Iowa's "Lack of Talent"

However, I think it could be argued May appears more athletic due to the team he plays on. Kind of like taking the hot girl from Drake and putting her on Arizona State's campus...she doesn't look as good anymore.

Well, that depends, doesn't it? I mean, a ten is a ten is a ten, right? David Robinson played for Navy. The mere fact you play on a smaller stage doesn't mean you aren't the best. Of course, the guys at Drake might have to stretch more to put some of the Drake girls in the 10 category than they do at ASU.

I can't remember now, what were we debating? ;-)

I do not come to this site expecting to see dead beaver.
This is BS.

I keep reading from different journalists, posters, etc... that Iowa doesn't have the talent to compete. What horsecrap.

Call me out for standing up for the guys on this team, but some people think we are working with DIII talent here, and it's not the case.

We've got talent on this team, it's too bad people can't see that sometimes.

Looks like Coach Lickliter is calling you out spank.

"If we don’t do the things you have to do, the non-skilled aspects of the game, we can’t beat anybody. It’s just not going to happen.’’

"It’s pretty obvious we have to do things that are very unskilled related to be able to compete and we didn’t do them.’’
Are they talented...yes. Using Ohio St as an example and the guards you mentioned, however, Iowa has no one in that category--Turner for example. Ohio St is very deep and very talented.

So I guess it comes down to how you want to define talented. Would Gatens start on other Big 10 teams? On some of them he definitely would, on some he would come off the bench.

I believe Iowa's kids are talented or they couldn't play in the Big 10. They have shown they can play Big 10 bb. Give them a deeper bench and Iowa will definitely be a better team. Many of Iowa's players would be role players IMO on another team. They definitely are not go-to players like Turner and a couple of the other OSU guards.

Therein, IMO, is Iowa's problem at present. Iowa needs one or two players like Turner. If Iowa can get a couple of those players Iowa has the surrounding talent to be quite good. Without those players I wonder how good Iowa can truly be even with the coach trying to change the opposing teams style of play?

Even with experienced players I think without a couple of truly good playmakers (like a Turner) and maybe even a true big man, Butler has shown to be only about a .500 team against upper caliper teams. My concern is that even with experienced players, without the playmakers, can Iowa consistently beat the upper division Big 10 teams to compete for a title and (or) compete for a top three position? Or do we split with these teams because we develop a nice homecourt advantage.

Does anyone ever see Iowa, playing the style of ball we play now starting off Big 10 play 7-1 or 6-2 or finishing the season at 14-2 or 13-3, 14-4? Without the playmakers that I was speaking of, I just don't. I think in the Big 10, teams need those players to compete for title.

Hopefully, the players coming in will surprise and can fill those roles. The won't be Evan Turners probably but who knows how good they might be. If even one of the new players can be a playmaker, Iowa's game will be much much better. And Iowa still needs that true Big 10 big man though.
Duff - If I had to do an apples to apples comparison. Iowa's Top 6 players, as a group, I'd put somewhere in the middle of the Big Ten. They aren't on the same level as OSU, MN, MSU, Wisc, or Purdue. But after those guys, Iowa's Top 6 are right there.

Or Michigan. Or Illinois. I think Northwestern is even debatable. Iowa does not have a Kevin Coble, John Sherna or a Drew Crawford. Illinois, if healthy, is also debatable, as they had the leading freshman scorer in the nation before he got hurt.

Now, we own PSU.
This team has some good basketball players, but very little athleticism, outside of May. This hurts us in the Big Ten when just about every opponent we play is able to overwhelm us physically and keep us 30 feet from the basket for most of the 35 second shot clock if they want to tighten the screws on defense. It also makes it difficult to play suffocating half-court defense, much less do any pressing. when your opponent is bigger and faster than you are.

Does this team have some talent? Yes, but not enough IMO. Hopefully next year's class will help that, but I still don't know how athletic we will be next year.
There are some nice players on this team, but this coach has massively failed to stock this team up with the players that are needed to compete at a high level in the BigTen. We see other coaches that have come in to the BigTen(at the same tme as Lickliter) and made strong impacts in their programs, heck, one can see the light with IU, yet at IOWA, its looks like its DOA.
No it's not. They are too completely different things.

Lack of Depth.
Lack of Talent.

Not remotely the same.

This team has a Lack of Depth. It does not have a Lack of Talent. The players that ARE on the team are talented... and some people have a hard time seeing or admitting that.

It's impossible to see something that isn't there. I could maybe go so far as to say some players on the team are semi-talented...what aspect of anyone's performance yesterday showed true talent? True talent shines through even when everyone else on the team sucks and even if you're getting ran, and that is not there. from anybody on this team.
Iowa has more talent then I thought earlier in the season. But this is also an indictment of Lickliter as a coach. The team played waaay below its talent level last night, and it does this on an all too frequent basis. All Michigan did was extend its defense a little bit and Iowa looked completely lost - like they had never seen such a defense or prepared for it in practice. On top of that, they didn't hustle. They looked like they didn't care.

Coaching incompetence and player indifference are a lot harder to correct than talent. You can't recruit that away.
This Iowa BB team DOES have talent.

Cully Payne is a very talented PG (makes frosh mistakes, but has the talent).
Eric May is one of the most athletic players in the Big Ten.
Matt Gatens would start on any other Big Ten team.
A healthy Fuller has proven what he can do in the Big Ten.
Cole, when given a chance, is effective as well on the boards and down low.
Even Cougill has shown flashes at the Big Ten level.

To argue your point is to slam the players and I don't want to do that. We are not as talented as most big ten teams especially inside. Of the players you listed in the quote, who can start on ANY other big ten team? No, Gatens would not start on any other big ten team. Good player but not able to start on every big ten team. We actually lack both, talent and talented depth.
Did the original poster watch the Michigan game? We are horrible ... We are a Big 10 team taking the court with MAC-level talent ... 46 points?? We got outschooled in every area ... If it wasn't the talent then tell us, original poster, was it the coaching that just sucked then?
Did the original poster watch the Michigan game? We are horrible ... We are a Big 10 team taking the court with MAC-level talent ... 46 points?? We got outschooled in every area ... If it wasn't the talent then tell us, original poster, was it the coaching that just sucked then?

Gee, do ya THINK I watched the UM game?
Gee, do ya THINK I watched the UM game?

Just curious if your love affair with the program was still as tried and true after the Michigan game ... Was curious if the blinders came off, maybe for even a minute? ... We have a Big 10 team with MAC talent ... This is not an athletic team by Big 10 standards ... Wake up

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