I have spoken to several former Iowa Football players today

What am I stirring up? I came on yesterday to see what was going on as my friend has a son on the team and I couldn't get a hold of him. I agree with Jon that people should wait and count me in the group that thinks it was do to the workout or a supplement the kids probably took on their own. I have said as much on both boards. I also know the public (I guess I can't say "we") won't get much info. u of i will give as little info as possible due to HIPPAA. It is the law.

I disagree with hawkeyemike23 that it is okay to put 13 kids in the hospital if it means that iowa will be better. That is ridiculous. I also disagree that this isn't that big of a deal. I would say the same if it was ISU. Again, I don't seee where I have stirred up crap

I also disagree that the PR team at iowa has bobbled this. They have taken the attention away from the issue and now have it focused on them. Take Jon's article as a prime example. That is good PR.

Hey if my rival taken my team to the woodshed three straight times, like Iowa has done to ISU, I wouldn't want them to get any better either. There's a reason Iowa cranks out NFL prospects and ISU doesn't. You don't go from a small town high school star to an NFL player without surviving some grueling workouts. I wish they weren't in the hospital, but there's a price to pay to become great.
So read what you want and then get the he!! out. Why do you feel a need to post your venom? Other than to try to stir things up.

This should be your last post on HN. You don't belong here.
Example #2 Ahawk.

Again, please point to the "venom" I have posted. I have merely participated in a thread about 13 guys getting hospitalized. Amazingly there are a bunch of people that agree with what I am saying or who I agree with. I have said nothing derogatory about the staff or the program. Even when called a DB for no reason.

Heck. Look at another thread I participated in...I agree that Doyel is an idiot that flings crap against the wall to see what sticks. The guy is a tool
Hey if my rival taken my team to the woodshed three straight times, like Iowa has done to ISU, I wouldn't want them to get any better either. There's a reason Iowa cranks out NFL prospects and ISU doesn't. You don't go from a small town high school star to an NFL player without surviving some grueling workouts. I wish they weren't in the hospital, but there's a price to pay to become great.

I really do get what you're trying to say but it just isn't coming out well. I'd stop digging.
Hey if my rival taken my team to the woodshed three straight times, like Iowa has done to ISU, I wouldn't want them to get any better either. There's a reason Iowa cranks out NFL prospects and ISU doesn't. You don't go from a small town high school star to an NFL player without surviving some grueling workouts. I wish they weren't in the hospital, but there's a price to pay to become great.
As I said before. PLenty of college teams crank out NFL prospects without putting kids in the hospital. Look at iowa in the past. Besides a player has said that this is the hardest workout he has ever performed and he is a Junior.
As I said before. PLenty of college teams crank out NFL prospects without putting kids in the hospital. Look at iowa in the past. Besides a player has said that this is the hardest workout he has ever performed and he is a Junior.

A junior who's barely seen the field.
This comment is a waste of time, but if you are not an Iowa fan, why not make the comments on an ISU board and quit trying to scratch where it itches here. Get a life.
For many years I've been wondering if Dan Quayle was correct when he said "We have too many lawyers in our society and not enough engineers". I think we're gonna learn the answer as to whether that is correct in the near future.
I've said all along....and I know it's been said, but the 13 players DID something to contribute and make the workout more serious. Alcohol over the weekend could have done it.

Do we know that ALL 13 players had the exact same ailment? Rybdo....??

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