ISU Series to Continue?


Well-Known Member
5 Big Ten home games in odd years for West teams. That matches nicely with a road game in Ames in odd years. The problem with that scenario is no BCS home games outside of the Big Ten and ISU. I'd like to see Iowa only schedule ISU 2 of 4 years and add some variety to the schedule.
Will the Big 10 and the Big 12 be able to work out the scheduling to put UI in Ames on the odd years and ISU in Iowa City on the even years? It will take both conferences working together in order to make this series continue.
Yes, it will continue. The game is already scheduled in IC on even years, no change is necessary. I give it a 1% chance of changing.
I really don't understand why we can't drop it to playing the series a couple of times each decade. This new 9 game arrangement and the CyHawk series basically means Iowa will never play another BCS team again. I would much rather cut back on ISU and then schedule some more home and home games with other BCS teams around the country.
Will the Big 10 and the Big 12 be able to work out the scheduling to put UI in Ames on the odd years and ISU in Iowa City on the even years? It will take both conferences working together in order to make this series continue.

According to BTN show the West will have 5 home games in the odd years and 4 in the even years starting in 2016. The teams are not to play FBS opponents. The issue is going to be whether or not conference games will start the 2nd game or 3rd game of the season. It is possible that the Purdue game may have to be moved up on the schedule to accommodate their game with Notre Dame and their cross over game with Indiana the last game of the season. Right now the ISU game is scheduled for the 2nd week of the season in 2016 and 2017.
I really don't understand why we can't drop it to playing the series a couple of times each decade. This new 9 game arrangement and the CyHawk series basically means Iowa will never play another BCS team again. I would much rather cut back on ISU and then schedule some more home and home games with other BCS teams around the country.

I agree with you. I'd like to see ISU rotate the series with Nebraska and Minnesota. Maybe some arrangement where Kansas, Kansas State, and ISU rotate with NE, IA, and MN.
I agree with you. I'd like to see ISU rotate the series with Nebraska and Minnesota. Maybe some arrangement where Kansas, Kansas State, and ISU rotate with NE, IA, and MN.

I really just enjoy an excuse to go to other stadiums and places I have never been to before. I went to the Arizona game back in 2010 and although the game result was crappy, I really enjoyed getting to see somewhere where I normally would never go to. I am planning on going out to Pittsburgh next year for the Pitt game as well, another place I have never been to and really up until Iowa plays there, had no reason to go. This is why I am in favor of dropping ISU except to play them home and home every few years.
This game is a much bigger game for Iowa State than it is for Iowa. I wouldn't object at all if the B1G realignment and game requirements resulted in it being pushed off the schedule.
We need this game bad. Huge game for Iowa as we get to play a team from a better conference that we can beat. Plus kirk needs to get back to beating them as they are picking up momentum in the state and kirk is running around trying to keep up. Game in DSM and now a scrimmage. It's obvious he knows that he needs to change it up to not allow ISU to gain more momentum.
This game is a much bigger game for Iowa State than it is for Iowa. I wouldn't object at all if the B1G realignment and game requirements resulted in it being pushed off the schedule.

Iowa needs to focus on getting stronger out of conference competition that will produce observable benefits with a better bowl resume.
We need this game bad. Huge game for Iowa as we get to play a team from a better conference that we can beat. Plus kirk needs to get back to beating them as they are picking up momentum in the state and kirk is running around trying to keep up. Game in DSM and now a scrimmage. It's obvious he knows that he needs to change it up to not allow ISU to gain more momentum.

This is a pretty hilarious post.

The day KF runs around and tries to keep up with ISU is the day I **** a brick of gold.

How is it, in your opinion, that ISU is a better program than ISU?
The proportion of Iowa fans looking to drop this series has multiplied 20 fold since Hayden ripped off 15 or 16 in a row (or whatever it was).

Until we beat them for a decade straight, we shouldn't be calling for an end to the series. Until then, we need to acknowledge that it is a decent rivalry and that ISU isn't the flaming bag of poop that it once was.
The game is a huge financial positive compared to other OOC games. ISU is a premium ticket on our schedule. Arizona was also a premium ticket, but Pitt was one of the cheapest games on the schedule. Our road trip to Ames is much less costly than a road trip to Arizona or Pitt.

Frankly, the ISU games are more exciting than Pitt or Arizona. Tons of people show up for the ISU game, and the Ariz/Pitt games don't come close to comparing.
The game is much, much, much, more important for ISU than Iowa. Without the Iowa game, ISU would almost be irrevelant in football in most years in the state of Iowa. I have been saying year in and year out Iowa should drop them and replace with them with more quality opponents. Iowa is expected to win this game most years (if not every year by the over all media) so it does not do a lot for us anyway. Get some better blood on the schedule.

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