I have spoken to several former Iowa Football players today


Rather, communicated...I have spoken with some, traded texts with some others, and emails with one more.

I simply asked them for a reaction to hearing 12 players are in the hospital due to what sounds like a killer, post Christmas break workout.

The overwhelming majority of them showed no hesitation, no pause, and said the 'squat' workout that is being reported as a part of the culprit, is something that has been done regularly in the past.

In fact, there were a few instances in the Ferentz era where it was a once per week occurrence over a three week period...and the players dreaded going into workout on those days, because it was grueling, and more than a few players lost their cookies on that day.

BUT...the overwhelming reaction from the players I spoke with was pretty simple; This is Iowa football. This is how we do what we do. There is a sign in the Iowa weight room that reads Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard.

They live that.

A few of the guys, knowing that the players have been reported as improving and doing well, chuckled a bit.

No, they are not wishing injury or illness on anyone...it was born out of being a part of that fraternity, for having been through what the current players are going through, remembering back to their time in it.

One former player told me that the NFL workouts and practice regiment was easier than it was at Iowa. But he instantly said that getting to the NFL without the Iowa strength and conditioning system would have been unlikely for him

So when I posted earlier that this ain't intramurals, I was only regurgitating the sentiment from most of the former players I spoke with today.

Now, with 12 players getting ill at the same time, that is certain a question that looms in all of this...I get that.

But based on things some have reported, most of the people I have spoken with feel this was brought on by a common workout practice that hundreds of Iowa players have been through before, and it's employed to 'shock' the nervous system back into place after a period of inactivity, to get ready for the foundation building that takes place each and every Iowa winter off season.

Most of us on here never played football at this level...the majority never played football beyond high school, and some people never lifted a weight more than casually in their life...so it's tough for some to relate to this.

Again, the 12 number is a question mark, and Kirk will be asked about this next Wednesday at his signing day presser, no question about that.
Eh....I don't know. Something still seems off to me. Maybe there's a poor work ethic that contributed to last season. Maybe Doyle is trying to beat it out of them. But for 12 guys to get hospitalized (not just seen in a clinic for rehydration and monitoring) seems funny to me.
Like I said, the 12 for the same thing seems odd, which is why I will wait for next week's Kirk presser to hear what he has to say before I go chicken little the way some have.
Excellent post. There is a reason we develop talent other schools don't. They work their ***** off, and I'm proud of it. I would be willing to bet there were was a case or two of suspect 'rhabdo' and the rest of them were brought in for preventative treatment.
I asked this in another thread but this seems like a better place for it. How many players have been hospitalized for this in the past 10 years?
Check out this tweet by Adrian Clayborn to Tyler Sash:

@TSash .... u hear about the sick boys in iowa city lol?

Again, this is in line with the reactions I got from former players today...guys that have been there and done it and don't have to do it again...its how guys roll and not a surprise, and not a reaction from someone that is surprised to hear about grueling workouts.
Eh....I don't know. Something still seems off to me. Maybe there's a poor work ethic that contributed to last season. Maybe Doyle is trying to beat it out of them. But for 12 guys to get hospitalized (not just seen in a clinic for rehydration and monitoring) seems funny to me.
IMO its very unlikely that the workout was the only factor in the illness for these players. It would take very little added to this workout to become sick and any of a number of things could have set this off.
I have contracted a flu virus that dehydrates you very badly very quickly even though I'm basically only sleeping all the time. The Drs are very well aware this is out there and its very contageous and very fast spreading. Thank god I had the flu shot or this might have been really bad. I went from a very high energy level and doing alot of things to passed out in a chair and feeling sea sick in 2 hrs. I've only been awake for 31/2 hrs today.
I think we'll find these players likely have a combo of factors setting this all up.
No clue. And they wont release that type of info.

They released this info. I dunno, I still don't think something insidious is going on but 12 is a big number for something like this. I'm guessing that legal otc supplements plus a really hard workout is the cause.
IMO its very unlikely that the workout was the only factor in the illness for these players. It would take very little added to this workout to become sick and any of a number of things could have set this off.
I have contracted a flu virus that dehydrates you very badly very quickly even though I'm basically only sleeping all the time. The Drs are very well aware this is out there and its very contageous and very fast spreading. Thank god I had the flu shot or this might have been really bad. I went from a very high energy level and doing alot of things to passed out in a chair and feeling sea sick in 2 hrs. I've only been awake for 31/2 hrs today.
I think we'll find these players likely have a combo of factors setting this all up.

Agreed, multiple factors but ultimately a non-issue.
Could also be a case where a couple guys had serious problems following the workout. So they erred on the side of caution and encourage any of the guys feeling subpar to get checked out.
Brandon Myers on Twitter "100 squats must have been a killer"

Yes, this workout has taken place through the years...not sure if its an every year thing or a bring it out when they think some 'adjustments' are needed sort of thing. Some I spoke with said it didn't take place each year.
its one of three things:

1. a shared supplement used by the players incorrectly
2. some of the 12 are in the hospital for precautionary reasons.
3. a combination of 1 and 2
I HAVE read some more of DJK's tweets....and he's a tool. I thought he just made a mistake and he probably did....but he's still a showboat....Idc what he does in the league and I hope Da Bears don't give him a look.
@Jon... I realize the UofI football team basically pays your bills, so it may be hard for you to be objective... but is it possible for the athletic dept. or a person employed by the athletic dept. to actually do something wrong? You always defend first, even without all the details.
I HAVE read some more of DJK's tweets....and he's a tool. I thought he just made a mistake and he probably did....but he's still a showboat....Idc what he does in the league and I hope Da Bears don't give him a look.

Random Post of the Year! :D
After collecting some facts....This isn't as big an issue....normally probably wouldn't be a huge deal but probably "perfect storm" of factors happened...or there are 11 guys in there for precaution based on they threw up or something....who knows....but regardless.
The whole "well the older guys got threw it and they're fine so the young guns need to man up" isn't a valid way of looking at it...
After collecting some facts....This isn't as big an issue....normally probably wouldn't be a huge deal but probably "perfect storm" of factors happened...or there are 11 guys in there for precaution based on they threw up or something....who knows....but regardless.
The whole "well the older guys got threw it and they're fine so the young guns need to man up" isn't a valid way of looking at it...

It doesn't necessarily mean that everybody is fine. But it does likely mean that the workout is not soley to blame. The vast majority of players have made it through Doyle's workouts like this without any serious health issues. It's just these 12 (that we know of, at any rate). So it was probably something extra that they did themselves, or precautionary.
@Jon... I realize the UofI football team basically pays your bills, so it may be hard for you to be objective... but is it possible for the athletic dept. or a person employed by the athletic dept. to actually do something wrong? You always defend first, even without all the details.

it sounds to me like Jon went out and got facts from people who are part of the program.