Iowa vs NIU Two Deeps


This is a classic KF send a message pre-season depth chart. Every year we see this. Without it is Paki, Grigsby, or the TE he had listed in front of Chandler that one year.

It is complete BS.

I see very few shenanigans on the depth chart. Bullock and Garmon are the running backs. Period. The guys listed on the OL are the ones who will start. Same with TE and WR. Rogers is listed as No. 2 at FB b/c he hasn't practiced much. If they had a game tomorrow, Rogers might not start.

Starters of Bigach, Gaglione/Alvis, Davis and LTP on the d-line are consistent with what we've seen all camp. All of those guys will play a lot. Linebackers listed are those who will play. Secondary is who will play. My guess is both Donatell and Law play a lot in the first game.

So where is the message being sent?
Re: Really?

I see very few shenanigans on the depth chart.

I tend to agree with this..probably as straight forward as anything we've seen week one in years. The no Derby thing on there is a bit of a mystery. Other than that, everything else seems explainable by what is out there (re: Rogers wearing a lot of red jersey, etc)
Well I like to see that coach is putting who he thinks is the best players on the field. Regardless of class/experience. After hearing some hype on Shumpert I'm surprised he wasn't on there but I'm sure he'll see some snaps. I'm sure as far the DL goes they'll rotate alot at first to see who steps up and plays the best. If there are 6-8 kids that can be rotated in there the better that is if you ask me. It'll make them all want to make the most of the snaps they are getting and they'll be fresher.
Hamilton must be impressing to not share the 2nd spot with Derby at TE. I hope we see a lot of dual TE sets.
Four true freshman make the list; Greg Garmon and Matt Malloy at RB, Connor Kornbrath at P and Kevin Buford at cornerback.


Matt Malloy is a little old and gray to be playing running back.
I think we'd be better if Kirk played Michael Malloy instead ;)
I think Shumpert will be the #3 receiver... that may be why he's not listed on the depth chart 2 deeps. he may only be playing that 3rd receiver position?
Some observations:

My guess is Morris has a big year. He spent most of last year with a nagging injury that kept him from really developing into the LB we though he'd be when he played his freshman year.

The LB's are very athletic, Kirsey and Hitchens are both effectively big safeties who've maintained that speed. This is going to help facing offenses that are increasingly spread oriented.

While we lose a stud player in Mike Daniels, and a solid starter in Broderick Binns, my thinking is by mid-season this defensive line is as good or better than last years. Superior depth being the key there, and this is a DL that is very young other than Bigach. We're going to see a lot more rotation at DL than we did last year, and my hope is at least one of the true freshmen DT's develops and plays a lot by mid-year. My guess is that as Alvis continues his comeback from the leg injury and missed PT last year he wins one starting DE job. Gaglione may be more a natural tackle than DE, but is a little too small there. I expect him to play a lot at DT on passing downs. Again, overall the depth on the defensive line is significantly more talented it's just quite young. Carl Davis might be the most important defensive player on the team in terms of needing him to develop. If he continues to step up(he's improving) this defensive line may end up being a lot better than many expect.

Overall, especially on the defense, I think you're seeing an uptick in talent from classes 2009-2012. and that's improving depth. Depth we didn't see two years ago, and our lack of depth at LB really hurt us down the stretch in some really tight games in 2010. It might have been the difference between what ended up a fairly mediocre year and another BCS bowl. You're seeing real competition and young talent emerging at a number of positions...DT, LB, S, CB, WR(Hillyer, Fleming and Smith have all shown flashes in fall practices)RB, and OL. The last few classes have really helped the athleticism and depth of the team.
I doubt they'd send a message to an obvious starter (i.e. a returning upperclassman), but I'm sure there are some games being played by the staff. I'm sure some of the 2nd players on the 2 deeps are being sent a message because the staff feels they have a higher upside than they've demonstrated.
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This is a classic KF send a message pre-season depth chart. Every year we see this. Without it is Paki, Grigsby, or the TE he had listed in front of Chandler that one year. It is complete BS.
I see very few shenanigans on the depth chart. Bullock and Garmon are the running backs. Period. The guys listed on the OL are the ones who will start. Same with TE and WR. Rogers is listed as No. 2 at FB b/c he hasn't practiced much. If they had a game tomorrow, Rogers might not start. Starters of Bigach, Gaglione/Alvis, Davis and LTP on the d-line are consistent with what we've seen all camp. All of those guys will play a lot. Linebackers listed are those who will play. Secondary is who will play. My guess is both Donatell and Law play a lot in the first game. So where is the message being sent?

I think Staggs is this years Paki O'Meara. I think there are 4-5 WRs that see the field before him. Could be wrong though...
While we lose a stud player in Mike Daniels, and a solid starter in Broderick Binns, my thinking is by mid-season this defensive line is as good or better than last years.

I love optimism, hope and I am a faith based person. That said, to believe that this DL is going to be as good or better than last year's by midseason...can't go there with you. Don't think they will get there at all this year. Mike Daniels was drafted. There is not a player on Iowa's line, who if they were all draft eligible this coming spring, would get drafted. Binns was probably the most crafty DE Iowa has had. He was the best at reading his keys and staying home in outside contain of the KF era, and the best lineman at batting down passes of the Ferentz era. You can't add up how many yards and or first downs he saved with his uncanny knack to knock down passes. No, he was not an elite pass rusher on the edge, but I don't think we'll see one of those from Iowa this year.
It's OK to admit it to yourself, or express it in a different fashion, but around here it's not ok to say the players suck. They deserve more respect than that based on the work they put in.

thank you.

treychase comes across as a neanderthal who sees the ice sheet coming down the mountain.
I love optimism, hope and I am a faith based person. That said, to believe that this DL is going to be as good or better than last year's by midseason...can't go there with you. Don't think they will get there at all this year. Mike Daniels was drafted. There is not a player on Iowa's line, who if they were all draft eligible this coming spring, would get drafted. Binns was probably the most crafty DE Iowa has had. He was the best at reading his keys and staying home in outside contain of the KF era, and the best lineman at batting down passes of the Ferentz era. You can't add up how many yards and or first downs he saved with his uncanny knack to knock down passes. No, he was not an elite pass rusher on the edge, but I don't think we'll see one of those from Iowa this year.

Jon the DL has a lot of talented guys. Yes they are young, but that also means they have the most room for rapid improvement. I think you fail to recognize this and they will surprise you.
I hope your right of course but I wouldn't bet the farm on the defensive line. Over the many years I have followed the hawks this is one of those years that I just don't expect much from the defensive line. However KF has a knack of surprising us all when we least expect and I sincerely hope this is one of those years as we are due.
Just another note on the DL and the talent that is there. Not all of these guys will play this year, but over the next 2-3 years these guys should be playing significant minutes for us:

Faith Ekakitie - 4*
Jaleel Johnson - 4*
Darian Cooper - 4*
Carl Davis - 3* and one of few Iowa DL to be over 300 pounds
LTP - 3* who has made quite an impression this camp
Riley McMinn - 3* who is a 6'7" DE

I'm very excited about the future of this DL and I think we'll see rapid improvement as the season goes along and flashes of brilliance. I expect our first game against NIU for the DL to impress as they are going against 5 new OL, could be the confidence boost they need to grow.
This may not be a spectacular year but the next two could be very interesting. I can see where Iowa will have one of the better OL's in the B1G for the next two years. Not only in size but experiance. Carl Davis on the DL will be fun to watch, 310lbs + a couple of others pushing 300. Much fun!

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