Is DJK Bust Another Reminder of Ferentz Knows Best?

I'm so ****** right now, we lost all the ground we made up from all the other legal issues. How can his teammates not know about this, or worse yet, not bring it to the coaches attn if they did? If his rommie was dealing drugs out of his residence, chances are some folks will eventually turn them in...ya think?!?

I'm pretty sure they did know (as did the coaches somewhat) and I'm going to go out on a limb and say his teammates like to party at DJK's house
Please tell me you are joking, right?

Kirk would risk his job, his reputation, to hide something like this? No chance of that.

No joke here. I didn't say Kirk hid anything. I wondered when he became aware of the alleged drug activity.

Everyone says Pete C must have known about Reggie Bush. What's the difference here?

Kirk has lost complete control of this program off the field on two seperate occasions involving two completely different sets of players.

I'm tired of people, including Kirk, holding kids accountable for their actions on and off the field when the the one person who should be held accountable in both situations (KF), walks on water.

Football players getting in trouble starts with them. They made the stupid choices. Many college aged kids do the same. However its about time the adults in the Iowa program, the ones getting paid, to start taking responsibilty for poor performance, on and off the field.
I think there is a clear gap in posters, those of use who are on campus versus the older posters who aren't around the athletes. The don't ask, don't tell policy surrounds all major football programs and the NFL scouts have said they can't even hold marijuana charges against players anymore because they are so numerous across the board.

Also, there are ways to get around passing drug tests which are frequently used by athletes.

Yeah there is def. a gap. And yes, drug use in college and pro sports is much more prevalent than many would like to believe.
I have to stand up for Kirk here. A few years ago he didn't know his son was living in government subsidized housing, so how would he be expected to know a star player was living with a drug dealer?

I am going to assume you are joking here......because if you really do believe Kirk didn't know his own son was living in government subsidized housing then well I guess you are just one trusting individual. It would be the staff's job to make sure there are no blatant rules being broken especially when it involves the coach's son. All I can say is wow, do you honestly believe Kirk would not make sure his own "house" was in order relative to the rules the rest of his players need to abide by? Seriously?
I won't say "no clue", but DJK wasn't living with these dudes until the start of the season. Once the season starts, the coaches have plenty of obligations that prvent them for maintaining a roster of who's living with who.

You are assuming that Ferentz would have had no reason to be informed of this kind of thing with DJK till this season when he finally moved in with the shady character. Highly unlikely that there was no smoke before the fire in my view.
I hated it when DJK broke Tim Dwight's record because Timmy D is my favorite all time Hawk. Now, I wish there were a way to erase that guys name. We need to seriously recruit someone who can break that record. If it means changing coordinators to a pass happy offense for 4 years then do it now. Every play should be designed to pass it to said "high character" receiver. DJK = Barry Bonds. No respect for that guy at all for erasing Dwight's name from the top of that list.
Do you really think Dwight was squeaky clean? Come on, grab a clue.
You are assuming that Ferentz would have had no reason to be informed of this kind of thing with DJK till this season when he finally moved in with the shady character. Highly unlikely that there was no smoke before the fire in my view.

Well, I hope you are wrong for many, many reasons... My disappointment in the coaching staff as well as some of the "leaders" of the team would be incalculable.
Do you really think Dwight was squeaky clean? Come on, grab a clue.

I laughed at that post as well. Dwight was no where near clean. And it was well known around the university.

I can understand people being upset with DJK. I don't understand the title to this thread. Obviously Ferentz doesn't know best when it comes to his football players. I've had many, many former football players tell me that time and time again. He's an NFL guy and he treats Iowa like an NFL job. Unfortunately, that means he doesn't always connect with players like he should. I understand he can't be there to tuck them in and wipe their noses. Still, it's something he probably needs to improve on. Nobody's perfect.

I guess it's fitting that our All-time leading basketball scorer and our all-time leading receiver liked the candy.
Well, I hope you are wrong for many, many reasons... My disappointment in the coaching staff as well as some of the "leaders" of the team would be incalculable.

Well let's remember that Bill Parcells and the NY Giant players did not find out about Lawrence Taylor's "problems" when they read about them in the newspaper. Seriously this kind of thing has to be dealt with all the time in big time sports. Unfortunately it comes with the territory. Sad but true...
I hated it when DJK broke Tim Dwight's record because Timmy D is my favorite all time Hawk. Now, I wish there were a way to erase that guys name. We need to seriously recruit someone who can break that record. If it means changing coordinators to a pass happy offense for 4 years then do it now. Every play should be designed to pass it to said "high character" receiver. DJK = Barry Bonds. No respect for that guy at all for erasing Dwight's name from the top of that list.

Are you kidding? TD is a grade A DB and his comments when DJK was about to break his record showed his true colors.
article out tonight at hawkcentral says that DJK admitted to the use of drugs, and was aware that drugs were being used and sold from his place. He also tested positive for drugs in his system.
Everybody repeat..."Youth is a fault that improves daily with age".

Heavy drugs (and pot) have been around every football program to some capacity for a long long time. Not every player is involved or knows who is or cares. I think some of the other players who did know, probably should of cared more and give DJK a harsher "wake-up" about how his associates affect the entire team (but they are young 21 yo +/- kids), and maybe they did, and maybe that was some of the internal locker room strife.

I think every coach has an idea of who may or may not be imbibing and can only say so much or keep a back turned for so long. This is not just KF people, it happens at every institution, all coaches have this to deal with, whether it's drugs or alcohol. These are young people who are still learning and growing up. The coaches I'm sure try to turn their head to a certain extent, sometimes so as to still be able to field a competitive team. Big time athletics, but with young growing minds.

It is unfortunate. I feel this will continue to be a big story, but I hope it is kept in perspective. DJK is still a record holder and will get his turn in on Sundays.
lets not annoint Kirk too soon.

there were issues last summer that werent addressed properly involving other players.

with all due respect Jon, theres stuff you hear due to your connections as a media guy and there's a lot people dont tell you due to your position

the saddest thing about this is there's real friends of Derrells who told him it was not a good idea to move in with this other Johnson kid.

we put these athletes on a pedestal which is very unrealistic and then when they fall some of us act like we are innocent and have never had our own failings.

I hope Derrell gets his degree, gets out of Iowa City and learns from his mistakes.

you lay down with dogs, you get fleas.
30K students in IC and DJK ends up with a known/convicted drug dealer as a roommate.

Terrible bad luck.
30K students in IC and DJK ends up with a known/convicted drug dealer as a roommate.

Terrible bad luck.

And all 30k are using/selling drugs like DJK admitted?? Come on - he deserves what he's getting

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