I have spoken to several former Iowa Football players today

Maybe this was all just a publicity stunt to announce the arrival of a mystery recruit:


Looks like the Steelers got him instead!
The only thing we know for sure is that no matter what Kirk says at the presser Cyclone conspiracy theorists will be all over "Kirkie the scum" as they so adoringly refer to him on CF. I've already seen rampant speculation over there that this is attributable to cocaine overdose, or other illicit drugs.
Yeah. Ignore those Iowa football players lying in hospital beds getting IV drips to restore fluids and medications to help repair possible kidney damage.

It's better to have them in the hospital now than on the sideline down on a knee in the 4th quarter. I saw enough gassed players last year, hopefully 2011 will be a different story.
I've ran several marathons and if I push the last several miles to where I think I'm going to flop over dead, I pee urine so dark you would think it was blood. It takes a few days to recover and I'm fine. Nothing to worry about, just glad to see the boys working hard.
As a life-long Hawk fan, I want to accept Jon's viewpoint and that of the majority of comments. However as a retired physician who spent 12 yrs on the faculty at the Univ medical school, I must raise another viewpoint. How many football players were involved in the workouts? I doubt that any of the 25 who finished their eligibility (or left for any reason) were involved. Thus the number could be as low as 60, but being generous and assuming that a large number of walk-ons were involved, the number still does not exceed 100. This means the incidence of hospitalization (required treatment at hospital or stayed overnight) was between 1 in every 5 and 1 in every 8. I have trouble accepting any practice that has a 12 to 20% rate of hospitalization. Would you take a medication that had those odds of hospitalization? The second concern relates to the fact that even though all will hopefully recover without consequence, the chances of long-term complication from this type of kidney insult is not zero. If the program continues forward with a 12 to 20% chance of hospitalization, we will eventually see the first case of long-term kidney damage. Based on these observations, I hope that this event will prompt a careful review (I did NOT say investigation).
imported, you're taking a one year sample. take it over the several years that this routine has been in place and your 20% drops significantly
imported, you're taking a one year sample. take it over the several years that this routine has been in place and your 20% drops significantly

You're making a big assumption that it's the same work out. I wouldn't be surprised if they stepped it after the way we ended a lot of games last year.
Being a strength and conditioning professional myself, Doyle is one of the most respected in the field, i'm sure his workout was not intended to put guys in the hospital....I challenge any of you to do the 100 squat workout and walk out of the weight room in one piece....Iowa players get drafted because of Doyle, ask any of the strength coaches in the NFL....Iowa players are the most developed and ready for the NFL because of him...
imported, you're taking a one year sample. take it over the several years that this routine has been in place and your 20% drops significantly

It also makes the assumption that all 12 were serious cases.

If I am driving a bus with 30 people and we are hit by another car, you could have 2 people seriously hurt, and most likely the other 28 would go to the hospital for precaution. I think assuming that hospital visit equals serious is not fair without more details that we will never know.
Being a strength and conditioning professional myself, Doyle is one of the most respected in the field, i'm sure his workout was not intended to put guys in the hospital....I challenge any of you to do the 100 squat workout and walk out of the weight room in one piece....Iowa players get drafted because of Doyle, ask any of the strength coaches in the NFL....Iowa players are the most developed and ready for the NFL because of him...

I don't buy it. I thought that highschool tight ends become All-American Tackles from playing Wii Fit and p90X. ;)
I think what many posters are missing, is the fact that the players aren't victims here. They are the 'culprits.' A monster workout will never be anything major unless the athlete chooses to make it that way. I'm sure that those athletes are proud of their work and leadership that they showed. Its OK if you don't understand. I see it as a sign that Hawks are stepping up in order to get themselves some trophies next year.

(Of course, I'm assuming there's no drug use, non-sanctioned supplements, or dehydration going on.)
Unfortunately, due to the lack of real info, there is a lot of speculation going on, some of it borderline crazy, most of it understandable lacking hard data or many confirmed facts.

Just try not to let yourself get carried away to either side, learn a lesson from December. We'll learn more soon.
Jon, what are your thoughts on the tweets this morning from Gregg Doyel (cbs) and Stewart Mandel (SI)?

It would appear that this story is about to get blown way out of proportion by the national media sharks who smell blood in the water.
Reminds me of ppl flying off the handle last month (not me) only to learn there wasn't a rampant drug problem. I guess I am comfortable with the way I handle things. But I never expect 100% agreement. It would b pretty boring were that the case.

This is what it comes down to for me. The reality is that we don't know what's going on and it is going to take some time for the facts to come out. Would you rather believe the worst, cook up a bunch of crazy stories, and use phrases like "heads will roll"? Then there's a radio show you can listen to that does that. Or would you rather gather some facts, give players and coaches the benefit of the doubt, and then wait to see what happens (it's only been 16 hours since this news broke, by the way)?

Everybody whines about "objectivity," but too me the kind of speculation that Perrault deals in is no more objective than what Jon does. In fact, it's less so, because Perrault always believes the worse-- and as an added bonus, he's almost never right. If that's objectivity, I'd rather be the worst homer in the world.
Doyel just tweeted that his thermonuclear article is done and he will be releasing it shortly. Can't wait to see what beaming things he has to say about our program...
I wonder about creatine in higher doses. Creatine+muscle breakdown+dehydration, or something to that effect.
2 things in life I know. Chicks dig the long ball and message board posters love them a good conspiracy theory.

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