It Does Not Matter The Topic!!!!

So, we should all just close our eyes and pretend what Lick is/has doing to this program really isn't happening? I have no problem with people wanting, hoping and believing Lick can turn this around. I hope they are right.

But, after 3 years he has not shown me one positive thing he has done for Iowa basketball....not one. I guess I just don't see how all of a sudden we're going to wake-up a year later and everything has changed.

The bottom line is he is paid to win games. When he doesn't, people will criticize. It goes with the territory of being a D-1 head coach, so I'm not sure why a few get upset when others voice concerns about a coach that isn't just not winning games, but leading this program to the worst 3 year stretch in the history of the program.

The bottom line is there are many Alford haters on this site that were bound and determined that any coach would be better than him. Now that it hasn't worked out, they have a really tough time swallowing the "I'm wrong pill". It's understandable, as it's difficult for most to admit when they are wrong.
LMAO. Your willing to give SA 8 years to win one tourny game and Lick three years? SA can rack up 30 wins a year and it still won't matter because he is doing it at NM, a smaller school where he belongs, he isn't doing that at Iowa. If you really believe the program would be better under SA than why did he run? If he was so damn sure he could win at Iowa he would have been COACH enough to stick it out for the long haul. But SA was looking for jobs at MIZZU, IU and then NM. I support Lick but on the other hand if there are any players that leave at the end of this year that are major contributors than Lick needs to go, if the team comes out in 2010-2011 and isn't at .500 or better he needs to go. Firing Lick at the end of this year is pointless and not worth risking players leaving or recruits that might decommit.
these boards can be kinda frustrating, i think i have something for all of us that are behind the team and lick, and its pretty simple. don't get on here and defend them, they won't be convinced. we can talk the games and all that stuff in different threads, cuz at this point u know which posters get it and the ones that try, and u can't fix them, and like a very smart man said, "you can't fix stupid"
If you don't like the team, do us all and favor and stop watching the games and coming to the board. Why put yourself through the torture? I am sure you have better things to do!

No. We do not want that. Once this fan base reaches the level of apathy, we are done. At this point I'll take (accurate and fair) criticism over apathy. At least it means people out there still care.

The folks down on Lickliter have valid reasons to be. Just like you have reasons to be optomistic. It those fans that no longer care that should upset us.
It's not a matter of me thinking the program was better under SA than Lick, it's a matter of fact. Does SA have the all-time worst winning percentage in Iowa basketball history?

I agree SA probably wasn't a good fit here and I've never stated he was. But I also wasn't one that thought he was the worst thing in the world either. He was what his record said he was, about average.

I can also guarantee you that if Alford would have had the same "record" Lick has had after 3 years, I would have said the exact same things about him. In reality, he had showed some very promising signs and deserved additional years.

Again, I'll try to ask again......PLEASE name me ONE positive thing Lick has brought to the Iowa program in 3 years? Just one! I mean in 3 years....this shouldn't be hard to answer....
It's not a matter of me thinking the program was better under SA than Lick, it's a matter of fact. Does SA have the all-time worst winning percentage in Iowa basketball history?

I agree SA probably wasn't a good fit here and I've never stated he was. But I also wasn't one that thought he was the worst thing in the world either. He was what his record said he was, about average.

I can also guarantee you that if Alford would have had the same "record" Lick has had after 3 years, I would have said the exact same things about him. In reality, he had showed some very promising signs and deserved additional years.

Again, I'll try to ask again......PLEASE name me ONE positive thing Lick has brought to the Iowa program in 3 years? Just one! I mean in 3 years....this shouldn't be hard to answer....
What did SA bring in 8 years that he was here? Should be easier for you to name one since SA got 8 and LIck only has 3. I know you won't like my answer about what Lick has brought so I won't even bother. SA might have deserved more years but he was the one running away from them, he wasn't fired, he ran away from them years.
these boards can be kinda frustrating, i think i have something for all of us that are behind the team and lick, and its pretty simple. don't get on here and defend them, they won't be convinced. we can talk the games and all that stuff in different threads, cuz at this point u know which posters get it and the ones that try, and u can't fix them, and like a very smart man said, "you can't fix stupid"

Ah, so now anyone who doesn't see how wonderful things are with the basketball program is stupid? The rest "get it"? Ok. Gotcha.
What did SA bring in 8 years that he was here? Should be easier for you to name one since SA got 8 and LIck only has 3. I know you won't like my answer about what Lick has brought so I won't even bother.

Personally, I'd like to hear your take on what Lickliter has brought. I mean that.

What did Alford bring? Well not a whole lot, because let's face it, the Alford era was pretty uninspiring. But Alford did win two Big Ten Tournaments, had 3 NCAA appearances, and 7 out of 8 winning seasons. Not that 3 NCAA Tournaments in 8 years and just 1 win is anything to brag about, and many of Alf's "winning seasons" weren't that far over .500. Heck, that is better than what has happened since he left for UNM.

So far, Lickliter is yet to have a single winning season, or come anywhere close to a .500 conference record. Maybe next year will be the first, we'll see. But the record speaks for itself so far. I'm not sure how even the most optimistic Lickliter support can spin that into a positive.

Again, not that next year couldn't be pretty good, but so far in the Lickliter era...
Why does this always go back to Alford who is long gone? He was pretty average, but it's pretty easy to name some positive things he did in his 8 years; how about these 3 off top of my head, probably could come up with several more if I spent 2 minutes thinking about it:
!. Beat the #1 team in the counrty on a neutral floor in his first game @ Iowa
2. Won 2 Big Ten Tournament Championships- only B10 BB titles of any kind for Iowa in decades
3. Finished 2nd in B10 and in Top 10 in Country for much of 2006 season- 3 seed highest since Mr. Davis's first year
It is just too early to make a final judgment on Coach Lickliter.

I think at the end of next year Mr. Barta will make a judgment. If we show meaningful improvement next year, he will give him an extension.

If we do not show improvement (or if there are more defections from the team), Lickliter could be in trouble at the end of next year.

I think this is the reality. Bashing the coach and the team might make a fan feel better, but it makes no difference for Barta and it probably hurts the program overall, since potential recruits read these message boards.
What 1977Hawkeye said....

Now your ONE positive thing Lick has done for Iowa basketball in 3 years?
What did SA bring in 8 years that he was here? Should be easier for you to name one since SA got 8 and LIck only has 3. I know you won't like my answer about what Lick has brought so I won't even bother. SA might have deserved more years but he was the one running away from them, he wasn't fired, he ran away from them years.

I read a couple places you say SA got 8 years and Lick only 3 so far. You also don't seem to think SA brought anything good in that time, but his first 3 years were a lot more productive than Licks. Using your logic if you think the SA era was so bad WHY would you want to give Lick 8 years. Shouldn't we learn from our mistakes if Alford was so bad yet had more success?????
You should really understand Shada's motive by now. He doesn't want logical discussion about Iowa basketball, as it makes every post he makes look very foolish. He's only looking for people to back-up whatever he types and whenever facts are presented, he has no other reply other than to call names. Same story, every post.....predictable, very predictable. Actually, childish, very, very childish.

I don't think I've been involved in too much name calling here, and wasn't in the post above. If you can find an instance where I have, feel free to point it out or post a link to it.

I know the popular thing among many on this board is to ***** and moan, rip the players and staff, and generally be negative about everything involving the Iowa basketball team, and to be negative constantly.

The constant ******* and moaning is grating and irritating, so I've decided to look for positives with this team wherever and whenever I can find them. If that makes me a contrarian, it's a mantle that I'll wear proudly.

7 posts on this board, with 4 of them coming in this thread, and you've all ready got me pegged?
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It's not a matter of me thinking the program was better under SA than Lick, it's a matter of fact. Does SA have the all-time worst winning percentage in Iowa basketball history?

I agree SA probably wasn't a good fit here and I've never stated he was. But I also wasn't one that thought he was the worst thing in the world either. He was what his record said he was, about average.

I can also guarantee you that if Alford would have had the same "record" Lick has had after 3 years, I would have said the exact same things about him. In reality, he had showed some very promising signs and deserved additional years.

Again, I'll try to ask again......PLEASE name me ONE positive thing Lick has brought to the Iowa program in 3 years? Just one! I mean in 3 years....this shouldn't be hard to answer....

That's possible, but the actual reality is that he was negotiating his contract with New Mexico during the season, and couldn't get out of town fast enough.'re right, I'm not around these parts much. I stayed with Rob at Hawkeyeinsider, as I like the recruiting info. However, I do like the articles Jon writes, so I venture over here from time to time and I also enjoy some of the posts.

I understand being frustrated with the negative posts, but what do you really expect given the current state of affairs with Iowa basketball? Plus, I'm not sure why you whining and complaining about people who whine and complain makes you any different. That's far from a contrarian....

Criticizing anyone who posts a negative comment about Lick and telling them to go follow other teams is frankly childish, so I won't back down from my original point.

You could just not open or comment on the negative posts and just start positive posts to get your point across? Nah, it's just too easy to whine and complain about the whiners and complainers.... missed the part about 3 years. SA showed promise his first 3 years, which is why he deserved and received more time. Once public opinion changed, he got out of Iowa City as fast as he won't find me defending SA. He did some good, but overall he was just as good as his record said he was....average at best. missed the part about 3 years. SA showed promise his first 3 years, which is why he deserved and received more time. Once public opinion changed, he got out of Iowa City as fast as he won't find me defending SA. He did some good, but overall he was just as good as his record said he was....average at best.

I wouldn't say he showed any promise other than winning his first game and then having some really underachieving teams with Recker and Evans. That 2000(2001?) team could have been one of the best in school history, but it took them winning the Big Ten tournament to get into the dance.'re right, I'm not around these parts much. I stayed with Rob at Hawkeyeinsider, as I like the recruiting info. However, I do like the articles Jon writes, so I venture over here from time to time and I also enjoy some of the posts.

I understand being frustrated with the negative posts, but what do you really expect given the current state of affairs with Iowa basketball? Plus, I'm not sure why you whining and complaining about people who whine and complain makes you any different. That's far from a contrarian....

Criticizing anyone who posts a negative comment about Lick and telling them to go follow other teams is frankly childish, so I won't back down from my original point.

You could just not open or comment on the negative posts and just start positive posts to get your point across? Nah, it's just too easy to whine and complain about the whiners and complainers....

1. Does that mean you can't find an example? Do me a favor, and don't try to pigeonhole me.
Just scroll up to your other post where you told a guy named Jay to go follow Creighton or something along those lines, after he wrote a very fair and valid won't have to dig much to find where you whine and complain about the whiners and complainers. But, if it makes you feel better that you are one of the positive whiners and complainers, then hats off to you...
these boards can be kinda frustrating, i think i have something for all of us that are behind the team and lick, and its pretty simple. don't get on here and defend them, they won't be convinced. we can talk the games and all that stuff in different threads, cuz at this point u know which posters get it and the ones that try, and u can't fix them, and like a very smart man said, "you can't fix stupid"

I agree with this totally. I just try to stay out of it now. There are about 10-15 REALLY vocal people on here leading the charge with about 15-30 posts PER DAY ripping on anything and everything Iowa BB.

There is really no disguising it with them, I find the political forum to be more civil than these guys.....Just saying.....
I have been saying this all along and I think Iowa should be in the NCAA at the end of year 5. I don't think that would happen with a change at the end of this year!

Wow, you have little for expectations ... Why should it take a coach, at a school like Iowa, five years to reach the NCAA tourney?

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