
Surgery usually means a plate and screws to stabilize it and 2-4 weeks to recover and for the inscision to heal. Looks like hes out until maybe Iowa State.
Surgery usually means a plate and screws to stabilize it and 2-4 weeks to recover and for the inscision to heal. Looks like hes out until maybe Iowa State.

Will he be in a cast after that? The way Iowa needs their LBs to cover i don't like having one in a cast. (although i think Angerer played in one last year)
I know that injuries are a part of the game, but I wonder if we will ever catch a break with injuries. I am starting to think that the 2002 season of essentially no injuries was an aberration.

Go Hawks!
I think The Paki Meter is teetering on hitting the red.

Iti s nice to have a young man that has stayed the course and is ready to do the best he can if his # is called. He goes out and works his tail off in practice each day knowing he will only see the field if injuries happen.

the Paki rips on here get old fast.
Iti s nice to have a young man that has stayed the course and is ready to do the best he can if his # is called. He goes out and works his tail off in practice each day knowing he will only see the field if injuries happen.

the Paki rips on here get old fast.

You need to get to practice and quit hanging out on the message boards Paki.
Will he be in a cast after that? The way Iowa needs their LBs to cover i don't like having one in a cast. (although i think Angerer played in one last year)

Angerer had a thumb injury. And as Pat said, his "best friend is his brothers dog and he doesn't have thumbs and does just fine"
No idea regarding the cast and I have no inside knowledge on this inury I'm just speaking from what I remember in similar instances I guess. They usually stabilize the break with screws and a plate so that it can't be damaged further. Then it takes a few weeks for the incision to heal and yes I guess sometimes they have to cast it for games and practices.

And yes enought with the Paki slam. Everyone knows that in order for him to get significant time we are going to have to go through 3 rb's first. Is he as good as the first 3 guys no, but thats why he's 4th on the depth chart. At the very least he's someone I'm comfortable with in knowing what's going on in protection scheemes and knows the playbook which really goes a long way. He's a kid that has been pretty valuable on special teams in his career and has been nothing but a class act of the field.

It's funny how some 4th team walk on RB's get revered (Brownlee) and others get trashed. I guess it just goes to show that every group has a population of complete trash (even Hawkeyefans) within it.

Im not calling you out Dexter
No idea regarding the cast and I have no inside knowledge on this inury I'm just speaking from what I remember in similar instances I guess. They usually stabilize the break with screws and a plate so that it can't be damaged further. Then it takes a few weeks for the incision to heal and yes I guess sometimes they have to cast it for games and practices.

And yes enought with the Paki slam. Everyone knows that in order for him to get significant time we are going to have to go through 3 rb's first. Is he as good as the first 3 guys no, but thats why he's 4th on the depth chart. At the very least he's someone I'm comfortable with in knowing what's going on in protection scheemes and knows the playbook which really goes a long way. He's a kid that has been pretty valuable on special teams in his career and has been nothing but a class act of the field.

It's funny how some 4th team walk on RB's get revered (Brownlee) and others get trashed. I guess it just goes to show that every group has a population of complete trash (even Hawkeyefans) within it.

Im not calling you out Dexter

It's a loving trash. Like telling your friend he throws like a girl.
So phucking over the injuries!!! yes it's part of the game, but is it my black and gold covered glasses that make me think iowa has it worst than other teams or is this for real? year in and year out we are plagued by injuries,
i guess we should be luckey that (knock on wood) that it hasn't been some of our key players....but i don't know--i would think tarpinian is a key player-- robinson-- him too--i mean really? can we just please for the love of god just have 2 healthy/eligible running backs? not even asking for tons of depth--just a couple healthy guys in the back field that will take care of biz----

i agree it's not fair paki get's "trashed"--- but he's really not a good running back let's not kid our selves--- how ironic the least "quality" RB is yet the most stable and healthy of the backs! i think the universe must be telling hawk nation something LOL
It's a loving trash. Like telling your friend he throws like a girl.

Or play like Betty White.

Mike Klinkenborg played several games with a broken hand a few years ago. I distinctly remember the club of a hand/arm he had.

if A-rob is out, any idea how long? with hampton suspended for the first game and possibly no Wegher, that would leave us with Rogers, Paki, and the true freshman for a running game.

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