Ingram is transferring


Well-Known Member
Only thing left to make it official is an announcement. Not a huge loss imo but its always sad to see a guy leave.
Good luck to him.

This balances the classes out nicely.

'14- Marble, McCabe, Basabe
'15- White, Oglesby, Olaseni
'16- Gesell, Woodbury, Clemmons, Uthoff
'17- Jok, Meyer

Fran now has the flexibility to bank the scholly or use it on a JUCO. I wouldn't mind seeing him use it on a JUCO that has 3 years to play after next that would be in Jok and Meyers class.
No surprise. Was buried on depth chart. Hopefully Fran can use open scholarship on a transfer or JUCO who can contribute now.
Only thing left to make it official is an announcement. Not a huge loss imo but its always sad to see a guy leave.
Not that I don't believe you .. .. I've been saying all along that he either needs to red shirt or he'll transfer. But do you have a link or can you site a source?

No surprise. Was buried on depth chart. Hopefully Fran can use open scholarship on a transfer or JUCO who can contribute now.

+1. This is not intended as a jab at Ingram, but if he is not talented enough to break into the lineup on this team, then he is just using up a scholarship that could be used on (hopefully) a more talented player, whether it's a JUCO or a high school player.

I also couldn't blame anyone for transferring to some other school where they could get more playing time anyway. This is not like the Lick days where players were transferring even though they were getting meaningful minutes, so just chalk this up as a type of transfer that "just happens from time to time".
This isn't really surprising. Just way too much talent in front of him, and I don't think they wanted to use a redshirt on him. I wish him well.
Good luck to him. I aid he could've gotten a red shirt and stayed around for a little while. I thought he could have turned into a pretty good ball player for Iowa.
Any actual sources reporting this yet? Wonder what would have changed his mind since Fran said everyone was staying just a couple weeks ago?
Source is confidential :cool: but this is solid info.
That's kewl.

In other threads, I always felt like he was the player with the greatest potential to transfer. IIRC:
  • He was one of the last to commit. (Not that that has anything to do with playing time.)
  • He couldn't make it to Iowa City and therefore didn't get the time to gel with the rest of the team.
  • When he did arrive on campus, he was a bit out of shape and could never crack the rotation.

Given the progression of the rest of his class and the addition of Uthoff/Jok, his playing time was going to be limited next year and, more than likely, the following year.

Do I think he could have helped Iowa in the future? Yes. Am I surprised that he will (allegedly) transfer? No.

Good luck to him.

He is seeing the writing on the wall. Playing time will be limited with what's ahead of him and Uthoff and Jok behind him.

I wish you wouldnt have done this. Now CWood will sit here and try to tell us this is exactly what is going on with Okoro and every other Clown that Fred has driven away.