I Think He's Going.

5 star recruits break the law at a higher rate? Doubtful. It's the 2-4 star players that are usually knocked down a step or two because of low grades and/or issues with the law before even getting to college.

I bet 95%+ of the felony/drug related crimes commited by college athletes on BCS football teams are committed by skill position players whom are 2-3 star athletes according to Rivals.com

ballsacks are fun for you.
If Ferentz takes the KC job...hypothetically speaking of course, he starts Stanzi, and actually lets him run a two minute offense rather than taking a knee....and torches the defense for 6 and then everyone on HN hates Ferentz forever. :eek:
It's funny watching you guys try and speak authoritatively on topics you have no understanding of.

It's like watching a 3 year old explain how a car engine works.
Even if KF applies, he won't get the job. it'll be Fisher if Cowering, if either one wants it, then Crennel. KF would be way down the list.
My gut feeling is that KF stays put, and that's because I think he's got a really cushy situation.. Making nearly $4 million a year and is extended through 2020.. Ferentz would not have that kind of security in the NFL.

Also the fact that the media is a cakewalk in Iowa compared to what he would face in the NFL.

But if KF really legitemately wants to coach in the NFL, then he may take this job if offered. It does seem like he mentioned once something about how the NFL is a tougher business, much moreso than the college game. I'm just not sure how much he wants to get mixed up in that.

I'm only guessing, though. Maybe KF does want to coach in the pro's, and then retire 5 years from now.
There is no way KF is going to KC. No one has a good argument on why he would. The guy is going to make 4 mil this year and not have to answer to anyone! If KF wins the bowl then he is the hero all over again with this fan base. If he does not win then it's "well oklahoma is a really good team". KF makes 4 mil a year for mediocrity. There is no better job in the world.
If KF truly values his friendship with Pioli, he will not take the job. It's not impossible for them to coexist, as friends, in KC but the odds are against that happening long term. It's that simple.
I always thought of Ricky Stanzi as his son. They both always have that blank look.
Only an ambitious fool would walk away from a job that earns 3.75 million a year without having to win 10 games per season.
Honestly I dont know...but Todd Haley did get fired less than one year after winning the division with 10 wins

That's all Ferentz needed to see...unless he's already been hired by Pioli behind the scenes which propagated the Haley firing.

That, however would be a hard secret to keep.
The only place Kirk is going is to Baskin Robbins. He's a huge ice cream fan.
Where will we ever find a replacement to go 7-5 most years?

There may only be two or three hundred coaches to choose from who are capable of doing that.

Honestly the ceiling will be lower for most other coaches at Iowa because most will likely not be able to put as much talent on the field but KFs average win loss record is easily replaced.

Most other coaches will lose to PSU and Michigan but beat Northwester, Minnesota and ISU.

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