Iowa blew this one

I dont have a problem with that call. They stayed out of the way and I didnt see anything egregious at all

I rewatched that a couple more times myself, and I would really have liked a better view than what we got on t.v., but I had a hard time seeing any real obvious contact. Not saying that it wasn't there, but I couldn't tell for sure from the angle we got on the tube.

The michigan player was there, Fuller went down, but it was tough for me to see if there was real contact or if Fuller just lost his footing on the way to the hole.
I rewatched that a couple more times myself, and I would really have liked a better view than what we got on t.v., but I had a hard time seeing any real obvious contact. Not saying that it wasn't there, but I couldn't tell for sure from the angle we got on the tube.

The michigan player was there, Fuller went down, but it was tough for me to see if there was real contact or if Fuller just lost his footing on the way to the hole.

I slowed it down on my DVR, which obviously the ref does not have the luxury of, and it was a clear foul. I wouldn't have a problem with the non call if it wasn't for the fact that Fuller made a good move to put Sims in a bad position defensively, yet Fuller does not get rewarded for a good move because the ref doesn't want to make a call with 1 second left to determine the game.
Well, Fuller fouled Simms on the 3 that tied the game and there was no call. If you've watched much basketball, you should have grown to understand that refs aren't going to call much coming down the stretch. Not saying it's right, but it's just the way it is.

Good effort by the Hawks tonight and you can point to a number of plays and coaching decisions that just didn't work out, which is usually the case when you loose.
The Hawks played hard, got beat. Whats to complain about, especially in light of what just happened at Purdue. I like Fuller's development, with more strength and seasoning, it should be interesting how he continues to develop. I would like to see some isolation plays with him, that would be interesting (just think about how he would star/fare in Mr. Davis's swing {same as Bo's} offense). I wonder what more playing time would do to Brommer? He is strong, seems to hold position well(better as he has played more), and with more time, how his O would improve. Cougill realy needs to be in much better shape and get much more stronger, with that, it will be interesting to see how he can improve.
One thing about having Hightower and Valentine doing a game,they are no mystery. Underneath the bucket, you have to be bleeding to get a foul called...altho I will say I was a bit surprised they gave Fuller the call at the end of the half...and like most refs they will swallow the whistle on a last second drive to the hoop like Fullers in regulation.
AT least they did not give Sims a 4 point play on his last shot in regulation...that would have been bad.
Iowa needed to get Gatens open on the inbound pass after the Sims 3 point play at the end of regulation, instead he runs back to half court and we pass it into Payne, probably our worst FT shooter. That's not good coaching and not good recognition by the players.

BINGO, good observation, key play in regulation with time running out ......just about anyone other than Payne (less than 50% from the line for the season) would have given us better odds. I'm sure Michigan was well aware of Payne's FT ability when making the foul on him. I don't know if we had any TOs remaining but it would have been a great time to take one to make sure and discuss who should get the ball on the inbound, either Gatens or Fuller. Even without a TO remaining this scenario should be covered in practice considering Payne's inability at the FT line. We don't want him shooting FTs when the games on the line.

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