Iowa Oregon gamethread **OFFICIAL**

Wrong. I've watched the same game as you and Iowa played terrible on Defense. Dude all you do is whine about refs every single game thread. It's your M.O.

We played excellent defense in the first half but got called for fouls every other time down the court. You're either BB illiterate or blind.
Bench production for Hawks --- 17 pts by Basabe, zero pts from everyone else.

REally, wow.

Someone mentioned earlier we need more depth. We need 9 or 10 quality players to run and gun, press and keep the defense tough.

I have no doubt Fran will get us consistently in top 5 of the big 10 and go for some championships.
Bench production for Hawks --- 17 pts by Basabe, zero pts from everyone else.

We couldn't match Oregon's depth. You play at the pace they were playing at, you need guys off the bench who can deliver on the offensive end. Brommer has never been that guy, they obviously had no confidence in Eric May, and Oglesby didn't have it tonight. That's the game right there.
We played excellent defense in the first half but got called for fouls every other time down the court. You're either BB illiterate or blind.

Iowa gave up 47 in the first half? That is considered excellent Defense? Now tell me who is BB Illiterate?? Dude go take a break you look foolish..
how many bunnies did May miss? mean the one handed attempted tip ins with three guys hanging on him after someone else missed.

Maybe two....seriously...the May hate is just annoying...dudes playing with a bad back, when his back was fine at the beginning of the year...he was playing good, and Fran loved him and started him. No clue if his back ever gets 100%(which is sad)...but this is annoying.
Iowa gave up 47 in the first half? That is considered excellent Defense? Now tell me who is BB Illiterate?? Dude go take a break you look foolish..

Why is it, in EVERY game thread in EVERY sport, you can be found squaring off on someone?
Are you an internet tuff guy, HP40??
We couldn't match Oregon's depth. You play at the pace they were playing at, you need guys off the bench who can deliver on the offensive end. Brommer has never been that guy, they obviously had no confidence in Eric May, and Oglesby didn't have it tonight. That's the game right there.

Yeah , hawks need more talented bench players.

I am hoping McCabe is coming off the bench by big10 play next year as that will mean a newcomer is better. Then mcabe will be a better bench depth player.

If woodbury starts then basabe might be a starter again.
I think I'll watch golf, and grill some burgers. Yup, sounds like a great plan. Deferring to VH's advice, he is correct of course.
i know it wont happen for a week but how bad will herby be talking up marble as a legit 3pt shooter after this game. i know it was great but he made 15 this yr before this game. he will be better next yr but not great.

aw and marble combine for more than 50 pts showing who the go to men are next yr.

how little did the announcers know fran's style since they kept talking about how fran is all about shooting the 3? we only have 2 true 3pt shooters on the team. and next yr unless someone steps up we will only have 1.

love the offensive fire power we have for next yr but we need better defense. the 1-2-2 needs to be scrapped or tweaked because we rotated terribly and gave up dunk after dunk.

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