I was finally able to put a finger on a thought related to this team

Dude does work early, you see him get on the block and fight. The ball handler looks at him at swings it around or jacks it up. The few guys who work never get rewarded, it's like a pick up game . Eventually you stop because what's the point?

I guess in my opinion they knew their role and it was basically the same game when they were winning. I totally understand what you're getting at, but at the same time can you really expect things to change from one game to the next if you pack it up and quit fighting?

That said, it makes perfect sense, if they stopped playing/fighting for eachother. If they'er playing for themselves its much easier to develop that defeated attitude and you'd be more likely to throw in the towel if not getting the individual touches. IF your playing as a team you're willing to put your individual ideals aside, and don't necessarily see it as a waste of energy if your moving forward as a team.
The problem with this team is they are lazy. On defense the rotations are decent only about half the time, Zero communication. On offense we make no attempt to get in the lane, if Fran had looked at analytics in his life he'd realize most shots should be in the paint or corner threes to be efficient. Iowa has 4 guys shuffling around the 3 line before one take a contested shot from the top. I don't blame Woody for not working because nobody gets him the ball. One of my least liked teams I have ever watched in Iowa bb.

Wow, go watch Drake.
Iowa's chemistry is quite the contrast to ISU's.... night and day difference. I think that has a major influence on the way teams play, especially when times get tough.
looking at it objectively...Fran's half court offense leaves a LOT to be desired...and his baffling reluctance to full court press with this much "depth", we let teams dictate the pace of play...I don't understand how some people can whine and moan about Kirk being a horrible game day coach...then defend Fran for his game day strategy...it's lacking to say the least.

You aren't objective, stop trying.
A few questions:

Is Basabe still sick?

Why did we not attack the rim until the last min?

Does Fran realize how bad he is at utilizing White?

Why are we still playing zone?

I question why Iowa did not attack the rim with 20 seconds left after having 2 straight possessions where they got "and-ones" by attacking the basket. I would not have attempted a 3 pointer until absolutely necessary. But whatever........

I was asking the same questions about playing zone. You would think playing a team like Northwestern they could match up well playing man to man. About the only one who can beat anyone off the dribble is Crawford.
They don't play for one another...or rather, they have stopped playing for one another. The chemistry they once had is all gone.

I am not saying they don't like each other, but they just don't seem to go out of their way all that much for each other, like close teams do, like last year's Iowa team did.

I am guessing White is tired of how few touches he gets in scoring position where he isn't forced to dribble drive, which is hard for him because people don't respect his jump shot.

Maybe I am wrong...perhaps I am grasping at straws, too...but that's what it looked like from the couch.

Well, it's easy to get that thought when the announcer says it a bunch of times during the game.
I see you're point, but completely disagree with that mentality. I come from the mindset that if I'm not going to see the ball that often then I'm going to be working my tail off to get more opportunities, not giving up. If I'm not getting it on the block then I'm busting my *** for second chance points.

The problems with this team are too long to list. However the number one problem that can make up for a lot of those other problems is pretty clear-

Lack of on court leadership

I'm not talking Fran coaching or any other coach for that matter, this team lacks a guy that players respect and want to play with and for. As funny as it sounds this team is missing an Eric May or Jarryd Cole a guy that is the clear team leader that demands things from teammates and those teammates listen because they are the leader.

This team doesn't have anything close to that, it's a bunch of guys with various amounts of basketball talents that can't seem to find the one thing to bring them together and play for, and if the news Fran's family got this week couldn't do it than it's pretty much a lost cause.

They are lost without a leader on the court and it is what it is.
If the PGs are going to take 29 out of the team's 62 shots they better combine for 35 to 40 points. The 3rd team all conference player doesn't miss a shot; isn't in foul trouble; and only scores 5 points. This is a problem. Team chemistry comes from sharing the ball. Sharing the ball starts with the PG position. All of this is IMO of course.
If the PGs are going to take 29 out of the team's 62 shots they better combine for 35 to 40 points. The 3rd team all conference player doesn't miss a shot; isn't in foul trouble; and only scores 5 points. This is a problem. Team chemistry comes from sharing the ball. Sharing the ball starts with the PG position. All of this is IMO of course.

Oh hai Windsore.

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