Iowa vs Indiana live updates

He cuts him loose and gets another takedown. Ramos leads 4-1 with about a minute left in the 1st. He cuts him loose again and now Ortega is in deep on a single but can't finish. Ramos gets in on a shot but time runs out. 4-2 after 1.

Ramos will start the 2nd on bottom.
Tony gets the quick escape to make it 5-2. Ortega gets warned for stalling and Ramos get the takedown to make it 7-2.
Ortega gets the escape and another takedown. He leads 9-3 with over a minute of riding time after 2.

Ortega will start down in the 3rd.
Ortega gets out but Ramos gets a quick takedown and cuts him again. Ramos gets another td, escape, and another quick takedown. He is turning it on now. 15-7 Ramos
Montell cuts him loose now leads Ritchey 2-1. Nice quick shot by Montell for another takedown with about 35 seconds left in the first. He will ride him out and lead 4-1 after the 1st.
Ritchey starts the 2nd period on bottom and Montell cuts him right away. Ritchey in deep on a shot but Montell is fighting it off so far. There is the stalemate.
Now Montell in deep but potentially dangerous called again. Ritchey's knee was twisted up pretty good. Injury time, Still 4-2 Marion with 29 seconds left in the 2nd period.
Montell in deep but Ritchey funks out and gets his own takedown but Montell gets the escape right at the buzzer. 5-4 Marion after 2.

Montell will start the 3rd on bottom.
Montell reverses him right to his back and gets the 3 pt nearfall but can't pin him. Now 10-4 Montell plus riding time.
Ritchey warned for stalling on the bottom. Montell cuts him and needs a takedown for the major. There it is with about 25 seconds left in the match. He rides him out for the 13-5 win. 16-0 Hawks
Matt in deep on a single leg but having trouble finishing here. There is the stalemate with about 1:15 left in the 1st.
Kinser is riding him hard but Matt is reaching back and having a lot of trouble getting out. He gets to his feet but right back down. Kinser will ride him out the entire 2nd period.
Matt in extremely deep on the edge and looked like a td but they didn't give it to him. Now Kinser with an injury timeout. Kinser up 1-0 with 50 seconds left.

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