Iowa vs. SIU-E Game Thread

woops sorry I had started a thread not realizing this was on here.

Will be interesting to see how much Cartwright plays today. Maybe Marble can spell him some time? Maybe if we blow them out put in Stubs for minutes?
woops sorry I had started a thread not realizing this was on here.

Will be interesting to see how much Cartwright plays today. Maybe Marble can spell him some time? Maybe if we blow them out put in Stubs for minutes?

Dude, we aren't going to blow anyone out. This could end up being a "too close for comfort" game. Iowa may be a Big Ten school but they aren't any better than some low-major schools right now. Iowa wins but it will be close, especially if Cartwright struggles.

Iowa, 66-59
Hey! I was just trying to escape the Christmas carols on the other radio stations I usually listen to. :)'s cool z! ANYTHING beats the "Post Thanksgiving Christmas Music Beat Down" we get blindsided with every Black Friday!
Iowa is going to win this one big, with or without Payne. It may help Gatens "get right" and give some other guys some confidence. SIU is horrible, not even on par with So. Dak. St.
I haven't seen Archie play yet, is it safe to say Archie>>Brommer at this point? What does Archie bring to the table, offensive rebounding/defense?
Dude, we aren't going to blow anyone out. This could end up being a "too close for comfort" game. Iowa may be a Big Ten school but they aren't any better than some low-major schools right now. Iowa wins but it will be close, especially if Cartwright struggles.

Iowa, 66-59

What a joke. They aren't better than some low-major schools?
They beat Alabama already. And until they lost to LBS, all their losses were to teams that haven't yet lost.

They already blew out ULM, who is better than SIU-E. Maybe you should actually follow Iowa basketball instead acting like it.

Wake up, dude.
Anyone else notice they keep showing the wrong players in the pregame. The showed Basabe and had Cartwrights stats, then showed Stokes and had Marbles stats.
figure i'd just post this in here instead of starting another thread:

What's it going to take for Iowa to start selling out Bball games? Back to back tourney bids? maybe a sweet 16 appearance?
Anyone else notice they keep showing the wrong players in the pregame. The showed Basabe and had Cartwrights stats, then showed Stokes and had Marbles stats.

Noticed that too...but what did we expect? The studio crew also said "Kenyon Martin" was doing the color commentary tonight...

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