I will admit it...


Well-Known Member
...I wanted the Big 12 to break up. I wanted it to be no more and I wanted ISU to be kicked to the curb and relegated to a non-BCS conference. I'd prefer it even more if ISU dropped down to FCS (Div. IAA) and joined the Missouri Valley with UNI.

I wanted Iowa to have the entire state, and first dibs on its resources, to itself, like Nebraska, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, etc.

People (like Sean Keeler) kept asking how the state would be better off with only one BCS conference school. I don't know. Probably wouldn't. I guess I don't really care. All I know is that the University of Iowa would be better off and, in this instance, I will allow myself to be selfish.

This past football season there were very few ISU fans who didn't spew venemous bile about how crappy the Big 12 was and how unfair it was to ISU. They'd all (still) give their first born to join the Big Ten. Now the Big 12(10) is the best thing since sliced bread and they are dancing in the streets of Ames because the Big 12(10) is continuing on and they get to stay in it.

It looks as if ISU has lucked out for now, and ISU fans should definitely be feeling lucky right now, because this fell in your laps. You did nothing to earn this or make it happen. You were a powerless bystander on the brink of ruin who happened to luck out and get dealt a winning hand.

I wouldn't rest easy, ISU fan. I still think the Big 12(10) is an unstable arraingement, probably even more now. The system is still set up to unfairly benefit the southern schools. It is unbalanced and could fly apart at any time.

I apologize to all ISU fans who are offended by my words. I was only being honest, though. Intellectually, my head tells me that ISU has justs much right to exist and flourish as Iowa does and that there should be room for both of us in this state. Emotionally, though, my heart wants the entire state for Iowa and it resents having to share it with "little brother."

Growing up in extreme Eastern Iowa in the 70's ad 80's, I hardly ever heard a single word about ISU. It was all Hawkeyes, all the time. Even Western Illinois is Hawkeye territory. I was in high school before I fully realized that ISU existed and had athletic teams. Growing up as such, it seems natural to me that all Iowans should be Hawkeye fans: "We're going to fight, fight, fight for Iowa. Let every LOYAL Iowan sing." Emotionally speaking, the mere existence of an Iowa State seems unnatural and disloyal.

So, there you are. I threw all my cards on the table. Again, I aplogize for offending ISU fans, but that's how I feel. And I live in Ames.

...I wanted the Big 12 to break up. I wanted it to be no more and I wanted ISU to be kicked to the curb and relegated to a non-BCS conference. I'd prefer it even more if ISU dropped down to FCS (Div. IAA) and joined the Missouri Valley with UNI.

I wanted Iowa to have the entire state, and first dibs on its resources, to itself, like Nebraska, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, etc.

People (like Sean Keeler) kept asking how the state would be better off with only one BCS conference school. I don't know. Probably wouldn't. I guess I don't really care. All I know is that the University of Iowa would be better off and, in this instance, I will allow myself to be selfish.

This past football season there were very few ISU fans who didn't spew venemous bile about how crappy the Big 12 was and how unfair it was to ISU. They'd all (still) give their first born to join the Big Ten. Now the Big 12(10) is the best thing since sliced bread and they are dancing in the streets of Ames because the Big 12(10) is continuing on and they get to stay in it.

It looks as if ISU has lucked out for now, and ISU fans should definitely be feeling lucky right now, because this fell in your laps. You did nothing to earn this or make it happen. You were a powerless bystander on the brink of ruin who happened to luck out and get dealt a winning hand.

I wouldn't rest easy, ISU fan. I still think the Big 12(10) is an unstable arraingement, probably even more now. The system is still set up to unfairly benefit the southern schools. It is unbalanced and could fly apart at any time.

I apologize to all ISU fans who are offended by my words. I was only being honest, though. Intellectually, my head tells me that ISU has justs much right to exist and flourish as Iowa does and that there should be room for both of us in this state. Emotionally, though, my heart wants the entire state for Iowa and it resents having to share it with "little brother."

Growing up in extreme Eastern Iowa in the 70's ad 80's, I hardly ever heard a single word about ISU. It was all Hawkeyes, all the time. Even Western Illinois is Hawkeye territory. I was in high school before I fully realized that ISU existed and had athletic teams. Growing up as such, it seems natural to me that all Iowans should be Hawkeye fans: "We're going to fight, fight, fight for Iowa. Let every LOYAL Iowan sing." Emotionally speaking, the mere existence of an Iowa State seems unnatural and disloyal.

So, there you are. I threw all my cards on the table. Again, I aplogize for offending ISU fans, but that's how I feel. And I live in Ames.


You know, Iowa could have easily been in the same position if the conferences switched stability levels.
...I wanted the Big 12 to break up. I wanted it to be no more and I wanted ISU to be kicked to the curb and relegated to a non-BCS conference. I'd prefer it even more if ISU dropped down to FCS (Div. IAA) and joined the Missouri Valley with UNI.

I wanted Iowa to have the entire state, and first dibs on its resources, to itself, like Nebraska, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, etc.

People (like Sean Keeler) kept asking how the state would be better off with only one BCS conference school. I don't know. Probably wouldn't. I guess I don't really care. All I know is that the University of Iowa would be better off and, in this instance, I will allow myself to be selfish.

This past football season there were very few ISU fans who didn't spew venemous bile about how crappy the Big 12 was and how unfair it was to ISU. They'd all (still) give their first born to join the Big Ten. Now the Big 12(10) is the best thing since sliced bread and they are dancing in the streets of Ames because the Big 12(10) is continuing on and they get to stay in it.

It looks as if ISU has lucked out for now, and ISU fans should definitely be feeling lucky right now, because this fell in your laps. You did nothing to earn this or make it happen. You were a powerless bystander on the brink of ruin who happened to luck out and get dealt a winning hand.

I wouldn't rest easy, ISU fan. I still think the Big 12(10) is an unstable arraingement, probably even more now. The system is still set up to unfairly benefit the southern schools. It is unbalanced and could fly apart at any time.

I apologize to all ISU fans who are offended by my words. I was only being honest, though. Intellectually, my head tells me that ISU has justs much right to exist and flourish as Iowa does and that there should be room for both of us in this state. Emotionally, though, my heart wants the entire state for Iowa and it resents having to share it with "little brother."

Growing up in extreme Eastern Iowa in the 70's ad 80's, I hardly ever heard a single word about ISU. It was all Hawkeyes, all the time. Even Western Illinois is Hawkeye territory. I was in high school before I fully realized that ISU existed and had athletic teams. Growing up as such, it seems natural to me that all Iowans should be Hawkeye fans: "We're going to fight, fight, fight for Iowa. Let every LOYAL Iowan sing." Emotionally speaking, the mere existence of an Iowa State seems unnatural and disloyal.

So, there you are. I threw all my cards on the table. Again, I aplogize for offending ISU fans, but that's how I feel. And I live in Ames.


I agree 100%. There is always another day and another chance this could occur in the future at some point but I guess we will have to wait and see. I don't really care about the conference as much as I do about just wanting the series to be over with. So much for that I guess.
You know, Iowa could have easily been in the same position if the conferences switched stability levels.

True but the reality is what it is and historically Iowa is just a more successful program in football. Anybody can spin it anyway they want but we are in the Big 10 and always will be. So the point is basically moot.
Now that's some serious obsession with all things ISU. Which is Ok...in fact, I think its great that we make Iowa fans obsess over us. Probably has to with having a winning record against Kirk Ferentz. =)
Now that's some serious obsession with all things ISU. Which is Ok...in fact, I think its great that we make Iowa fans obsess over us. Probably has to with having a winning record against Kirk Ferentz. =)

He said while posting on a Hawkeye Board. BTW Iowa already has the pick(s) of the litter in the State of Iowa.
So many people have totally missed the plot on this. This is another example of that.

Maybe, but things are still shaking out as expected. Really, all that's changed is Boise State to the MWC, Colorado to the Pac 10, Nebraska to the Big Ten. The Big XII questions are settled, and now it's time to look east... the Big East, to be exact...
Again...a winning record against the Hawks....

Iowa has won the last 5 of 7 and is about to make it 6 out of 8 and the series is about to go 39-17.

The clowns won a few in a row when KF was first hired. Spin all you want.

So do you really want to continue with the clowns have a winning record against KF. That is about to end also.

Remember 6 out of 8 after this year....Iowa is back to the Hayden years...OUCH!

The only thing truly missing are the a$$ kickings from Hayden's days...oh wait 34-3 last year and the clowns haven't scored a TD in 14 quarters....

obsess over the clowns....Who posts on the Iowa board all the time little brother???
I stated that ISU has a winning record against Iowa's current, and fairly long running, head coach Kirk Ferentz.

This is a true statement and stands on its own.

And, for the record, I have posted on this board since its inception because I'm an alumni of the University of Iowa and someone who roots for Iowa in all games but one. So my presence here is quite rational in that context. What's your excuse for obsessing about ISU?
I stated that ISU has a winning record against Iowa's current, and fairly long running, head coach Kirk Ferentz.

This is a true statement and stands on its own.

And, for the record, I have posted on this board since its inception because I'm an alumni of the University of Iowa and someone who roots for Iowa in all games but one. So my presence here is quite rational in that context. What's your excuse for obsessing about ISU?

Still, the facts are that Iowa State has never won a conference championship nor has ever played in a bowl game after Dec. 31. Iowa, literally, has done more in two years than Iowa St has done in its history.

Nuff said.
Great. I'm happy for 'em. Not relevant to the fact I asserted but nice bit of trivia.

Back to the discussion.
The fact that ISU has won more than they've lost against Iowa over KF's somewhat long tenure remains true.
.It looks as if ISU has lucked out for now, and ISU fans should definitely be feeling lucky right now, because this fell in your laps. You did nothing to earn this or make it happen. You were a powerless bystander on the brink of ruin who happened to luck out and get dealt a winning hand.

I'm not so sure they got dealt a winning hand; it's more like they got handed a marker by Texas, with a ton of strings attached. It keeps them in the game - for a while.
Great...does that fact change anything I've said? No.
Does it alter the fact that ISU has beaten up on KF more than he has on them? Again no.

So you are making an irrelevant point...simply because you have no refutation for what I've said. Rather than re-stating blather, perhaps you should make an actual relevant point. You should try it, its actually very satisfying.
Great. I'm happy for 'em. Not relevant to the fact I asserted but nice bit of trivia.

Back to the discussion.
The fact that ISU has won more than they've lost against Iowa over KF's somewhat long tenure remains true.

OK, I now realize you aren't able to read between the lines. I'll spell it out for you. Here's a relevant & factual point.

KF has done more with IOWA in 2 yrs than IOWA St has done in its ENTIRE college f-ball history. As an Iowa fan, I'll take that.

Seriously, take a step back & realize how silly the point is you are trying to make.

OK, I give up. You WIN! I would take irrelevant wins over an in-state rival team over ending the season with a solid record & going to a nice bowl game. (I.E. 2005 season & playing Texas in the Outback Bowl).

Stupid me. How did I not see your point?
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Mesaclown, you're the one making an irrelevant point, because at Iowa, we don't care! You're trying to hold onto one positive spin, and we'll let you have it, you've got a winning record against KF, that doesn't make you relevant in college football. Iowa has top 10 finishes, BCS bowl victories, conference championships, making us relevant in DI football, the irrelevancy is ISU.

What's sad is that you hold onto those victories like they are some kind of trophy of success. If ISU goes 1-11, but that one win is over Iowa, that's a good season in your eyes. Truth be told, most Iowa fans just feel sorry for you...
Mesa, It is absolutely true that ISU has a winning record over Kirk Ferentz. Can't deny the facts.

Now be absolutely honest with us. Do you believe that when Kirk Ferentz ends his career at Iowa, whenever that is, he will still have a losing record against ISU? Now be totally honest with us, and don't give us any "who knows what the future holds baloney." Do you truly think he will end his Iowa career with a losing record against ISU?

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