Is anyone else getting sick of hearing about how great Joe Paterno is

Jo Pa had a positive effect on tens of thousands of people which is tens of thousands more than everyone on this board.

Unfortunately, he made a mistake that could have prevented a negative effect on a select few individuals.
A few select individuals? Facts state that for every 1 child that is sexually abused, the pedophile has 150-200 more victims. And again, for the intellectually challenged, these are underpriviledged children.

And this is more important that winning football games.

For all of the good that JoePa has done, let me give you this analogy, if you are smart enough to understand.

You can have a bucket of poop, and a bucket of ice cream. You can dump as much of that ice cream into the the bucket of poop, and it will not change. However, if you take one pinch of poop and drop in the the ice cream bucket, would you take a bowl full for desert?

Right now, JoePa's career is that bucket of ice cream with the pinch of poop mixed in.

His mistake was a big one, but no one is perfect. As time passes, is mistake will never be forgotten, but he will still be remembered as a legend and a great ambassador of the game.
Woody Hayes. Supposedly a great coach, but all I think about when I hear his name is that he punched a player and got fired. And that was only one incident, against a fully suited football player.

What JoePa has done is much worse, times infinity.
In the report it said that the GA told Joe that he saw Sandusky "fooling around", not raping, with a kid. That's the big point there and that's what JoePa testified to hearing from the GA. And then the GA confirmed that himself when he testified.
In the report it said that the GA told Joe that he saw Sandusky "fooling around", not raping, with a kid. That's the big point there and that's what JoePa testified to hearing from the GA. And then the GA confirmed that himself when he testified.

He told Paterno it was sexual.
In the report it said that the GA told Joe that he saw Sandusky "fooling around", not raping, with a kid. That's the big point there and that's what JoePa testified to hearing from the GA. And then the GA confirmed that himself when he testified.

You need to re-read the report....

"Joseph V. Paterno testified to receiving the graduate assistant's report at his home on a Saturday morning. Paterno testified that the graduate assistant was very upset. Paterno called Tim Curley ("Curley"), Penn State Athletic Director and Paterno's immediate superior, to his home the very next day, a Sunday, and reported to him that the graduate assistant had seen Jerry Sandusky in the Lasch building showers fondling or doing something of a sexual nature to a young boy."
In the report it said that the GA told Joe that he saw Sandusky "fooling around", not raping, with a kid. That's the big point there and that's what JoePa testified to hearing from the GA. And then the GA confirmed that himself when he testified.

60 year old man.
10 year old boy.
previous allegations that Joe was aware of.

Are you calling JoePa a complete moron?
I find it incredible that people think Paterno's good can possibly outweigh the bad.

He failed to protect a child. He failed to protect a child when it absolutely mattered the most.

That outweighs ANYTHING good Paterno has ever done.
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In the report it said that the GA told Joe that he saw Sandusky "fooling around", not raping, with a kid. That's the big point there and that's what JoePa testified to hearing from the GA. And then the GA confirmed that himself when he testified.
It said "fondling or doing something of a sexual nature."

Either way, it was wrong and the police should have been notified immediately.

I'm not sure if I'm more in fear of a POS like Sandusky, or I'm more scared that there are people as stupid as you and briankaldenberg in this country. Either way, it doesn't look good for our future as a country.
Really? I bet his name doesn't even get removed from the Big 10 trophy.

Obviously we have learned that people in positions of authority don't have the ballz to make the right decisions in our educational institutions. So if his name is not removed would it surprise anyone? Everyone has to save the golden goose, that is college football, at any expense.

For Joe to be looked at as anything but a giant hypocrite at the least is beyond me. The funny thing about this story is if he would have done the right thing to begin with he would be even a bigger hero and legend than he is. He would have saved boys from being raped...instead he allowed it to happen again and again.

I hope he can come to grips with that point in the short time he has left. And I hope Mike McQueary can't look into a mirror right now. If he has kids or will have kids I hope every time he sees them it reminds him of what he didn't do for that boy.
Um he's A living legend, and hes the winningest coach in major college football. So ya. Just cause he made one Ill judgment doesn't mean he should be condemned forever. Nobody knows his side of the story and what he was told. JoePa is a good man

You are joking, right?

The guy allowed children to be raped and sexually abused. A good man?

No one knows his side of the story?
Who gives a **** what he says. We know the facts and either way there is no excuse for allowing that **** to continue.

Also, you know JoePa personally? how do you know he was ever a good man? A good coach, sure. But you don't make this big of a mistake without having something wrong with you in the head.
I Just read it again, Joe reported it to his AD after the GA reported it to him. In the report, Joe plays a very small part. The GA shouldv stopped it, and the AD was the most qualified to handle the situation and look into it, not Joe. Joe did his job legally speaking, the AD did not. I bet Joe felt that the AD would take care of it, so he went on with whatever he was doing. The only reason Joe was fired was cuz he didn't call the cops, not cuz he was harboring a sex offender.
I Just read it again, Joe reported it to his AD after the GA reported it to him. In the report, Joe plays a very small part. The GA shouldv stopped it, and the AD was the most qualified to handle the situation and look into it, not Joe. Joe did his job legally speaking, the AD did not. I bet Joe felt that the AD would take care of it, so he went on with whatever he was doing. The only reason Joe was fired was cuz he didn't call the cops, not cuz he was harboring a sex offender.

Stop grasping at straws. He did the very minimum that was asked of him by law, but morally he fell far short. Even after reporting it to the AD, nothing happened. How can you not follow up on that situation? And don't think for a second that over the course of 9 years JoPa did not see Sandusky in the football facilities, which he was barred from.

He was in fact harboring a sex offender by not doing anything to stop him.
I Just read it again, Joe reported it to his AD after the GA reported it to him. In the report, Joe plays a very small part. The GA shouldv stopped it, and the AD was the most qualified to handle the situation and look into it, not Joe. Joe did his job legally speaking, the AD did not. I bet Joe felt that the AD would take care of it, so he went on with whatever he was doing. The only reason Joe was fired was cuz he didn't call the cops, not cuz he was harboring a sex offender.

Wrong again...Joe was fired because there was a S**t storm brewing around Penn State. Don't think that the Trustees were on a moral high horse. At the tops of the list is saving Penn State U not the football program. They couldn't care less prolly about the specifics. Why do you think Mike McQueary still has a job?

BTW I hope you are never put in a situation to save my kid or anyone else's from something like this because you obviously lack basic reasoning skills and a moral compass or maybe just the intestinal fortitude to stand up to evil. IDK
I Just read it again, Joe reported it to his AD after the GA reported it to him. In the report, Joe plays a very small part.
There in lies the problem.

The GA shouldv stopped it, and the AD was the most qualified to handle the situation and look into it, not Joe.
Really, how qualified do you have to be to pick up a phone and call 911?

You really are this dumb, aren't you?

Joe did his job legally speaking, the AD did not. I bet Joe felt that the AD would take care of it, so he went on with whatever he was doing.
Exactly, he did the bare minimum and washed his hands of the situation. A good and moral man NEVER would have done that.

The only reason Joe was fired was cuz he didn't call the cops, not cuz he was harboring a sex offender.
Only an idiot would say this. No, he was fired because, as any intelligent person can see, he allowed this to happen and was likely part of the cover up. Not only did he not contact the proper authorities, he, after knowing what Sandusky did, still allowed him access to PSU's facilities.
Read this again: He allowed Sandusky access to the playground where he raped children.
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Growing up in a lutheran church, Going to summer church camps for 10 yrs, working at one, working as a life guard for 3 yrs...ya I'm pretty sure I know how to stand up to evil and do the right thing. And I'm pretty sure I know when to give someone a chance to defend themselves.
Growing up in a lutheran church, Going to summer church camps for 10 yrs, working at one, working as a life guard for 3 yrs...ya I'm pretty sure I know how to stand up to evil and do the right thing. And I'm pretty sure I know when to give someone a chance to defend themselves.

You can give Chuck Manson a chance to defend himself. It doesn't really change much of anything when the answer is so obvious.
I Just read it again, Joe reported it to his AD after the GA reported it to him. In the report, Joe plays a very small part. The GA shouldv stopped it, and the AD was the most qualified to handle the situation and look into it, not Joe. Joe did his job legally speaking, the AD did not. I bet Joe felt that the AD would take care of it, so he went on with whatever he was doing. The only reason Joe was fired was cuz he didn't call the cops, not cuz he was harboring a sex offender.

So this is the baseline of who we erect statues to, name trophies after and bestow the title "living legend"?

Like I've said before, the apologists must chose;

Legend or schmuk? Because a legend isn't satisfied with "I'll take care of it". A legend follows up. A legend goes to the source and makes sure no funny business is occurring in his facilities on his watch.

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