I gained a whole new respect for RDM last night


Well-Known Member
Dude was incredible. Took a major shot to his eye, or very close, then got clobbered at the rim while making the shot with his eyes basically closed. Not to mention completing the 3 pt play seconds later. Ram tough
haven't you heard?

The hatin' has moved from McCabe who is shooting and missing too much to Marble because he's shooting and making too much = selfish.

Meanwhile, White has perfected the "16'-20' unguarded head-fake so the defender can close on me so I can pass it to Marble to take a difficult shot" skill set.
haven't you heard?

The hatin' has moved from McCabe who is shooting and missing too much to Marble because he's shooting and making too much = selfish.

Meanwhile, White has perfected the "16'-20' unguarded head-fake so the defender can close on me so I can pass it to Marble to take a difficult shot" skill set.

Lol I've said Marble is selfish all season and is more about himself. I never hated on McCabe.

Making too much????? 40%??? Lol yaaaaaaa. Right. And the shots he takes at terrible times are good too... add the constly TO's when he could give it up... How about that 3 on 1 pull up from 18 ft out tonight when we needed a score? That wasn't selfish at all and pretty nice too.

Get a clue.
Isn't Marble suppose to be playing like he was tonight every game. 1st Team All Big 10 right.
Lol I've said Marble is selfish all season and is more about himself. I never hated on McCabe.

Making too much????? 40%??? Lol yaaaaaaa. Right. And the shots he takes at terrible times are good too... add the constly TO's when he could give it up... How about that 3 on 1 pull up from 18 ft out tonight when we needed a score? That wasn't selfish at all and pretty nice too.

Get a clue.
I get it. The guy that produces is selfish while the guy that does head-fakes at 20' with nobody on him is the team player or the guard that drives into 7 footers at the rim to miss or have them swatted away is a team player.

Here's a clue for you -- FGM/A last nine games: MG and AW
W - Mich . 3/5 . . . 4/8
W - PSU . 4/8 . . . 6/12
L - Wis . . 4/10 . . . 2/5
L - Min . . 6/15 . . . 8/11
L - Ind . . 3/12 . . . 6/8
W - Pur . . 3/11 . .. 3/9
L - MSU . . 2/5 . . . 5/8
L - ILL . . . 4/13 . . 3/6
L - NW . . . 0/10 . . 2/2

Notice a trend there Sherlock?

Do just a little homework about Marble FG% will you?

His % ranks him at 33 overall: equal to Pettaway, A.Hollins and better than G.Harris, Yogi, Rice, Brust, etc.
His 3pt% ranks him at 19: easily better than Pettaway, Decker, Rice, S.Thompson, etc.

You're looking ridiculous.
People call Marble selfish because the last time they played ball (junior high) they were taught that all players should get to shoot the same. This is big boy ball. Your best player shoots the most.
Could you imagine how amazingly awful our half-court offense would be without Marble's "selfishness" at this point. The failures are a coaching issue right now. Period.
Marble is now being lumped in with players like Ricky Davis and Luke Recker. Maybe Marble is full of himself, I don't know. I don't know the kid. But I just know that every time Iowa seems to have a go to guy that can take over a game, that player is labeled as a selfish ball hog. Frankly, I find it amusing.

When nobody else on the team is producing, and said player takes it upon himself to carry the team, he is considered to be selfish. OK.....

Would you guys rather have a team full of "team players" who don't have the ability to put the team on their backs?
Marble scores twenty points a game. Sweet. He also shoots 20 shots a game as well. Not hard to do when you shoot that shot.. Shoots 40%.
Not good. Takes bad shots about 50% of the the time and at terrible times as well. Constantly misses big time shots. Not a big time player. Players are tired of playing in his shadow so they just let him do what he wants and have given up. Refuses to give the ball up at times and doesn't convert. I guarantee you that a lot of people on this team could score in double figs every game if they threw up 20 shots a game too.
haven't you heard?

The hatin' has moved from McCabe who is shooting and missing too much to Marble because he's shooting and making too much = selfish.

Meanwhile, White has perfected the "16'-20' unguarded head-fake so the defender can close on me so I can pass it to Marble to take a difficult shot" skill set.

ThaNK yOU! Dead on
BTW lets run the same tired baseline back and forth with Oglesby with a wing screen that everyone knows is coming so he can get the ball on the wing guarded perfectly like the other team knows it's coming.
Marble scores twenty points a game. Sweet. He also shoots 20 shots a game as well. Not hard to do when you shoot that shot.. Shoots 40%.
Not good. Takes bad shots about 50% of the the time and at terrible times as well. Constantly misses big time shots. Not a big time player. Players are tired of playing in his shadow so they just let him do what he wants and have given up. Refuses to give the ball up at times and doesn't convert. I guarantee you that a lot of people on this team could score in double figs every game if they threw up 20 shots a game too.

So who else has demonstrated the ability to hit any big time shot
Oglesby-HELL NO
McCabe-Not really
Uthoff- Why didn't they throw him the ball last night he was the only bright spot on offense.
Marble scores twenty points a game. Sweet. He also shoots 20 shots a game as well. Not hard to do when you shoot that shot.. Shoots 40%.
Not good. Takes bad shots about 50% of the the time and at terrible times as well. Constantly misses big time shots. Not a big time player. Players are tired of playing in his shadow so they just let him do what he wants and have given up. Refuses to give the ball up at times and doesn't convert. I guarantee you that a lot of people on this team could score in double figs every game if they threw up 20 shots a game too.

I think Jok is the only other player on the team capable of getting a shot off 20 times in a game.
Marble's percentage is a lot better than the 0% you shoot when you get a shot clock violation.
So who else has demonstrated the ability to hit any big time shot
Oglesby-HELL NO
McCabe-Not really
Uthoff- Why didn't they throw him the ball last night he was the only bright spot on offense.

And has Marble? No? So why not try other people as much as he gets the opportunity? How can you say Oges is a HELL NO when he brought us back with 4 treys against Minny at home, Single handedly kept us in the game vs Wiscy at home, Kept us in the game with 3 straight treys at Minny, hit that dagger against Purdue at home. He missed a shot against Minny that woulda been big and didn't shoot well last night. When else has he had to opportunity this year to hit a time shot? When has Marble hit 3 or 4 straight treys to keep us in the game? I'll agree he has kept us in a couple games but when we need a bucket at the end of the game or a dagger he isnt any better than anybody else. Gesell really needs to improve his shooting tho.
I cannot believe the amount of people on this board the last few weeks who have said we won't miss RDM next year. Who else is going to score 20 for us off this roster? Man I hope dickerson can play.
I cannot believe the amount of people on this board the last few weeks who have said we won't miss RDM next year. Who else is going to score 20 for us off this roster? Man I hope dickerson can play.

I cannot believe the amount of people think throwing up 20 shots a game and scoring double figs a game is hard. Anybody else on this team could do it.
It's difficult to pinpoint where the issue is with this team because they quit. They aren't in a funk or going through a slump. The just flat out quit three weeks ago. It could be a player or even a couple guys (I'll let you figure out who) who are poisoning the locker room. Maybe the team quit on Fran. Maybe it's a combination of all that. I've watched enough sports to know when a team quits or tanks, and this team quit at the Wisconsin home loss.

Any way you look at it this was a disaster of a season, and I would be hard pressed to find a silver lining.
Dude was incredible. Took a major shot to his eye, or very close, then got clobbered at the rim while making the shot with his eyes basically closed. Not to mention completing the 3 pt play seconds later. Ram tough
He is a talented player I will give him that. He however has not fulfilled his role as the leader of this team. He is selfish, the game is about him, he does not make those around him better in any way shape or form. Michael Jordan often talked of his greatness as being able to make those around him better. I heard him speak once and talked about BJ Armstrong and how he took it upon himself to help put BJ in places he could succeed. When is the last time you have seen Marble get in guys faces, demand more of them??? This team is listless and on life support. Did you see everyone come to Devyn's rescue when he went down???? Not one player came to help him up...not one! Watch a true leader like Dougie McDermott.

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