I'm sorry - blow me up if you want to....

Changing your argument I see, first it is beneath us to play in the NIT and now it is the risk of injury. Dang, you got a point, and it makes me mad that Fran risked Gesell & Woodbury against Howard, S Carolina State, ect ect. How dare he risk injuries to the players that are key to the future of our program. Hopefully next season Fran will just let the upper class men win those non conference games and just use Gesell & Woodbury when conference play starts, you know when the games start to count. It might not be a bad idea to cover them up in bubble wrap during the off season and gawd forbid if Fran allows them to play in the summer league, those games do not mean anything!

Hopefully if Iowa wins the NIT they will do the right thing and deposit the trophy in the trash on their way out of MSG. No banners, please, to embarrassing!

The hay is in the barn for the season. No point in risking getting dudes hurt at this point, is there? Would you really want them to hang a banner for the NIT? Honestly? I mean, those NIT banners at Northwestern sure look nice, but I hope we haven't sunk to that level yet.
What type of bowl game would one compare winning the NIT too? NIT carries a stigma but in college football plenty of people get excited about winning mid tier bowl games.
The hay is in the barn for the season. No point in risking getting dudes hurt at this point, is there? Would you really want them to hang a banner for the NIT? Honestly? I mean, those NIT banners at Northwestern sure look nice, but I hope we haven't sunk to that level yet.

I could make room on a wall in my office. Or maybe hang it above the urinals in the locker room that way they have to look at it every time they take a pee and get mad all over about it.
What type of bowl game would one compare winning the NIT too? NIT carries a stigma but in college football plenty of people get excited about winning mid tier bowl games.

I'd compare it to the Pizza Pizza bowl. The only ones who get excited about the Pizza Pizza bowl are idiot fans of terrible teams, like Northwestern or Minnesota. It angers me that our fan base is so heavily populated with those sorts of fans now.
I'd compare it to the Pizza Pizza bowl. The only ones who get excited about the Pizza Pizza bowl are idiot fans of terrible teams, like Northwestern or Minnesota. It angers me that our fan base is so heavily populated with those sorts of fans now.

I am reporting this to the Northwestern AD immediately. Your season ticket priority in Evanston is toast, pal.
Clearly fans do not care about the NIT as evident by this 6 page thread. Even if you are arguing against you are still sharing an opinion.
Clearly fans do not care about the NIT as evident by this 6 page thread. Even if you are arguing against you are still sharing an opinion.

You are confused. This thread is 6 pages because we have no life and/or have boring jobs and/or are padding client hours.
Um, the NCAA selection committee wholeheartedly disagrees with your sentiment. Had Iowa won some games in a real early season tournament, they prolly would have gone to the dance. How quickly we forget.

You don't have to win against good teams in the pre-season, all you have to do is play a couple (see Oklahoma)
The hay is in the barn for the season. No point in risking getting dudes hurt at this point, is there? Would you really want them to hang a banner for the NIT? Honestly? I mean, those NIT banners at Northwestern sure look nice, but I hope we haven't sunk to that level yet.

Unfortunately we haven't sunk to that level, we've risen to it. Thanks Lick.
Would I rather see the Hawks in the NCAA tourney? Absofrigggginlutely!

Am I enjoying this current run in the NIT? Immensely!

Mo' practice, mo' betta. Although I do wish MG hadn't got hurt and I would not be upset if he didn't play in the last two games.
An NIT run is like dating a fat girl or riding a moped - they're all fun until your friends see you on one. I'm glad the team has beaten two no name teams at home and finally got a decent road win, I'm glad they are going to the Garden, but my level of glad on a scale of 1-10 is like a 2 and when I have to watch all the multiple Indiana, Michigan, MSU and OSU fans I work with strutting around like king $h!t bince their teams actually made decent runs in the tourney that people care about, I'm not going to go around bragging about a consolation prize.

I observe that this is really a "you" problem. You want to walk around your prestige Evans Town law office "strutting around like king $h!t bince their teams actually made decent runs in the tourney that people care about," then you should have attended one of the four prestige schools you mentioned or even Duke or New Mexico. Your issues seem to stem back to a decision you made many, many years ago, after opening all those acceptance letters, on the school you ultimately chose to attend.

Didn't you know Iowa is a football school?
You can say this about any first or second round loss in the NCAA tournament too though, right? I mean unless you win a title or go to a final four, people outside your fan base generally aren't going to remember what you did a few years ago.


I think people misunderstand what I am saying, which is this: NObody should be "unhappy" about an NIT run, but it is still lesser than an NCAA bid.

And I will concede, happily, that a good NIT run can be a stepping stone to a strong follow-up season that includes and NCAA berth.
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If they can win this thing I will definitely say it was a positive year. Five wins in the post season of any type is not easy. I'm optimistic knowing that UVA beat Maryland twice this year. Wow. I hope we do t go in there like fat cats though.
If they can win this thing I will definitely say it was a positive year. Five wins in the post season of any type is not easy. I'm optimistic knowing that UVA beat Maryland twice this year. Wow. I hope we do t go in there like fat cats though.

Relax, I've been a Hawk fan for a LOOOOONG time and I can tell you that Iowa only lays eggs against absolutely terrible opponents or in games that actually matter.
Not everything about the NIT is bad. Young ballerz who don't know Iowa from Iona will see them in MSG! That's not a bad thing.
OK4P - Just curious but what is your background in sports participation? playing/coaching? I'm sure like most posters that rip on Hawk teams/players for the mistakes they make during a game, or the lowly tourney's or bowl games that they play in, that you have a strong resume in High School or College sports. maybe even D1 level?
OK4P - Just curious but what is your background in sports participation? playing/coaching? I'm sure like most posters that rip on Hawk teams/players for the mistakes they make during a game, or the lowly tourney's or bowl games that they play in, that you have a strong resume in High School or College sports. maybe even D1 level?

I was a pretty dominant ball player in HS but I hurt my shoulder my senior year and decided that it was best to hit the books because after Deion Sander and Bo Jackson I wasn't sure the pros were ready for two sport stars. I have won multiple Double Dribble tournaments as well as countless titles (with Iowa) on various versions of EA Sports' NCAA football franchise. I am assuming you were a great ball player, too. Perhaps you scored four touchdowns in a high school game once.
For me as a fan, the NCAA is always better; even one-and-done (which Iowa wouldn't have been this year).

For growing a program, the NIT may be better. For Iowa this year, it probably is.

Either way, I have enjoyed this NIT post-season and would have enjoyed the NCAA post-season.

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