I Think He's Going.

If he is EVER going to go it will be in KC this year. Why you ask?
-the shine is off Kirk in terms of NFL head coaching jobs based upon recent inconsistent years, but with KC...
-his good friend runs the team and has considered Kirk before
-he has to see how much of a struggle the next few years at Iowa will be
Where will we ever find a replacement to go 7-5 most years?

There may only be two or three hundred coaches to choose from who are capable of doing that.

Honestly the ceiling will be lower for most other coaches at Iowa because most will likely not be able to put as much talent on the field but KFs average win loss record is easily replaced.

Most other coaches will lose to PSU and Michigan but beat Northwester, Minnesota and ISU.

BINGO!!!!! Look I like him as a person. He appears to be a really good person, but lets get real here. You don't get paid top dollar in a BCS conference to finish fourth, fifth, sixth, place in that same conference. Why is this toleratable by any fans expectations? Really what are we saying about Iowa City, Iowa here? That we are the getto of college sports and so we have to pay top dollar to get average results???

I was one of the few who supported this hire even when many were crying about missing out on Stoops. Kirk had some good years for us and gave us during those years something to be proud about and to feel good about. It just seems like the other teams have now made adjustments to his style of play and it is now ineffective. Having one good year and three average years is, well, average. If he stays (and I think he will) I will wish him nothing but the best (of course, having been nothing but a hawkeye for forty-five years) and I hope he can some how stir up some of that ole magic we saw when he had those three top ten finishes back to back to back.

If he goes it will be very interesting to see what a new coach brings to the table. It will be then that we will come to realize what we had in KF (Tom Davis sydrome). By the way lest I forget, Thank you Mr. Davis for the great job you did in making Iowa basketball competitive and fun to watch all those years.

Interesting though when you look at Tom and Kirk you see a lot of similarities. Both are quality persons. Both put out good competitive teams but just couldn't get over the hump and consistantly put out great teams that competed at a national championship level. Is that bad? Not really......it's Iowa! (with the exception of wrestling.)
Where will we ever find a replacement to go 7-5 most years?

There may only be two or three hundred coaches to choose from who are capable of doing that.

Honestly the ceiling will be lower for most other coaches at Iowa because most will likely not be able to put as much talent on the field but KFs average win loss record is easily replaced.

Most other coaches will lose to PSU and Michigan but beat Northwester, Minnesota and ISU.

Most years? Discounting his first two years when he was rebuilding the program, KF has six years of 7 wins or less and five years of 9 wins or more. How is that even CLOSE to most? No one is happy with 7-5 and I doubt KF is either. However, this kind of posting is representative of a portion of the fanbase that thinks it’s easy to go out and find a guy who can do better. Who are these guys with a proven track record who would be willing to leave their school to take the HC job at Iowa? Surely you could provide a list of 10-15 of them.
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Most years? Discounting his first two years when he was rebuilding the program, KF has six years of 7 wins or less and five years of 9 wins or more. How is that even CLOSE to most? No one is happy with 7-5 and I doubt KF is either. However, this kind of posting is representative of a portion of the fanbase that thinks it’s easy to go out and find a guy who can do better. Who are these guys with a proven track record who would be willing to leave their school to take the HC job at Iowa? Surely you could provide a list of 10-15 of them.

Did you consider Kirk as having a proven track record when he was hired?
Did you consider Kirk as having a proven track record when he was hired?

No, but I am not the one complaining that there are so many guys that could do as well or better either. I am just guessing that he is referring to guys that are head coaches now. That's silly enough. It's even sillier to suggest that even guys who have never been HCs could deliver 7 or 8 wins a year. How else would one arrive at a number like 200-300? Even if meant as hyperbole, that is stupid.

Does it really make sense to complain about how much KF makes? Would Hawkeye Nation be any happier with 7-5 seasons if a coach made 900k? Would 7-5 seasons be easier to swallow if we drubbed Minnesota and ISU every year and got drubbed by Penn State and Michigan?
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Most years? Discounting his first two years when he was rebuilding the program, KF has six years of 7 wins or less and five years of 9 wins or more. How is that even CLOSE to most? No one is happy with 7-5 and I doubt KF is either. However, this kind of posting is representative of a portion of the fanbase that thinks it’s easy to go out and find a guy who can do better. Who are these guys with a proven track record who would be willing to leave their school to take the HC job at Iowa? Surely you could provide a list of 10-15 of them.

I will go on record and say that I don't think it's easy to go out and grab a HC that can come to Iowa and do better than KF. With that said, I am in the camp that is really starting to worry about the state of the football program. We had a great run from 02-04. Since that time, during the regular season, we have won more than 8 games just 1 time in the last 7 years. That is a huge red flag. In the last 7 years we are averaging just over 7 wins a year during the regular season. So, some fans think things need to change while others think 7 wins is okay as long as we have a season where we make a BCS game or win a Big Ten title every once in awhile. I can actually see both sides of the arguement. Obviously we all want Iowa to win 10 games every year and contend for titles, but what is realistic? That's where the money argument comes in (not that I agree with that arguement) Fans will say that recently we pay championship money for medicore results
I will go on record and say that I don't think it's easy to go out and grab a HC that can come to Iowa and do better than KF. With that said, I am in the camp that is really starting to worry about the state of the football program. We had a great run from 02-04. Since that time, during the regular season, we have won more than 8 games just 1 time in the last 7 years. That is a huge red flag. In the last 7 years we are averaging just over 7 wins a year during the regular season. So, some fans think things need to change while others think 7 wins is okay as long as we have a season where we make a BCS game or win a Big Ten title every once in awhile. I can actually see both sides of the arguement. Obviously we all want Iowa to win 10 games every year and contend for titles, but what is realistic? That's where the money argument comes in (not that I agree with that arguement) Fans will say that recently we pay championship money for medicore results

I can see where you are coming from, BUT I think it's cherry picking to go back seven years. Lots of people seem to want to go back to the start of "the slump" as a basis for their argument. If this is a "what have you done for me lately" business, wouldn't the past three or four years be more indicative of the program? That's the camp I am in. I think 2008 was not bad. They got better as the year went on. The next year was a great year and they deserved all the praise they got. Was there some luck? Sure, but all teams have some of that. This year was expected to be a rebuilding year and if 2010 had been a 10 win season, complaints about 2011 wouldn't be so loud. The real bad year was 2010 when all the pieces were in place for a much better season than we had. Fans need to remember that it was like 2007 or 2008 when we fielded one of the youngest teams in the country. The only two teams that played more freshmen than us were FAU and ND.
I can see where you are coming from, BUT I think it's cherry picking to go back seven years. Lots of people seem to want to go back to the start of "the slump" as a basis for their argument. If this is a "what have you done for me lately" business, wouldn't the past three or four years be more indicative of the program? That's the camp I am in. I think 2008 was not bad. They got better as the year went on. The next year was a great year and they deserved all the praise they got. Was there some luck? Sure, but all teams have some of that. This year was expected to be a rebuilding year and if 2010 had been a 10 win season, complaints about 2011 wouldn't be so loud. The real bad year was 2010 when all the pieces were in place for a much better season than we had. Fans need to remember that it was like 2007 or 2008 when we fielded one of the youngest teams in the country. The only two teams that played more freshmen than us were FAU and ND.

I agree with you, a 4-5 year look at a program is probably the most fair way to look at it. I was just stating the arguments I have heard on this board and from fans I know. I personally am a little worried because we did not take advantage of the talent in 2010, or the weak Big 10 in 2011. One more win and I might have felt a little differently. I do not think it's time for KF to go, but I would like to see things turn around a bit next year.
I know Kf made a statement last week about being at Iowa next year, but since the firing of Haley, and all the press that is discussing his name surrounding the KC job, why has there not been a short, supplemental public statement release by the athletic dept? They've had a few days now. It's precious time. It's been mentioned before, we are in recruiting season. KF obviously knows that. Hard not to read into the lapse of time here.
I know Kf made a statement last week about being at Iowa next year, but since the firing of Haley, and all the press that is discussing his name surrounding the KC job, why has there not been a short, supplemental public statement release by the athletic dept? They've had a few days now. It's precious time. It's been mentioned before, we are in recruiting season. KF obviously knows that. Hard not to read into the lapse of time here.

Just because he hasn't told the public in a statement, that doesn't mean he hasn't reassured all the current targets that he is staying. There are three reasons I don't think he is going to KC:

1-I think if he wanted to go to the NFL, he would have left a long time ago.
2-Pioli passed on the first chance to hire him in 2009.
3-Would he really put himself in a position where there is even the remotest chance that he would have to fire his friend?
1. Timing ?
2. Regrets?
3. Best chance to win?
I don't know, I'm speculating like everyone else. Just seems like a quick press release would be easy.
I've heard Kirk has a presser coming up soon (possibly tomorrow? Can't remember exactly). What I want to know is, after Kirk pulled Morehouse off to the side during the last one after Mark asked Kirk about leaving, who is going to have the balls to bring the exact same question up to him this time?
In your scenario he has to make the playoffs 2 of his 1st 3 or 4 years to get a serious pay raise. Making the playoffs is not easy...if he coaches for 8 more years he will make more money in Iowa City
Who ever takes over as the Chiefs HC next year will have a really good shot at making the playoffs. The Chiefs get a favorable schedule because of how poor of a record they have this year PLUS they get all of their injuried guys back. I think the Chiefs are a playoff team year 1 for the next coach. It would be year 2 where the challenge begins.
I can see where you are coming from, BUT I think it's cherry picking to go back seven years. Lots of people seem to want to go back to the start of "the slump" as a basis for their argument. If this is a "what have you done for me lately" business, wouldn't the past three or four years be more indicative of the program? That's the camp I am in. I think 2008 was not bad. They got better as the year went on. The next year was a great year and they deserved all the praise they got. Was there some luck? Sure, but all teams have some of that. This year was expected to be a rebuilding year and if 2010 had been a 10 win season, complaints about 2011 wouldn't be so loud. The real bad year was 2010 when all the pieces were in place for a much better season than we had. Fans need to remember that it was like 2007 or 2008 when we fielded one of the youngest teams in the country. The only two teams that played more freshmen than us were FAU and ND.

I see what you're saying here, but I don't think it's really "cherry picking" to look at the past 7 years.. That's a fairly significant chunk of time. 5 out of 7 years with 7 or fewer regular wins.. I find that concerning.

On the same token, you can also look at the past 4 years and look at the 8-10-7-7 regular season win totals and it suddenly looks quite a bit better.

Where does that leave us, except to wonder if 2005-2007 is going to be the norm, or if 2008-2011 is going to be closer. Maybe we will just continue to get the "up and down" cycles, or maybe 2008 & 2009 were flukes.

There's all kinds of ways to slice & dice the data, and none of it really tells me for sure which direction the football program is headed. That's why I think it's too early to write off KF.. If we go 6-6 or 7-5 for the next 2-3 years, then I'll start to say that KF is past his prime. But let's wait and see.
BINGO!!!!! Look I like him as a person. He appears to be a really good person, but lets get real here. You don't get paid top dollar in a BCS conference to finish fourth, fifth, sixth, place in that same conference. Why is this toleratable by any fans expectations? Really what are we saying about Iowa City, Iowa here? That we are the getto of college sports and so we have to pay top dollar to get average results???

I was one of the few who supported this hire even when many were crying about missing out on Stoops. Kirk had some good years for us and gave us during those years something to be proud about and to feel good about. It just seems like the other teams have now made adjustments to his style of play and it is now ineffective. Having one good year and three average years is, well, average. If he stays (and I think he will) I will wish him nothing but the best (of course, having been nothing but a hawkeye for forty-five years) and I hope he can some how stir up some of that ole magic we saw when he had those three top ten finishes back to back to back.

If he goes it will be very interesting to see what a new coach brings to the table. It will be then that we will come to realize what we had in KF (Tom Davis sydrome). By the way lest I forget, Thank you Mr. Davis for the great job you did in making Iowa basketball competitive and fun to watch all those years.

Interesting though when you look at Tom and Kirk you see a lot of similarities. Both are quality persons. Both put out good competitive teams but just couldn't get over the hump and consistantly put out great teams that competed at a national championship level. Is that bad? Not really......it's Iowa! (with the exception of wrestling.)

Back the **** up.

Did you say toleratable?
I see what you're saying here, but I don't think it's really "cherry picking" to look at the past 7 years.. That's a fairly significant chunk of time. 5 out of 7 years with 7 or fewer regular wins.. I find that concerning.

On the same token, you can also look at the past 4 years and look at the 8-10-7-7 regular season win totals and it suddenly looks quite a bit better.

Where does that leave us, except to wonder if 2005-2007 is going to be the norm, or if 2008-2011 is going to be closer. Maybe we will just continue to get the "up and down" cycles, or maybe 2008 & 2009 were flukes.

There's all kinds of ways to slice & dice the data, and none of it really tells me for sure which direction the football program is headed. That's why I think it's too early to write off KF.. If we go 6-6 or 7-5 for the next 2-3 years, then I'll start to say that KF is past his prime. But let's wait and see.

It is cherry picking because I don't think the time frame matters as much as the record for these complainers. If we had won 9 games in the regular season in '05 and '06, people would still complain that we had only won 6 or 7 games in regular season in three of the past five. So they would be ignoring 2005 and 2006 for it to fit their argument. They also don't like to look at things in perspective either.

I think the key to being more consistent is adapting the defense to combat these spread looks that everybody likes to use and being a little more aggressive.

I agree wholeheartedly with your last paragraph. I think a couple more years of 7 wins would mean the program is going south.
If we had won 9 games in the regular season in '05 and '06, people would still complain that we had only won 6 or 7 games in regular season in three of the past five.

Disagree, at least partially. You paint some rather large strokes with that statement. Sure, this would certainly be true for SOME people, because some people would start to complain even if we went 10-2 every year, asking why we can't go 12-0? Some people will always complain.. But at the risk of sounding like KF: That's Sports.

Speaking for myself, I'd be much happier in your scenario if we'd won 9 games in 2005 & 2006.. That would mean 4/7 winning 8+ games, rather than 5/7 winning 7 or less. That's a big difference. I doubt I'm alone to feel that way.
I think the key to being more consistent is adapting the defense to combat these spread looks that everybody likes to use and being a little more aggressive.

I wouldn't mind seeing some of this rather than playing the exact same D no matter the opponent, but I'm in the camp that thinks the offense is where there's the most room for improvement.

Our D is pretty consistently Top 15 or Top 20 at worst, sometimes Top 10. When the Offense is usually more like 50th, 60th (and sometimes worse), it's pretty hard to point to the defense IMO.

I've thought for years now that Iowa Football is basically just a good offense from having 2002 type seasons most years. Score some more points and those 1-2 point losses turn into W's.
I wouldn't mind seeing some of this rather than playing the exact same D no matter the opponent, but I'm in the camp that thinks the offense is where there's the most room for improvement.

Our D is pretty consistently Top 15 or Top 20 at worst, sometimes Top 10. When the Offense is usually more like 50th, 60th (and sometimes worse), it's pretty hard to point to the defense IMO.

I've thought for years now that Iowa Football is basically just a good offense from having 2002 type seasons most years. Score some more points and those 1-2 point losses turn into W's.

I agree 100%, BUT I have seen times when I felt we should have been more aggressive against spread teams and we blew a lead and lost the game because we weren't. At the same time, five of the past six years we have finished ahead (offensively) of some pretty good teams that won nine or more games: 2011-South Carolina, LSU, Penn St, Kansas State; 2010-Florida State, WVU, LSU; 2009-Rutgers, Nebraska, LSU; 2008-WVU, Alabama, MSU, Ohio St, VT; 2006-Wisconsin, Michigan, Oklahoma, Penn St, Georgia. So it’s not like our offense has been terrible. I think the offensive key is to deliver on 3rd downs consistently.

Speaking to your other point above about how many games we won, I would be happier if we had won nine games more often too. I think that is a reflection of our offense not delivering on 3rd downs and our defense being too passive against teams that can make up a deficit in a short amount of time.

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