Is DJK Bust Another Reminder of Ferentz Knows Best?

Color me jaded, but this isn't Iowa's first brush with the law in the area of drugs and football players in recent years.

The notion that "Ferentz knows best" because he kept DJK quiet doesn't sit well with me. It makes me think that Ferentz believed it was only a matter of time before the bomb that was DJK went off, and Ferentz hoped it wouldn't be while DJK was at Iowa.

Now it has gone off and the first instinct from some quarters is to absolve Ferentz of all knowledge and responsibility. I'm sorry, but I don't think it's going to be that easy this time.
Wow, you guys who think Ferentz had no clue of any of this are really naive in my view. You don't think for one second a coach doesn't know that one of his star players is living with someone with previous drug convictions? Come on. I love Ferentz but there is no way in hell he had no clue about any of this....
I find it impossible that KF knew nothing of this.

I also find it impossible that KF knew the extent. I think most CFB coaches would have a don't ask don't tell policy on pot, but pills and blow? Christ on a raft.

HawksFlyHigh post would be my best guess.

I can say without a doubt that drugs were the stem of the entire "doghouse" incidents back in 2008. I have some mutual friends with him, some of which are kind of close to him.

I never wanted to say anything on message boards because I didn't feel like revealing his personal life, and I didn't think it was anyone else's business.

The whole "doghouse" thing started because he declined multiple drug tests. You are allowed to reschedule one as a "time conflict" but DJK apparently tried to do this multiple times, and either nearly failed, or did fail one back in 2008.

It has now come to this. I feel sorry for the guy, but he made the choices. Hopefully he can get them righted.

I can concur with this. He is not the only player that has used/tested positive for drug use. The problem is it was common knowledge on campus that DJK liked to "party." The NCAA tests, but the players usually know when those will take place. The University also tests on occasion independently. A positive test does not always equal punishment that we hear of. Sometimes it is in-house conditioning type stuff and sometimes it is a stern talking to from the top. These guys are college kids and do things that other college kids do. Heck, when I was there I knew of multiple football and basketball players that got down with bud and coke. I also was good friends with a player that tested positive for bud, got a stern talk from the Captain and is now in the NFL.
I guess the headline "Ferentz knows best" rubs me the wrong way. The last game before his career ends it comes out. Interesting. If KF really knew best it wouldn't have taken 5 years and him becoming the leading WR in Iowa history.

It clearly looks like both KF and DJK didn't know best..
I just don't get the "Ferentz Knows Best" Comment. It just doesn't make any sense.. I've read the article and it's just odd to me.
I can concur with this. He is not the only player that has used/tested positive for drug use. The problem is it was common knowledge on campus that DJK liked to "party." The NCAA tests, but the players usually know when those will take place. The University also tests on occasion independently. A positive test does not always equal punishment that we hear of. Sometimes it is in-house conditioning type stuff and sometimes it is a stern talking to from the top. These guys are college kids and do things that other college kids do. Heck, when I was there I knew of multiple football and basketball players that got down with bud and coke. I also was good friends with a player that tested positive for bud, got a stern talk from the Captain and is now in the NFL.

Every one on here saying he has ruined his chances of playing in the NFL is being irrational. The number of players in the NFL that has done or is doing drugs may be a small percentage but the NFL will take chances on your DJK's of the world. The league is all about producing talent on the field that may help their teams to win. DJK lasted all the way through his possible last game. Scouts from the NFL have seen him played.(I am assuming, not for sure)I am to believe that if he can get his act together and vow to change his life style(Yes, even he could) then he could make it in the next level. I think there is a team out there that would take someone like him. If they are taking chances on the TO's of the world and the M.Viks of the world, then DJK's are a percentage of guys already in the league that are doing drugs or have yet to be caught and making impacts for their respected teams.

I by all means not sticking up for DJK. He needs to serve the punishment coming to him. At the same time he needs a second chance when given and try to rebound and let someone else take the challenge of his personality. Everyone has someone that could mentor them to the good. The NFL may have the right person for him if they take a chance on him.
There is a team that is looking for him. Rather it be through draft or Free Agency.
I can concur with this. He is not the only player that has used/tested positive for drug use. The problem is it was common knowledge on campus that DJK liked to "party." The NCAA tests, but the players usually know when those will take place. The University also tests on occasion independently. A positive test does not always equal punishment that we hear of. Sometimes it is in-house conditioning type stuff and sometimes it is a stern talking to from the top. These guys are college kids and do things that other college kids do. Heck, when I was there I knew of multiple football and basketball players that got down with bud and coke. I also was good friends with a player that tested positive for bud, got a stern talk from the Captain and is now in the NFL.

SirEd, you seem to know what's up here too. I'm glad someone can understand it realistically, rather than the OMG SO STUPID HIS LIFE IS DOWN DRAIN!
Jon, I appreciate you leading the charge of admitting being wrong regarding DJK. I have criticized KF and praised DJK in recent weeks. I was wrong about this.

I complained about KF after the Western Michigan loss until someone who know more about sports and coaching than I do told me the severe impact multiple losses at the same positions can adversely impact a team. The past few weeks I have been extremely critical of KF again.

Lets hope he proves me wrong over the next few years.
Ed, you are starting to scare me a little bit...

Haha, if you think DJK is the only guy on the team doing drugs you are blind to what is going on. That said, Iowa is no different than any other college team in the country. This is why grown people should not fawn over college athletes.
Serious question, can these D-1 athletes who are getting a free ride to college be tested for drugs on a regular basis?

I'm so ****** right now, we lost all the ground we made up from all the other legal issues. How can his teammates not know about this, or worse yet, not bring it to the coaches attn if they did? If his rommie was dealing drugs out of his residence, chances are some folks will eventually turn them in...ya think?!?
SirEd, you seem to know what's up here too. I'm glad someone can understand it realistically, rather than the OMG SO STUPID HIS LIFE IS DOWN DRAIN!

I think there is a clear gap in posters, those of use who are on campus versus the older posters who aren't around the athletes. The don't ask, don't tell policy surrounds all major football programs and the NFL scouts have said they can't even hold marijuana charges against players anymore because they are so numerous across the board.

Also, there are ways to get around passing drug tests which are frequently used by athletes.
Is DJK Bust Another Reminder of Ferentz Knows Best?

no, apples vs oranges

Something to think about. DJK was charged with possession of weed and cocaine and also having a "drug house". Obviously, with over 100 players on the football team, other members of the team knew about DJK and what he was doing off the field. Hopefully, no other players were involved with the DJK Drug House but that is probably wishful thinking. Obviously, several members of the football team were talking about DJK and the possession of drugs at his house in the locker room. We all know that DJK was in Ferentz's Dog House for years. DJK didn't start the last game of the season but still played. What were the reasons for that? Being that we suspect players talking about DJK's Drug House in the locker room, is it really possible for every single coach not to over hear one thing. Come on. You have to be completely naive. This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. The Cancer is back on the Iowa Football team.
Wow, you guys who think Ferentz had no clue of any of this are really naive in my view. You don't think for one second a coach doesn't know that one of his star players is living with someone with previous drug convictions? Come on. I love Ferentz but there is no way in hell he had no clue about any of this....

I won't say "no clue", but DJK wasn't living with these dudes until the start of the season. Once the season starts, the coaches have plenty of obligations that prvent them for maintaining a roster of who's living with who.
It's another case of leadership and responsibilty. The Iowa football team is Ferentz's responsibility. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't. If he knew, he should have taken steps to either remover the problem or remove the player. If he didn't know, then again, it was his responsibility to know. I don't understand rewarding drug users with starting positions on the Hawkeye football team.
I hated it when DJK broke Tim Dwight's record because Timmy D is my favorite all time Hawk. Now, I wish there were a way to erase that guys name. We need to seriously recruit someone who can break that record. If it means changing coordinators to a pass happy offense for 4 years then do it now. Every play should be designed to pass it to said "high character" receiver. DJK = Barry Bonds. No respect for that guy at all for erasing Dwight's name from the top of that list.