Iowa Mens BB @ Minnesota GAME THREAD

I just can't believe a D-1 Team can struggle this hard to get 20 points in a half. Seriously something is very, very wrong... 20 minutes of play Iowa has what 7 or 8 FieldGoals made. What is wrong????? What is this coaching staff teaching these kids??
There is no arguing the fact that Todd Lickliter has produced the worst basketball team of my lifetime, by a wide margin. He obviously has the all-time record for losses, but this goes far beyond the record--no Iowa team I've ever watched was capable of playing such awful basketball as this one is. In most, if not all, of those years, the Big Ten was a better league than it is right now.

It's been said many times, and of course it'll never happen, but I'd love to hear Barta's honest thoughts as he watches something like this. It's a shame he doesn't have to be interviewed after every game the way our clinically depressed coach does.
I'm as disappointed as the next Hawk fan, but if we toss Lick, what coach will want to come to Iowa? If we do find a coach to come here, won't he need 3 or 4 yrs to clean this up? What if he can't? As much as I hate to admit it, we probably need to give Lick another year before we make a change.
I'm as disappointed as the next Hawk fan, but if we toss Lick, what coach will want to come to Iowa? If we do find a coach to come here, won't he need 3 or 4 yrs to clean this up? What if he can't? As much as I hate to admit it, we probably need to give Lick another year before we make a change.

Many coaches will accept millions of dollars to coach and there and even more that would accept millions to coach in the Big Ten.
I'm as disappointed as the next Hawk fan, but if we toss Lick, what coach will want to come to Iowa? If we do find a coach to come here, won't he need 3 or 4 yrs to clean this up? What if he can't? As much as I hate to admit it, we probably need to give Lick another year before we make a change.

****, I could take those guys and put them on the court 30 times and win 12 or 13 games....I'll do what Lick does for free.....
I'm as disappointed as the next Hawk fan, but if we toss Lick, what coach will want to come to Iowa? If we do find a coach to come here, won't he need 3 or 4 yrs to clean this up? What if he can't? As much as I hate to admit it, we probably need to give Lick another year before we make a change.

Wrong all keeping this coach around will do is make Iowa even more of a laughing stock of college BB. There are MANY coaches better than Lick out there who would love coming to the Big Ten and to be Iowa's coach.
Iowa typically does well at this stage of the game right after halftime. Then the TV Timeout at the 15 minute mark will come and BOOM we hit the walllllllllllllllllllllllll

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