Is Kirk Ferentz a Hall of Fame Coach?

You think football will be around in 20015? How good will he be? Crap, how old will he be? Older than Joe Pa was?
I was really hoping to add to the discussion by actually doing the math but thanks for focusing in the typo.
Yes, but KF still loses money when he gives to charity. It's just that his income is so high he can be reimbursed for 39% of his donation in the form of a tax deduction.

So let's say KF donates $1M to charity. That means he gets a $390k deduction on his taxes. But in terms of net loss he still gave away $610k to charity. That's still a good chunk of change.

I hardly think 610000 is painful for him.

Was at the hospital for 3 days pastweek w daughter. The hospital was nice...really nice and amazingly empty. The 12th floor had some visitors but aside from my daughter only one child was seen and I went up there qute a bit. Most of the visitors seemed like off the street fans or visiting someone. Most were quite elderly.

What would be nice would be donations to the RM House. Decided not to stay as the rooms available were like a small town motel off the main highways. Hall carpet was grungy. Parking is at Finkbine which is very inconvenient. R M House in other places is a nice place to chill for stressed and exhausted parents.

The RN staff was very young and not very experienced compared to other childrens hospitals we've experienced.
If Kirk Ferentz is remembered for anything, it will probably be for Iowa's late season upsets of Top 5 teams, spoiling their chances of playing for a national championship.

Nobody, outside of Iowa fans, will remember that Iowa got close themselves more than once under Ferentz.
So I question if Kirk had coached at 3 different schools in the past 20 years with a similar total record if anyone would view him as any more than mediocre. I'm not a stats guy to the degree I know where to find things but I'd wager that there are 2-3 coaches with similar W/L records over 20 years that NO ONE would consider HOF coaches.

I guess I don't want to give too much credit to longevity. Look at the guys around Ferentz on this list. Are THEY HOF coaches?
I think this is the key question.
Hypothetically, if KF coached at the following schools for the period listed
Iowa 6 years
South Carolina 6 years
Missouri 6 years

AND had the same overall .560 conference record, would he be a HOF coach?
I think this is the key question.
Hypothetically, if KF coached at the following schools for the period listed
Iowa 6 years
South Carolina 6 years
Missouri 6 years

AND had the same overall .560 conference record, would he be a HOF coach?
Of course he wouldn't. If he gets in, it'll be because the selection folks think sticking around at one school for 2 decades is a big enough accomplishment to warrant induction.
I think this is the key question.
Hypothetically, if KF coached at the following schools for the period listed
Iowa 6 years
South Carolina 6 years
Missouri 6 years

AND had the same overall .560 conference record, would he be a HOF coach?
The odd thing is that it seems like its easier to turn around a bad program than it is to maintain a good but not great program for a long period of time. Guys like Ron Turner, Ron Zook, Mark Mangino, Gary Barnett, Gary Pinkel and others were fairly successful for a short period of time, but none of those guys could maintain the program. In other words, climbing the hill is easier than staying on top of it. Hell even Urban Meyer couldn't maintain what he had at Florida and left that program a mess they still haven't cleaned up If you're going to coach at one school for twenty years you still need a lot of things to go your way. Avoid any kind of scandel,survive seasons when you have a rash of injuries or bad bounces of the ball, kiss ass with the big money donors, don't piss off the AD or university president, don't get burned out, and maintain your own health. If coaching at one school for twenty years was easy, why dont more coaches do it?
I think this is the key question.
Hypothetically, if KF coached at the following schools for the period listed
Iowa 6 years
South Carolina 6 years
Missouri 6 years

AND had the same overall .560 conference record, would he be a HOF coach?

Would he also have the 5 top 8 finishes in the polls? Then the answer is probably.

But then longevity at one school and the effect a coach has had on one single program should be taken into account.
During the KF era, Iowa has been ranked in the preseason top 25 just 6 times.

Iowa finished ranked just 6 times in 19 years.

2 of those finishes when ranked were after bowl losses

4 of those finishes happened when Iowa was unranked in the preseason
"Ferentz may have tenure and has churned out NFL prospects left and right, but he’s proven that he doesn’t currently have the drive to make his program any better than it is. That’s not a mentality that can just spring up overnight, either. Frost, on the other hand, started executing a long-term plan for his days in Lincoln from the second his new destination was set in stone.

I can’t say that I blame Ferentz for his current situation. He’s making bank and all he has to do is spin the Iowa football program’s tires in the mud. However, it won’t take Frost long to expose that effort or lack thereof."

"Ferentz may have tenure and has churned out NFL prospects left and right, but he’s proven that he doesn’t currently have the drive to make his program any better than it is. That’s not a mentality that can just spring up overnight, either. Frost, on the other hand, started executing a long-term plan for his days in Lincoln from the second his new destination was set in stone.

I can’t say that I blame Ferentz for his current situation. He’s making bank and all he has to do is spin the Iowa football program’s tires in the mud. However, it won’t take Frost long to expose that effort or lack thereof."

It's almost to easy. It also said the Iowa game is circled. I wonder if our coaches are scared?
It's almost to easy. It also said the Iowa game is circled. I wonder if our coaches are scared?
I highly doubt the game is really circled, but I'm definitely more confident in Frost's abilites versus Riley's. That said, even if Frost is Osborne 2.0, we should still be able to take care of them this year. It'll be interesting to see how they perform this season though.
Seems to be a pretty accurate assessment of Iowa football and the mindset of our fans. Don’t be shocked if we lose to Nebby and ISU. If not this year then next.
Seems to be a pretty accurate assessment of Iowa football and the mindset of our fans. Don’t be shocked if we lose to Nebby and ISU. If not this year then next.

With Nebraska improving, perhaps Purdue and ISU as well... We'll have a recurrence of the 2013-2014 era discontent before long. He won't stick around this time, he'll be too tired.
"Ferentz is 7-8 in bowl games, which comes out to a percentage of .467. If we use a grading scale, Ferentz completely fails. So, he isn’t even an average coach in the games that matter the most, the actual “championship games” (quotes because we have never been to an actual championship).

In the regular season, Ferentz is 143-97 which comes out to .596, a generous D-minus and still below average. What is worst about Coach Ferentz, he is the highest-paid public employee in the state of Iowa. He makes $4 million a year. Shouldn’t fans expect more from a coach receiving a multimillionaire-dollar salary?"
"Ferentz is 7-8 in bowl games, which comes out to a percentage of .467. If we use a grading scale, Ferentz completely fails. So, he isn’t even an average coach in the games that matter the most, the actual “championship games” (quotes because we have never been to an actual championship).

In the regular season, Ferentz is 143-97 which comes out to .596, a generous D-minus and still below average. What is worst about Coach Ferentz, he is the highest-paid public employee in the state of Iowa. He makes $4 million a year. Shouldn’t fans expect more from a coach receiving a multimillionaire-dollar salary?"

Well, "games that matter most" ...yes and no. If it's the playoffs, of course...or a name opponent on New Year's Day. But I'd suggest beating tOSU or Penn ST at home in November or October matters more than beating BC in the freaking cold over Christmas break.
"Ferentz is 7-8 in bowl games, which comes out to a percentage of .467. If we use a grading scale, Ferentz completely fails. So, he isn’t even an average coach in the games that matter the most, the actual “championship games” (quotes because we have never been to an actual championship).

In the regular season, Ferentz is 143-97 which comes out to .596, a generous D-minus and still below average. What is worst about Coach Ferentz, he is the highest-paid public employee in the state of Iowa. He makes $4 million a year. Shouldn’t fans expect more from a coach receiving a multimillionaire-dollar salary?"

I know you're not a big fan of KF, but that article...yikes.
I don't know, the Wave is a pretty cool sideline prop...

So Ferentz completely fails in bowl games and barely passes (.596) during the regular season, but when he starts 2015 12-0 the players and supporting staff deserve most of the credit.

I see not much has changed at the Daily Idiot, I mean Iowan. Steve Batterson is a solid alum. People who were sportswriters and editors after Batterson during my college tenure like Dan Millea and Mike "Magic" Trilk, not so much. Millea tried to make a name for himself by accusing Hayden Fry of (paraphrasing) "Communist Dictatorship Intimidation" toward sportswriters.

Fry and Ferentz don't make things easy for writers, that's a fact. Especially when challenged. That doesn't make them any different from dozens of football and basketball coaches working in small college cities and towns all over the country.

I can be critical of Ferentz, but that article is a pretty low blow. He isn't the only big time college football coach making over a million dollars a year. Very few are making less. If a sportswriter from the DI finds PJ Fleck's schtick more appealing perhaps he should transfer schools. Then I would consider giving the Daily Iowan a higher grade than a D-minus.

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