Iowa-ISU through eyes of Ben Bruns (former ISU Player)

Perhaps the way Iowa's DL was getting gashed is what sticks out in my mind..and kirk bringing it up so much today.
I didn't say I graduated with him. I attended ISU during the 96-97 school year. My little interaction with Bruns happened that year at the Oak/Elm cafeteria on campus. I lived on the first floor of Welch. After that year I transferred to UNI and graduated from UNI.

What does being quick to comment on the thread have to do with anything, either? I'm on here daily. Don't post a ton, but saw the thread about Bruns and thought I'd share.

Clown fan needs more details B-rub. What was Ben wearing that day and what did he have to eat? Do you know the actual day and time this happened? Video would help.:rolleyes: Don't know Ben but I believe you. Seems like a tool to me. Every first game it is the same thing. Hey, win or lose this game(no matter how bad the opponent) things are going in the right direction. It is entertaining radio.
Perhaps the way Iowa's DL was getting gashed is what sticks out in my mind..and kirk bringing it up so much today.

Iowa's DL was getting manhandled. No doubt about it. However the whole issue here has to do with what one defines as an acceptable "standard."

By Iowa's "standard" our run D definitely sucked. Our guys on the DL weren't getting adequate separation and thus were forced to just stick out arms in order to make tackles. Furthermore, in the run game, since they weren't getting separated enough, O-linemen were then having better luck getting to the next level than any of us would prefer.

However, you have to remember a whole other part of the equation here ... how many teams actually EXPECT to stop a quality running attack that features BOTH a mobile QB and quick, talented RB with only 5 or 6 guys in the box!?

And there we go ... we're back to the issue of the Hawkeye standard. As we all know, had the execution on the DL actually been better ... the coaches actually anticipated that the Iowa D should have been able to do a better job of slowing down the ISU rushing attack with so few guys in the box.

I definitely agree with the Iowa coaches that the Iowa D didn't play great. However, they were still faring better against ISU's O than ISU's D was faring against Iowa's O.
Perhaps the way Iowa's DL was getting gashed is what sticks out in my mind..and kirk bringing it up so much today.

Also, of course Ferentz is going to bring it up! It's a perfect way to motivate the Iowa D. It's a challenge to the Iowa D to raise their game. I hope that the motivational tactic works!
Perhaps the way Iowa's DL was getting gashed is what sticks out in my mind..and kirk bringing it up so much today.

What better motivation than your own coach harping on you about how their hated in-state rivals OL manhandled them. LOL. The IOWA DL is going to show up with a huge point to prove and heads are gonna roll.
I think Bruns takes away his credibility by taking shots at Iowa at the end of his commentary, he should take a lesson from Jared Clauss in class and game break down, his comments are below.

Q: What are your thoughts on the Iowa State game?
Clauss: It’s a huge game. I watched the Iowa State-Northern Illinois game, and they looked improved. I think they have improved skill players. Iowa has to protect the ball, and Coach Rhoads has done a nice job of improving over last year and carrying momentum, because NIU was not a slouch and they played well. The key to our game on defense, is sitting back in the zone and waiting for things to happen. I think playing our game this weekend will be big, playing our zone defense. We had success sitting in that zone last year and not forcing things and leaving things open. On offense, they have a smaller defensive line and we have a young offensive line that will be a key matchup. But I am excited to get a lot of our starters back on the field. We are going to have Hampton and Binns back for sure, and if we can get Prater and Gettis and some of the other guys on the field, we will be that much more improved. I am excited, it’s a big one. Coach Ferentz emphasizes it. It’s not just another game and I can’t wait.
Some good stuff in this item from Bruns...technical football stuff, which I love to read

Bruns: Inside the game | Cyclone Fanatic

Except for the final paragraph, a good offering ;)

How bout the second to last, that's a doozy too.

>But I soon came to learn that Hayden Fry built the Iowa program around the in-state rivalry and you can rest assured that little has changed<

Hayden built his program around the ISU rivalry? How many concussions did Bruns suffer during his playing days?
He's right about Hayden...step one of his rebuild was to dominate within the state of Iowa. This established a recruiting and fan base and allowed Iowa to move to step two (being a force within the Big Ten). So what Bruns says was correct. Many younger fans don't remember, but in the late 70's ISU was the premier program in the state of Iowa...more fan support, better recruiting and MUCH better on-field performance. Then, Hayden Fry arrived and Earle Bruce left...and the rest is history.
My one and only personal interaction with Bruns was extremely disappointing. I was an ISU student when he was, and observed the 300 lb. Bruns in a campus cafeteria standing over another, much smaller (5 ft. 6-ish) ISU student who was wearing an Iowa football t-shirt. Bruns got up from his table across the room, walked over and stood over the student yelling, cursing and demanding that he take the Iowa shirt off right then and there. He kept shouting "THAT OFFENDS ME! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO OFFEND ME!"

I wasn't much bigger than the small "offender" in the Hawkeye shirt, but the fact that he was embarrassing this kid in front of the whole cafeteria irked me, so I told Bruns to sit down and shut up. He turned his attention to me, came over and stood over me, swore up and down, threatened to kick my *** and kill me, etc. I was expecting him to pick me up and throw me through the wall I was sitting next to, but with every eye in the caf on us, I couldn't cower to the bully. So I repeated myself. His threats got louder and a little more disturbing, but at this point I began to sense his bluff, so I kept telling him to sit down and shut his mouth, that nobody cared, etc. At this point, others nearby were beginning to chime in at him too, and eventually he walked away dejected, back to the table he'd been sitting at with (I'm assuming) his girlfriend at the time and another girl or two.

Suffice it to say that I don't have a ton of respect for Ben Bruns or his opinions, however insightful they may be.

"My trips to Iowa City are typically filled with back-handed compliments and a lot of icy receptions. And of course there will be plenty of Hawk fans who are just dying to tell you badly their team will beat ours. Just smile, nod and tell them how good they are. We’ll see what happens Saturday." -Ben Bruns

Althought this story was rather disturbing and outsiders may have already formed their own opininons about Bruns, I had the opportunity to work with him for 2 years. For the record I am a student at Iowa and have been a hawkeye fan all my life. I played football for Valley in high school and Ben Bruns was a volunteer offensive line coach while I played at Valley.

I know that Bruns had to travel from I think Ames for every practice we had and rarely did he miss our practices. I was a WR and although didnt get to spend every second of practice with him, I was around him enough in team time to understand how great of a guy he really is. Valleys coaching staff as a whole was outstanding, and bruns added to that. He was one of few coaches who actually was on a players level at practice and made it rather fun. He was great coach from what the lineman had to say and he interacted with the players in the best of ways. He is a great coach and an even better person. Sorry, I just wanted everyone to know that although he does have his favorites (ISU) he's an inspiring person, coach, and probably was an inspiring player as well.

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