It Does Not Matter The Topic!!!!

I agree with this totally. I just try to stay out of it now. There are about 10-15 REALLY vocal people on here leading the charge with about 15-30 posts PER DAY ripping on anything and everything Iowa BB.

There is really no disguising it with them, I find the political forum to be more civil than these guys.....Just saying.....

I just don't understand how you can feel so confident in yourself supporting what is going on right now. Now I do not mean support as in going to the games and what not because I attend every single game as well.

I don't like people who bash Lick w/o any substance or do drive by name calling either, but rational beliefs using evidence to show the shortcomings of the program seem ok to me and realistic. I am just as annoyed by people who seem to think that everything is ok in the world of Iowa basketball. I have seen very few reasonable arguments with evidence as to why this program is heading in the right direction. Feel free to be the first to start this.

Having blind faith may make you feel like a good Hawk fan at the end of the day which I hope is good for the ego, but it does little to move the program forward. This board is much more optimistic than any of the others ones.
I think the point is that there is only a finite number of ways that people can discuss the problems with the coach/players/team/program, and those topics have been exhausted by now.

So what happens? We end up discussing the same point, hjaving the same stupid argument every time. Every thread may start somewhere new, but will always END in the same place. There is very little reasonable discussion going on. It has essentiallybecome a troll hive, where things go along until someone spouts off, and derails the thread. Then the line in the sand will be drawn, and the factions will rush to their sides and continue saying the same stale things.
I just don't understand how you can feel so confident in yourself supporting what is going on right now. Now I do not mean support as in going to the games and what not because I attend every single game as well.

I don't like people who bash Lick w/o any substance or do drive by name calling either, but rational beliefs using evidence to show the shortcomings of the program seem ok to me and realistic. I am just as annoyed by people who seem to think that everything is ok in the world of Iowa basketball. I have seen very few reasonable arguments with evidence as to why this program is heading in the right direction. Feel free to be the first to start this.

Having blind faith may make you feel like a good Hawk fan at the end of the day which I hope is good for the ego, but it does little to move the program forward. This board is much more optimistic than any of the others ones.

Who said I have blind faith? I see some optimistic things in the program, and have written about them, but get shouted down. No biggie, I'm a big boy, I'm just saying it is the same argument in the end as Ghost says.

I'm just super tired of the about 10-15 guys who bag on this program incessantly. I mean they come up with new thread daily to bash on the same old thing. If they enjoy that, they can knock themselves out and continue doing it. I myself have for the most part tuned them out.

Lick will get next year to prove if he belongs or not, that is where I come down, so what is the point about whining, b!tching, and moaning about it 30 times a day?
Lick will get next year to prove if he belongs or not, that is where I come down, so what is the point about whining, b!tching, and moaning about it 30 times a day?

Well said. As Real World Ambassador, this has been my position as well. Lick will be the coach next year, like it or not, so ragging on him non-stop serves little purpose but repeat the same thing over and over.

Now, I'm not saying that it is wrong. Hell, I am not even going to say that he doesn't deserve it. What I am saying is that, at this point, hating on Lick is like trying to walk a house cat. It's pointless, it's painful, and you won't get anywhere.
Just scroll up to your other post where you told a guy named Jay to go follow Creighton or something along those lines, after he wrote a very fair and valid won't have to dig much to find where you whine and complain about the whiners and complainers. But, if it makes you feel better that you are one of the positive whiners and complainers, then hats off to you...

That guy is a Creighton fan.

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