Iowa vs Wisconsin **OFFICIAL** game thread

Matt getting some love on ESPN, Matt especially......

They are saying that Matt could play on the professional level.....

How about that.....

The threads will begin soon.....
post game commentators making fun of Iowa fans rushing the floor. f espn, they are the ultimate front runners. would rather the game was on btn. they gave a whole 30 seconds for post game and it was all about wisky. shocking. lol
where's the Iowa can't or won't win another game in the BT this season, Iowa beats Indiana and now Wiscy, 7 wins in conference play, 13-5 at home, 15 wins overall equals the best record since lick got 15 in his 2nd season with three to play, iowa is now 4-2 in the 2nd half of the BT season. life is looking good for this team, and to think 4 of the starting 5 are either sophamores or freshmen
I like our chances of winning at least 1 more game in conference play and with Illinois in full melt down mode and they can't score for crap we have a chance there too.