IOWA -UNI game thread

We suck and coaching sucks more but iowa needs to be done playing uni. Same ref screw job over and over every year. Not the reason we're losing but they're awful.
Gesell cannot make a simple entry pass. Or a difficult entry pass, for that matter. I've never seen a D-1 PG that struggled with making entry passes. It's like an episode of the Twilight Zone.
Lost the stream to the game.. Glad it happened..saving me 45 minutes of my life. We look absolutely horrible. We will truly miss Gabe which by the way should be playing over Woody.
Why does Ogelsby play?

why does Clemmons play? I know Oglesby cant make a shot but id rather have him in than Clemmons. Clemmons literally does nothing on the offensive end. Just stands there with the ball at the top of the key and pass to wing, pass, TO, pass. Oges at least can threaten a D with his presence cuz every coach still respects him. He is a good assist man too. Sure Clemmons might be alright on D but he brings no threat to a team what so ever.
Gabe might be only legit D1 starter on this team...

The lack of shooting is a reflection on coaching pilosophy I think however...
4pts 5 rebs from 7'1" Top 50 3 3rd year JR starter against team with next tallest guy being like 6'8"
Why are Iowa recruits always so overrated??? Woodbury, Gesell and Uthoff nowhere near their rankings. Not even close.
4pts 5 rebs from 7'1" Top 50 3 3rd year JR starter against team with next tallest guy being like 6'8"
Why are Iowa recruits always so overrated??? Woodbury, Gesell and Uthoff nowhere near their rankings. Not even close.

Gesell and Uthoff probably are ranked okay. Not being coached up, might actually be losing skills as time goes on