Koolhandlick looked up some of my older posts he would find those as well. But since earlier today I posted that I thought that with Archie and Tucker back and the addition of the incoming class, and assuming nobody of substance leaves that that would equate to 10 more wins. So, I guess I am bound to 18 wins next year!

This is the year for moral vicotries... you can continue to cheer for close games if you want but next year I'm looking to win some of these games we are competeing in and want to finish them with a W.
What some fans want and what is reality is not necessarily the same thing.

I hope Iowa does win at least 18 games next year, what makes you think they will win that many?

The Cliff's notes version since I have posted it about 200 times: More experience, more talent, more depth, more strength!

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