ISU fans

So you could tell me today with a straight face that he will redshirt this season?

I have absolutely no clue and neither do you!! Most players do RS at Iowa, so its probably a fair possibility. Iowa also has a lot of other RB's on the team making it even more a possibility. If someone put a gun to my head, I would think the rotation next year will be Canzeri, Garmon and Dawson in no particular order and that Hill would redshirt.

Does ISU have enough trophy cases for all the hardware this 6 deep wrecking crew of a backfield will be bringing home the next couple years? Someone get Archie Griffin on alert!
Whats the difference with 10-15 Iowa fans that take up their time on CF? And the countless that check the site daily and then post links over here? I am one of maybe a handful that visit this site regularly, oh well.

I'm just not sure that "visit" is a potent enough description of what you do here.
Arguing with an ISU fan is like arguing with a cow.

He mostly just stares at you blankly and chews, punctuated by occasional "moos" and rancid smells.
Oooo pick me! I can cherry-pick stats too!! Just watch:

In the 7 games that Iowa won this year, they were 7-0.

Wasn't that easy ISUer? And tell your other Cyclone buddy that can't spell that I actually HAVE an iPad and as I type this, it did not offer "your" as the auto-correct for "you're".
Oooo pick me! I can cherry-pick stats too!! Just watch:

In the 7 games that Iowa won this year, they were 7-0.

I have an ISU intern who fetches me coffee and polishes my loafers. He whipped out his calculator, furrowed his unibrow for 9 minutes and confirms you are CORRECT, sir!
Would also like to say and I quote "Johnson was getting abused by Mcnutt." Referring to the senior bowl north practices. Umm suck it.
Serious question. Did Kirk and Bill Snyder spend time together earlier in their coaching career? Seems like they have a lot in common as far as scheduling and offering scholarships to players that have committed to other schools.
Serious question. Did Kirk and Bill Snyder spend time together earlier in their coaching career? Seems like they have a lot in common as far as scheduling and offering scholarships to players that have committed to other schools.

I heard they take a fishing trip together once a year.
I heard ISU is going to drop 1 more male sport so they can move to D-II. They already are at the minimum to be in D-I.

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