Iowa the 15th most popular team in college football?

This is an amazing numerical presentation that I am sure mirrors what Delany and the other power brokers have spent much time poring over. And it makes it very clear what the proper path for the Big Ten should be....stand pat!! As they concluded in the last few lines of the article...the most powerful conferences,Big Ten and SEC have been the least likely to make additions,which has paid off in bringing in only great programs like PSU,Neb,and T A&M, and has paid off in loyalty from existing conference schools fans. College football fans like tradition,rivalries,and stability...and Delany knows it. He is in a great position of having to do nothing and prospering with no risk.

That Pac 16 group is very interesting...they just do not have the fans out west,and adding 4 programs(two good,two average) helps them out,but still cuts the pie 16 ways,so cannot imagine Texas and OK really making out.

Love the fact that Iowa is at #15, ahead of LSU,USC,Nebraska....Go Hawks!
ISU at #52...ouch. If all the ISU fans became Iowa fans it would drive Iowa up to 1.8 million...and in the top ten.
I think most ISU fans will give up on college football before this happens.
JD B1G is looking good from their study. I would hate to be an ISU fan or AD.
It does suck in realignment times. The thing that will most annoy is 4x16=64, and we rate in there. Unfortunately the 4 remaining conferences have members that no one cares about that occupy these bottom spots. We will simply be shut out.
Good article. Makes the case for Missou, Kansas, ND and Rutgers stronger.

The thing people don't realize is joining the B1G will make the three weaker programs stronger.

Rutgers will be a huge draw for other B1G fans in the area. In fact, it might end up being one of the hardest tickets in the conference. Also, Kansas will be a huge draw for Iowa fans.

I agree that it does butress the case for ND,Mo. and Rutgers, just by the numbers. KU? Not so much. 768k fans? nah.

Ga Tech is a school that is a fit academically,and is shockingly strong on the numbers at 11th overall. It would actually raise the average of 1.5 million with their 1.8 million. I know geographically,it makes no sense,but by the numbers they would be a fit.

I could see adding ND for sure,and then a coin toss between Rutgers and Mo. for the last school. Maybe lean toward Rutgers if there is solid evidence of TV's going up in NYC.
If all the ISU fans became Iowa fans it would drive Iowa up to 1.8 million...and in the top ten.

This is why I don't think that ISU dropping out of an AQ conference is necessarily a net bad for the state. Eventually the premier brand in the state becomes more dominant which yields more TV, Bowls, and higher quality teams. We need to consolidate resources.

Join us Cyclone fans.
Here is what is important.

NYC Market
44% tune to Notre Dame, Rutgers, PSU, Michigan, & OSU

That's misleading. If you look at one of the tables, you'll see that Rutgers has a 20% share of the NYC market, but that is only 3% of the total population.

FWIW, this study says that Iowa's fanbase is larger than Rutgers'. And not all of Rutgers' fanbase comes from the NYC market.

At least according to this study, the numbers say that Rutgers is a waste of time for the Big Ten. Doesn't deliver NYC, and they're a middling at best on the field/court.
This is why I don't think that ISU dropping out of an AQ conference is necessarily a net bad for the state. Eventually the premier brand in the state becomes more dominant which yields more TV, Bowls, and higher quality teams. We need to consolidate resources.

Join us Cyclone fans.

Resistance is futile...
"the conferences have members that no one cares about..." Isn't that the case with Iowa State? Perennial bottom feeders in the Big 12 with no history whatsoever...except bad history.

Missouri looks like it would fit into the Big 10 nicely, also is a natural fit.

I still have the feeling that if push comes to serve, both Texas and Notre Dame will join the Big 10 and that is probably who Delaney is after? Notre Dame wants to stay independent (by their fanbase) but I would bet that the AD and academics would like to join the Big 10. Texas...I can't imagine them going to the Pac12 or SEC, especially if Texas A&M is in the SEC. Hard for me to believe that Oklahoma goes to the Pac 12 IMO. I would think Oklahoma would go to the SEC first.

The most logical choice for Texas and ND is the Big 10. If they were to join, the Big 10 would instantly become a national market and hold all the power cards. Texas and Notre Dame know this also. Using the data presented, if those two schools joined the Big 10, the Big 10 would have the top five schools in the country and nine out of the top 20. A conference like that would command incredible tv dollars that no other conference in the country could match. Do you think that the ADs of Texas and Notre Dame do not know this as well as Delaney and the other ADs of the Big 10.

Then if it moves to four 16 team conferences, Iowa adds Missouri and Rutgers and they instantly add more of the east coast market.
Wow - that article was amazing! I love this kind of stuff, though.

I was really struck by this:

Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State are the three most popular college football teams in the country, according to our study.

Wow...just wow. That's amazing! What a tremendous position for us to be in to be aligned with these teams (annoying as their respective fanbases may be at times!). I had no clue those would be 1, 2, & 3...I realized all 3 would be pretty big fanbases - if you had told me all 3 were in the top ten, I wouldn't have even blinked - but 1-2-3? Wowsas.
That's misleading. If you look at one of the tables, you'll see that Rutgers has a 20% share of the NYC market, but that is only 3% of the total population.

FWIW, this study says that Iowa's fanbase is larger than Rutgers'. And not all of Rutgers' fanbase comes from the NYC market.

At least according to this study, the numbers say that Rutgers is a waste of time for the Big Ten. Doesn't deliver NYC, and they're a middling at best on the field/court.

Right, but it is still the largest College Football Market
New York, because of its very large population, is still the largest market in the country for college football.
Interesting article, although I scratch my head at the notion of extrapolating numbers simply off a Google search of a specific term.

I mean, obviously people in Alabama don't know how the hell to bookmark a website, where as people in New York do. ;)
Interesting article, although I scratch my head at the notion of extrapolating numbers simply off a Google search of a specific term.

In terms of statistics Google searches probably represent a reliable number. Google doesn't have any bias, it is simply hit counts. You also have to be cognizant of how the search number is arrived at (which we don't know). If you are a google news user you can essentially store a search. I have a news item called iowa hawkeyes stored. When I select that link on the news page it searches for those keywords. I don't think bookmarking makes any difference.
In terms of statistics Google searches probably represent a reliable number.

It's more the fact that many simply don't need Google to find sports information. We already know all of the websites by heart or have them bookmarked.

Not to mention, social networking (where Google+ is still a newbie) can also do a lot of the legwork. Somebody posts a link, and I can go to it directly; no need to go to a search engine to find something.

At this point, since this is all driven by TV dollars anyways, one would think that TV ratings would be the best indicator. So, how many people in an area are tuned into the myriad of college football games on a given Saturday? Since we're trying to estimate how many actual fans there are in a given city, it doesn't have to be a specific game, but a total number watching all games.

This is why I stated Rutgers would be a good fit for the Big Ten a few weeks ago.
Spank go post that in the Rutgers thread as I don't know how. I've been saying Rutgers would be an excellent fit for the Big Ten for quite some time.
OK, I waited a few days before I posted anything on this because I wanted to really get my head around what was being said. After reflection, this is one of the most flawed studies I've ever read. I know what they did and how they came to their conclusions, but let's use some common sense here.

An example of their conclusions that fall somewhere between absurd and preposterous:

-Auburn has more fans than Alabama and everyone else in the SEC. they don't. The divide between Alabama/Auburn fans in Alabama is roughly the same as between Iowa/Iowa State in Iowa: 70/30-ish. AND Alabama has a much larger national fan base. Not even close. Auburn doesn't have more fans than Alabama, LSU, Florida, Tennessee, or Georgia. FACT.

-Clemson has almost twice the fans of South Carolina. Again, this couldn't be more false.

-Georgia Tech is more popular than Georgia. Really? Which fan base spends more money on their team? Which team has a higher attendance? Which team has more fan support? Georgia by a mile. This would be as absurd as saying that ISU has more fans than Iowa.

I appreciate that the author even tries to do a study like this, but there is no way that this can be taken seriously. It's so fundamentally flawed that it ignores common sense in favor of a sample size of 30,000 people. So, this is based on what amounts to a survey of less people than visit this site over the course of a day or two. Sorry man, but that doesn't work.

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