Iowa vs Nebraska Trophy Game Revealed Friday

The loser wins a vacation for one in Western Nebraska
Hey now, there are some hidden gems out there in them thar Sandhills. Just sayin.....

But, from what they are saying on 1620 the Zone in Omaha, the naming will have something to do with "Heros" so you can bet that Kinnick's name will be on it somewhere.

Maybe the Berringer/Kinnick Trophy??
I have it. We need a hero with Iowa and Nebraska ties? How about Johnny Carson?

Johnny was born in Corning, Iowa, and went to the University of Nebraska.

The trophy could be Carnac's Turban.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!

Anybody but Nile Kinnick.
Hey now, there are some hidden gems out there in them thar Sandhills. Just sayin.....

But, from what they are saying on 1620 the Zone in Omaha, the naming will have something to do with "Heros" so you can bet that Kinnick's name will be on it somewhere.

Maybe the Berringer/Kinnick Trophy??

What would the trophy be? Landing gear? A parachute?

I know, too soon...
The ONLY trophies Iowa should be playing for (other than Bowl game trophies) should be within the conference. Few teams outside the Big 10 play for trophies year after year.

To make true rivalries, both teams have to win regularly, both teams fan base must despise the other team, and the game must mean something (which conference games do). Winning a conference game is much much more important than a preseason game.

1) Floyd is the greatest trophy in all of college football. This trophy just has SO MUCH history. The series has been a little lopsided in recent years but don't kid yourself if you don't think Minnesota is one of Iowa's biggest rivalries.
2) Wisconsin trophy will ONLY get more important. It is a good looking trophy. Too bad they didn't start that trophy 50 years ago. Arguably, Wisconsin is Iowa's biggest rivalry and has been. The record speaks for itself.
3) Nebraska trophy will ONLY get more important in the future (unless one or the other teams completely collapse).
4) The clown trophy should be sh#tcanned and forgotten about.
5) it is too bad that the Iowa/Illinois OR the Mich ST/Iowa game isn't played for a trophy. THAT would notch up the rivalries. Iowa/Mich St typically have had great games the last 30 years.
Heroes eh? I know Its the Flash! Barry Allen(silver age flash) was born in Fallville Iowa and Wally West(post crisis flash and former kid flash) was born in Blue Valley Nebraska. The Flashes colors are red and yellow. If that is not a perfect traveling trophy i dont know what else it could be.
If this has anything to do with Nile Kinnick i will be stunned and extremely ticked off. Barta has seen nothing like the anger fans will express if anything associated with Kinnick ends up in the hands of Nebby. If it does he knows even less than i gave him credit for which was very little to begin with. He could be creating a backlash that he couldnt have dreamed of. You dont mess with any portion of the legacy of Nile Kinnick.

The double barrel is sittin on the porch, loaded...
If this has anything to do with Nile Kinnick i will be stunned and extremely ticked off. Barta has seen nothing like the anger fans will express if anything associated with Kinnick ends up in the hands of Nebby. If it does he knows even less than i gave him credit for which was very little to begin with. He could be creating a backlash that he couldnt have dreamed of. You dont mess with any portion of the legacy of Nile Kinnick.

Thank god somebody else sees the crime in this. Email me WineSpirits. I'm poised to go website on this and raise hell like Barta has never seen.

We have a f***ing statue of Kinnick out front and our stadium is named after him. What kind of an ignorant sell-out would turn him into a traveling trophy that the other team has a chance to take home.

I have to believe there are plenty of Senior fans that are equally outraged. If this plays out as we fear...Barta's days are numbered. Mark my words.
The uproar we will see if it is solely named after Kinnick may match that of the AD's decisions to introduce the crack hawk.
Ok, a couple of things come to mind.

1-I highly doubt that AD Osbourne would say ok given the name of Iowa's stadium, statue, speech played at the beginning of each game, etc.

2-The only way I see Barta sort of being ok with it is that if Nebby gets it, the joke's on them. I doubt he says ok, chuckling while they sign whatever.

It seems like it will be based on the Armed Forces, which I think both sides would be good with. Also, it seems that the Iowa/ISU trophy will have to do with corn, so no point in that.

Obviously, it's based on pure speculation at this point. Hopefully they do something involving the Armed Forces that also involves both States' volunteers.

Either that, or whoever loses/wins, gets an extremely low flyover over their stadium.
Ok, a couple of things come to mind.

1-I highly doubt that AD Osbourne would say ok given the name of Iowa's stadium, statue, speech played at the beginning of each game, etc.

2-The only way I see Barta sort of being ok with it is that if Nebby gets it, the joke's on them. I doubt he says ok, chuckling while they sign whatever.

It seems like it will be based on the Armed Forces, which I think both sides would be good with. Also, it seems that the Iowa/ISU trophy will have to do with corn, so no point in that.

Obviously, it's based on pure speculation at this point. Hopefully they do something involving the Armed Forces that also involves both States' volunteers.

Either that, or whoever loses/wins, gets an extremely low flyover over their stadium.

There's no way it's going to be "based on the armed forces". (Unless, of course, it's named after Kinnick, who obviously has a military tie.)

Either way, this whole thing is going to be a wretched disaster. Made-up trophies officially sanctioned by the conference and announced via a press conference a month before the season starts are pathetic. Effing pathetic. This is just embarrassing.
There's no way it's going to be "based on the armed forces". (Unless, of course, it's named after Kinnick, who obviously has a military tie.)

Either way, this whole thing is going to be a wretched disaster. Made-up trophies officially sanctioned by the conference and announced via a press conference a month before the season starts are pathetic. Effing pathetic. This is just embarrassing.

Based on the info they sent out the press, I assume it would be based on that. If you feel otherwise, I would be surprised if it was something else.
tNU HAD a trophy with Mizzery - and NO ONE knew about it. Nebraska has no great history with trophies, so what ever you say is good for me.
tNU HAD a trophy with Mizzery - and NO ONE knew about it. Nebraska has no great history with trophies, so what ever you say is good for me.
That is because nebraska kept it for 30 years straight. One sided rivalrys dont make for good trophy games.
I dont think it is going to just be Kinnick, that would make zero sense. My guess is it will involve Kinnick (representing the Iowa side) and someone from tNU side. One thing is for certain we are all widly speculating at this point. No need to hold an AD's feet to the fire before something is even announced. Calm down Iowa fan, geeeez.
Look,gang, Nile Kinnick is a Big Ten icon,not just an Iowa icon. The coin used before every Big Ten game has his profile etched in it. He is the only Big Ten Heisman winner who died in service of his country. He is the embodiment of ''Hero''.
I would not be crazy about using his name on this trophy,but if they had his image,and simply labeled it ''Hero'' ....I think his family would be honored. Playing for ''The Hero'' every year on Black Friday would mean every year,a vignette on national TV on the history of Nile Kinnick would be featured. Sure, some Husker fans would taunt Iowa when they win the game,and retain the trophy,but that would happen no matter what. Are we Hawks or mice? Do we fear the Huskers? Would Nile fear the Huskers? Hell NO!!

As another hero once said...''the only thing to fear,is fear itself''.

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