Iowa, McCaffery Address Contract Extension, Buyout

Maybe these "negativity threads," questioning articles by the press, fans staying away from their seats, constant banter about no PG, no defense...hiding a big buyout bonanza... will motivate Fran to get his team to box out, act like they care about defense, and motivate him to figure out the vacant PG can show us all how great he is as a coach...and leave...along with Barta and the other Coaches for Life that suck off the tit of Iowa...and underachieve...

Do I sound frustrated?
Because Barta would rather hamstring the University than make tough choices or do the work required of him. When looking at KF and FM buyouts in addition to the $6.5M he lost in the recent lawsuit, he’s hamstrung the University for over $40M. How can he still have a job? If Harreld isn’t going to do anything, then the Regents need to step in and remove him.
I've got my pitchfork all ready dude, but we're going to need a significantly louder mob. I don't think we're there yet. It sucks being on the leading edge and caring so much. I hate getting told by fans that have watched two basketball games this year that I'm a bad fan.
Because Barta would rather hamstring the University than make tough choices or do the work required of him. When looking at KF and FM buyouts in addition to the $6.5M he lost in the recent lawsuit, he’s hamstrung the University for over $40M. How can he still have a job? If Harreld isn’t going to do anything, then the Regents need to step in and remove him.
I wonder how often he will show up to events now. I'd hope fans would heckle the chit out of him when and if he does attend.
Well its failing because I'm MORE pissed. Its dismissive and ignored the real issue by answering questions no one asked. Its playing dumb. The questions asked are, "Why was this done in secret?" and "Why did you deny a professional journalism a reasonable request?" and "Why did you drag your feet on the FOIA, this wasn't request for thousands of decade old records, you could have provided it 5 minutes after the FOIA hit your desk?" The questions answered were, "Does the University have long term faith in Fran? and "Is the buyout market competitive?" That is intentionally dodging the issue and yeah, I'm MORE pissed now.

I agree with everything you said here. I meant to say quiet people...not They think by throwing this contract in our faces it will shut us up. However, it has done the opposite.
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When Barta gave KF his 2nd buyout increase after the Rose Bowl, I wasn’t happy, but I also wasn’t PISSED. Mainly because, while I have my complaints about his lack of imagination on offense... he’s donated millions to the hospital, he’s gotten to the basketball equivalent of the Elite 8 three times, and has shown success equivalent and often times surpassing our historical mean.

FM, on the other hand, is NOT an easy guy to root for, has done nothing in the post season, and has performed below our historical mean.

Throw in the secretive nature of the extension and it all adds up to a streaming pile of shit that we’re forced to eat for at least the next 3 years...
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A $10m buyout doesn’t serve the University at all. If that was the amount a school wanting to hire him would pay, then you’d have a point...but it’s only the amount paid to him by the U if I when terminated without it’s one sided...

but it also keeps the coach there to fulfill his contract and lessons the chance of leaving the AD to scramble to find a new coach. again, the buyout serves both. now, the buyout specifics are negotiated and those can be one-sided. for example: pretend an AD wants to keep a coach so badly that he agrees to paid 75% buyout for each year left on a contract that pays $4mil per year and is for 10 years in length. I mean, THAT would be stupid.
I think you're being a little overdramatic. I was making a joke.

This is my 21st year covering Iowa athletics and I'm proud of my body of work. I haven't been perfect, by any means. But, overall, I've done OK.

I haven't changed my opinion that calling the media soft is a weak narrative but I know I'm not going to change the minds of people like you. As I said, I will comment on the media bashing from time to time when so moved.

I appreciate your efforts and the articles you write. It’s something to read especially during off season when there is not much going on in hawkeyeland.

I dont see much of the press conference conferences so I don’t know what kind of questions the media is asking Kirk and Fran. I do know that I did see one (I think it was around 2013) where a reporter asked Kirk a tough question that he didn’t care for so Kirk snapped at him with a dirty look. It was on that day that I lost a lot of respect for Kirk and thought of him as a little entitlement jerk. He’s getting paid a salary in ONE year what it would take A YEAR for 80 police officers combined together to make. Forty-nine forty hour work weeks each. Putting their lives in the line. Everyday could be their last. A kiss goodbye to their spouse could be their last every single day. The same salary he makes in a year surpasses what seventy firemen who put their lives on the line to serve and protect all of us. Then there are the service men in the armed services. I could go on and on and on.

Only wish I was in that room during that press conference on that day. No one would have ever forgotten my words as I unleashed on Kirk that day. The thoughts that went through my mind as I saw that arrogant little bastard cop an attitude as someone finally threw a fast ball under his chin. I’ve never felt the same about him as he showed his true colors that day.

Sorry for the rant Rob but the question I have for you is this; Can you give all of us some examples the the sports media has asked Fran or Kirk that has put them on the spot? Something along this order; Your being paid one of the best salaries in your profession do you think your job performance is a reflection of that pay? “We can probably always do better.” Then why don’t you? Coach the average Iowa household makes around sixty thousand dollars a year with both husband and wife each working 2080 hours a year. How do justify having a salary that is seventy times that much and finishing in the middle of the pack in the Big Ten? Shouldn’t you demand of yourself? “Coach why don’t you try to be less predictable offensively? You never audibilize into a pass. Wouldn’t it make sense to throw he ball once in awhile so linebackers and secondary can’t send the house as soon as the ball is snapped? Doesn’t your pay scale demand more efforts in this regard?

Ok, Rob it’s your turn. Can you give us some examples where any of the Iowa sports media has asked these kind of questions of Fran or Kirk? Examples of SPECIFIC questions please?
I do know that I did see one (I think it was around 2013) where a reporter asked Kirk a tough question that he didn’t care for so Kirk snapped at him with a dirty look.

This was strong enough to totally change your opinion on Kirk, and you can't remember the specific question asked?
Not saying it didn't happen,
but usually the details of something with such impact don't get forgotten.
I appreciate your efforts and the articles you write. It’s something to read especially during off season when there is not much going on in hawkeyeland.

I dont see much of the press conference conferences so I don’t know what kind of questions the media is asking Kirk and Fran. I do know that I did see one (I think it was around 2013) where a reporter asked Kirk a tough question that he didn’t care for so Kirk snapped at him with a dirty look. It was on that day that I lost a lot of respect for Kirk and thought of him as a little entitlement jerk. He’s getting paid a salary in ONE year what it would take A YEAR for 80 police officers combined together to make. Forty-nine forty hour work weeks each. Putting their lives in the line. Everyday could be their last. A kiss goodbye to their spouse could be their last every single day. The same salary he makes in a year surpasses what seventy firemen who put their lives on the line to serve and protect all of us. Then there are the service men in the armed services. I could go on and on and on.

Only wish I was in that room during that press conference on that day. No one would have ever forgotten my words as I unleashed on Kirk that day. The thoughts that went through my mind as I saw that arrogant little bastard cop an attitude as someone finally threw a fast ball under his chin. I’ve never felt the same about him as he showed his true colors that day.

Sorry for the rant Rob but the question I have for you is this; Can you give all of us some examples the the sports media has asked Fran or Kirk that has put them on the spot? Something along this order; Your being paid one of the best salaries in your profession do you think your job performance is a reflection of that pay? “We can probably always do better.” Then why don’t you? Coach the average Iowa household makes around sixty thousand dollars a year with both husband and wife each working 2080 hours a year. How do justify having a salary that is seventy times that much and finishing in the middle of the pack in the Big Ten? Shouldn’t you demand of yourself? “Coach why don’t you try to be less predictable offensively? You never audibilize into a pass. Wouldn’t it make sense to throw he ball once in awhile so linebackers and secondary can’t send the house as soon as the ball is snapped? Doesn’t your pay scale demand more efforts in this regard?

Ok, Rob it’s your turn. Can you give us some examples where any of the Iowa sports media has asked these kind of questions of Fran or Kirk? Examples of SPECIFIC questions please?

The reason Kirk makes so much more than police officers and firemen is becasue there is a lot of money in entertainment and it has to go somewhere. I've always thought it was weird when people complain how much NBA players make, or how much actors make. Where do they want all that money to go? The owners are already filthy rich. Studios are already filthy rich. It's odd that people would want those people to have even more money by paying out less.
Please....just one night across the poker table from Barta with unlimited stakes. Just one. My house will be paid off and my retirement cushy.
The reason Kirk makes so much more than police officers and firemen is becasue there is a lot of money in entertainment and it has to go somewhere. I've always thought it was weird when people complain how much NBA players make, or how much actors make. Where do they want all that money to go? The owners are already filthy rich. Studios are already filthy rich. It's odd that people would want those people to have even more money by paying out less.

Then where do you draw the line? Why not pay him twenty million a year? Do you really believe we pay police, firemen, nurses, and paramedics enough for the risk they take? To value entertainment, which is really meaningless compared to the previously mentioned professions is indicative of the moral decay of our society. How much do we value education in our country when we pay the teachers who provide that education ridiculously low pay?
I appreciate your efforts and the articles you write. It’s something to read especially during off season when there is not much going on in hawkeyeland.

I dont see much of the press conference conferences so I don’t know what kind of questions the media is asking Kirk and Fran. I do know that I did see one (I think it was around 2013) where a reporter asked Kirk a tough question that he didn’t care for so Kirk snapped at him with a dirty look. It was on that day that I lost a lot of respect for Kirk and thought of him as a little entitlement jerk. He’s getting paid a salary in ONE year what it would take A YEAR for 80 police officers combined together to make. Forty-nine forty hour work weeks each. Putting their lives in the line. Everyday could be their last. A kiss goodbye to their spouse could be their last every single day. The same salary he makes in a year surpasses what seventy firemen who put their lives on the line to serve and protect all of us. Then there are the service men in the armed services. I could go on and on and on.

Only wish I was in that room during that press conference on that day. No one would have ever forgotten my words as I unleashed on Kirk that day. The thoughts that went through my mind as I saw that arrogant little bastard cop an attitude as someone finally threw a fast ball under his chin. I’ve never felt the same about him as he showed his true colors that day.

Sorry for the rant Rob but the question I have for you is this; Can you give all of us some examples the the sports media has asked Fran or Kirk that has put them on the spot? Something along this order; Your being paid one of the best salaries in your profession do you think your job performance is a reflection of that pay? “We can probably always do better.” Then why don’t you? Coach the average Iowa household makes around sixty thousand dollars a year with both husband and wife each working 2080 hours a year. How do justify having a salary that is seventy times that much and finishing in the middle of the pack in the Big Ten? Shouldn’t you demand of yourself? “Coach why don’t you try to be less predictable offensively? You never audibilize into a pass. Wouldn’t it make sense to throw he ball once in awhile so linebackers and secondary can’t send the house as soon as the ball is snapped? Doesn’t your pay scale demand more efforts in this regard?

Ok, Rob it’s your turn. Can you give us some examples where any of the Iowa sports media has asked these kind of questions of Fran or Kirk? Examples of SPECIFIC questions please?
This is extremely dumb. If you were in KF’s or Fran’s shoes would you not accept these contracts because “80 police officers don’t make that?” No you absolutely would accept the terms. It’s a free market and these coaches get paid what someone thinks they deserve. In this case that someone is Gary Barta, and he is an idiot. That’s who the media and fans should direct their frustrations with. Anything else is you just complaining about someone who makes a lot of money.
Then where do you draw the line? Why not pay him twenty million a year? Do you really believe we pay police, firemen, nurses, and paramedics enough for the risk they take? To value entertainment, which is really meaningless compared to the previously mentioned professions is indicative of the moral decay of our society. How much do we value education in our country when we pay the teachers who provide that education ridiculously low pay?
How would you solve the question you put forward?
This is extremely dumb. If you were in KF’s or Fran’s shoes would you not accept these contracts because “80 police officers don’t make that?” No you absolutely would accept the terms. It’s a free market and these coaches get paid what someone thinks they deserve. In this case that someone is Gary Barta, and he is an idiot. That’s who the media and fans should direct their frustrations with. Anything else is you just complaining about someone who makes a lot of money.

I couldn’t agree more about Barta being an idiot. How do you bring that to people’s attention without pointing out how much he is paying the coaches and the length of their contracts.

Also where did I question how rich people get too much money? The complaint is how little the pay is for professionals who actually put their life on the line to benefit all of us.
I couldn’t agree more about Barta being an idiot. How do you bring that to people’s attention without pointing out how much he is paying the coaches and the length of their contracts.

Also where did I question how rich people get too much money? The complaint is how little the pay is for professionals who actually put their life on the line to benefit all of us.
While I don’t disagree with you on public servants getting low pay... the very same people complaining about “entertainment” salaries are most likely complaining about the taxes they have to pay - which pays the public employees.
It's good that the men's basketball program will have stability. Programs that replace their coaches every few years tend not to do as well. It has worked out well for football and women's basketball. With coaching stability the next 39 years of men's basketball can be as successful as the last 39 years of football, and 35 years of women's basketball have been.
Then where do you draw the line? Why not pay him twenty million a year? Do you really believe we pay police, firemen, nurses, and paramedics enough for the risk they take? To value entertainment, which is really meaningless compared to the previously mentioned professions is indicative of the moral decay of our society. How much do we value education in our country when we pay the teachers who provide that education ridiculously low pay?

You draw the line where the market says you draw the line. And I do think we pay all those people enough based on the fact that there isn't a shortage of people willing to do those jobs for that amount of pay. In a perfect world, it would be nice if they made more. But in a world where my taxes are based partly of their salary, I'm ok with what they make. The day I help pay a coaches salary, I'll care what they make.

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