I gained a whole new respect for RDM last night

Are you freaking kidding me? You think you can designate who the player/leader HAS TO BE on any given team? It is statements like this that make me want to puke. RDM gave everything he had to "get this team off the canvas" last night. Gabe and Mikey also put forth good effort, albeit not necessarily rewarded for it. The coach is the only member of the team to be criticized for lack of leadership. End of story.

IMO Fran has done everything he can to put RDM on the pedestal to lead. My eyes were opened last night especially when RDM went down and not one player, seriously not one single player acknowledge him being down. Wow!
Marble scores twenty points a game. Sweet. He also shoots 20 shots a game as well. Not hard to do when you shoot that shot.. Shoots 40%.
Not good. Takes bad shots about 50% of the the time and at terrible times as well. Constantly misses big time shots. Not a big time player. Players are tired of playing in his shadow so they just let him do what he wants and have given up. Refuses to give the ball up at times and doesn't convert. I guarantee you that a lot of people on this team could score in double figs every game if they threw up 20 shots a game too.

Tell me, who is good enough on this team offensively to score 15 points a game? Noone. Marble shoots because he has to. We have 0 1 on 1 players on this team other than marble. College basketball has essentially become like the pros; all 1 on 1. We have next to none shooters and little quickness. We are what we are and about where we should be. I cant believe marble who is a top 10 alltime iowa scorer gets this amount of grief.
It's worse than you think.

Marble can score, but he's a selfish ball hog who is clearly not liked. Since he's the putative "leader" of the team, this creates a horrible atmosphere. Guys like Uthoff who clearly possess talent and could probably take over a game have obviously been sent the signal that this is Roydevyn's team.

And so here we are.

Anyone remember the non conference when Marble hardly scored at all because he was trying to get the rest of the team going? If he was selfish then he easily would have finished 2nd all time scoring at Iowa. I'm sure it was a big deal to him to be the only father son combo to be first and second at a school. He put that in jeopardy to help get the rest of the team involved and now he's not going to get it because of that. To me that's plenty proof that he's a team first player.
I cannot believe the amount of people think throwing up 20 shots a game and scoring double figs a game is hard. Anybody else on this team could do it.

Tell us who should be shooting at this point. Seriously, I'd love to see what solution you have to this "problem".

Marble hit on 44% of his shots last night and was a perfect 8-8 from the line. He also somehow managed to get 4 assists on a night when nobody else besides Uthoff could hit the broad side of a barn. He had a pretty efficient night, despite the fact that he was one of only two guys who bothered to even make the trip.
Some of you guys crack me up.

First off, we don't have to find A GUY to replace Marble. We just need for the rest of the team to pick up that slack. If Marble averages 18ppg, then we need the other 9 guys that play to up their average by an average of 2ppg. And frankly, we'll be a much better TEAM because of it. Because right now, we don't have a team....simply a collection of players going thru the motions.

Dev is a talent....there's no denying that. But he's not a leader. He doesn't make players around him better. He has most likely caused a rift in that locker room by being all about Dev. The bigs have most definitely checked out because the next post feed Dev makes will be his first. Half the time White looks like he wants to rip his head off. He's nowhere to be found on the court or in the huddle encouraging teammates or congratulating them on a good play.

It'll be the old mantra next year of "addition by subtraction".
Some of you guys crack me up.

First off, we don't have to find A GUY to replace Marble. We just need for the rest of the team to pick up that slack. If Marble averages 18ppg, then we need the other 9 guys that play to up their average by an average of 2ppg. And frankly, we'll be a much better TEAM because of it. Because right now, we don't have a team....simply a collection of players going thru the motions.

Dev is a talent....there's no denying that. But he's not a leader. He doesn't make players around him better. He has most likely caused a rift in that locker room by being all about Dev. The bigs have most definitely checked out because the next post feed Dev makes will be his first. Half the time White looks like he wants to rip his head off. He's nowhere to be found on the court or in the huddle encouraging teammates or congratulating them on a good play.

It'll be the old mantra next year of "addition by subtraction".

So if that truly is the case then why throw it in now? Why not suck it up, do your job, play your heart out and extend the season since he won't be around next year.

I'm a fan of Devyn's and won't hesitate to admit it, but I don't understand the addition by subtraction argument. At any one time there's 4 other guys on the floor with him and I've yet to see anyone step into a role challenging Devyn for being "that guy". In my opinion it seems as though they've all accepted that Devyn is their leader whether they like it or not. I simply don't see that drive out of anyone else.

Gessel last night had a rough night, but kept on fighting and taking shots.

White wasn't that guy last night nor has he appeared to be in the recent past.

Utoff put up a great game last night.

But the problem I see is that the consistency of his teammates isn't there night in and night out. As I said I like Devyn, but looking at it through nonbiased glasses, I honestly can't tell if he's the ball hog some are saying he is or if he's forcing himself to step up because his career at iowa is literally a heart beat away and he wants to keep playing and no one else is upping their game to do so.

While I understand that one man doesn't have to take his place statistically someone has to do it collectively as the leader of this team. This team has allowed Devyn to become the face of the program and I simply don't know if I can see anyone currently on the roster attempting to lead/carry the team on a night in/night out basis.
So if that truly is the case then why throw it in now? Why not suck it up, do your job, play your heart out and extend the season since he won't be around next year.

I'm a fan of Devyn's and won't hesitate to admit it, but I don't understand the addition by subtraction argument. At any one time there's 4 other guys on the floor with him and I've yet to see anyone step into a role challenging Devyn for being "that guy". In my opinion it seems as though they've all accepted that Devyn is their leader whether they like it or not. I simply don't see that drive out of anyone else.

Gessel last night had a rough night, but kept on fighting and taking shots.

White wasn't that guy last night nor has he appeared to be in the recent past.

Utoff put up a great game last night.

But the problem I see is that the consistency of his teammates isn't there night in and night out. As I said I like Devyn, but looking at it through nonbiased glasses, I honestly can't tell if he's the ball hog some are saying he is or if he's forcing himself to step up because his career at iowa is literally a heart beat away and he wants to keep playing and no one else is upping their game to do so.

While I understand that one man doesn't have to take his place statistically someone has to do it collectively as the leader of this team. This team has allowed Devyn to become the face of the program and I simply don't know if I can see anyone currently on the roster attempting to lead/carry the team on a night in/night out basis.

Because when you continuously get your a$$ chewed by the coach for making mistakes and Dev constantly gets a pass, and you've put up with it all year then have to listen to Dev be all about Dev, it tends to wear you down and you tend to just say "fu*k it".
I never said points is all thay matters. That's always just what people talk about on here so that's what I talk about. But RDM fails to do anything but score so I don't understand your point.
Point is him scoring 20 means nothing in the grand scheme of things. There are much more meaningful statistics then ppg.
I get it. The guy that produces is selfish while the guy that does head-fakes at 20' with nobody on him is the team player or the guard that drives into 7 footers at the rim to miss or have them swatted away is a team player.

Here's a clue for you -- FGM/A last nine games: MG and AW
W - Mich . 3/5 . . . 4/8
W - PSU . 4/8 . . . 6/12
L - Wis . . 4/10 . . . 2/5
L - Min . . 6/15 . . . 8/11
L - Ind . . 3/12 . . . 6/8
W - Pur . . 3/11 . .. 3/9
L - MSU . . 2/5 . . . 5/8
L - ILL . . . 4/13 . . 3/6
L - NW . . . 0/10 . . 2/2

Notice a trend there Sherlock?

Where is it written in stone that Gessell should be the starting PG next season. His shooting is Very inconsistent and sometimes awful. He can't make FT down the stretch either. I hope Dickerson is given every opportunity to win the starting job. And, I hope he is a better player for Iowa's sake.
Post like this make me scratch my head and go what the f###. Take Aaron Craft can't shoot a lick...but he brings so much to the table. In looking at team stats it is no coincidence that our slide and Mike's minutes played have coincided with each other. Mike's minutes are down and so are the win's. If you ask B1G coaches I will guarantee you they love Mike and what he brings to the court.
Are you freaking kidding me? You think you can designate who the player/leader HAS TO BE on any given team? It is statements like this that make me want to puke. RDM gave everything he had to "get this team off the canvas" last night. Gabe and Mikey also put forth good effort, albeit not necessarily rewarded for it. The coach is the only member of the team to be criticized for lack of leadership. End of story.
Did you watch the game...and listen to the announcers? These guys get paid to watch film, analyze players, systems, etc. Dakich said in no uncertain terms that Roy Devyn Marble needed to be the guy to take charge of this team and start demanding more from his teammates. I never said on any give night...I said he needs to be the guy in practice, during the game that elevates everyone's game. There are people who are great players who take no leadership roles...guys like Carmello. The issue on this team is not just Marble...it starts at the top and is spread thick down the ranks.
Because when you continuously get your a$$ chewed by the coach for making mistakes and Dev constantly gets a pass, and you've put up with it all year then have to listen to Dev be all about Dev, it tends to wear you down and you tend to just say "fu*k it".

But at the same time, if you were in Devyn's position and it was your senior year wouldn't you try to elevate your game if those around you aren't raising theirs. I totally get your point, but I feel that at the same time the "monster" Devyn has become has been as much the result of his teammates failure to produce as it has been Devyn being all about Devyn.

I know people get tired of going back to the OOC schedule, but I honestly believe that if Devyn were all about Devyn like many claim he is, and ony plays for himself, I would see him trying to put up monster numbers night in and night out rather than seeing him distributing the ball and letting his teammates get their points.

I'm not saying that I think its right that Devyn time after time gets the free pass from Fran when anyone elses *** would have been chewed. But at the same time if I were in Devyn's role I would be chewing the ***** of teammates for falling off the map. I think theres a very obvious reason why he tries to do to much.
Point is him scoring 20 means nothing in the grand scheme of things. There are much more meaningful statistics then ppg.

Like what?

Last I checked, being able to put points on the board is a pretty darned important part of the game. Sure, it's not everything, but common.

And once again, RDM led the team in assists last night, too, so not sure what more you guys want him to do out there.
Tell us who should be shooting at this point. Seriously, I'd love to see what solution you have to this "problem".

Marble hit on 44% of his shots last night and was a perfect 8-8 from the line. He also somehow managed to get 4 assists on a night when nobody else besides Uthoff could hit the broad side of a barn. He had a pretty efficient night, despite the fact that he was one of only two guys who bothered to even make the trip.

Exactly. I feel bad for Marble. He was great this season, and deserves better than this. If he doesn't shoot, who will? White won't shoot anything outside of a lay up, Uthoff and Oglesby both are extremely hesitant to shoot unless they are wide open. Olesani has terrible hands, MG shoots 38% (!) from the floor, not a whole lot of options for someone else to pick up the scoring slack.
Like what?

Last I checked, being able to put points on the board is a pretty darned important part of the game. Sure, it's not everything, but common.

And once again, RDM led the team in assists last night, too, so not sure what more you guys want him to do out there.

Sweet. Say everybody has 0 assists and he has 1 then he leads the team. Saying that means nothing. Look up guards in the B1G and see where he ranks. He would prolly even get a little assist action if he gave the ball to the open man when he's in his I'm not gonna pass mode. Dev also plays a lot of point to where most 2 guards only play 2.
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Exactly. I feel bad for Marble. He was great this season, and deserves better than this. If he doesn't shoot, who will? White won't shoot anything outside of a lay up, Uthoff and Oglesby both are extremely hesitant to shoot unless they are wide open. Olesani has terrible hands, MG shoots 38% (!) from the floor, not a whole lot of options for someone else to pick up the scoring slack.

What does Marble shoot? 41%? Makes 3 more shots outta 100. Wow... Huge difference.

And Gesell definitely shoots 40% according to Yahoo.
Did you watch the game...and listen to the announcers? These guys get paid to watch film, analyze players, systems, etc. Dakich said in no uncertain terms that Roy Devyn Marble needed to be the guy to take charge of this team and start demanding more from his teammates. I never said on any give night...I said he needs to be the guy in practice, during the game that elevates everyone's game. There are people who are great players who take no leadership roles...guys like Carmello. The issue on this team is not just Marble...it starts at the top and is spread thick down the ranks.

I think this is a very good post. The fact is that on teams with more defined leadership, Devyn could slide and let his play speak for itself without having to physically assume the role of a leader. That said, I think Devyn wants to be that guy and has accepted that role, but lacks that true leadership trait/mentality. Not all great leaders are great players and not all great players are great leaders.
Sweet.Say everybody has 0 assists and he has 1 then he leads the team. Saying that means nothing. Look up SG's in the B1G and see where he ranks. He would prolly even get a little assist action if he gave the ball to the open man when he's in his I'm not gonna pass mode.

Really, leading the team in assists means nothing? Um, ok. But since you're so hung up on stats, here you go:
2013-14 Big Ten College Basketball Player Statistics - ESPN

RDM is 10th in the league in assists, and this is all players, not just shooting guards. Yeah, what a horribly selfish player who never passes the ball.

But hey, don't let the facts get in the way. Now let's here some excuses as to why RDM gets 3.5 APG. I'm willing to bet you aren't going to give him any credit for it.
Really, leading the team in assists means nothing? Um, ok. But since you're so hung up on stats, here you go:
2013-14 Big Ten College Basketball Player Statistics - ESPN

RDM is 10th in the league in assists, and this is all players, not just shooting guards. Yeah, what a horribly selfish player who never passes the ball.

But hey, don't let the facts get in the way.

Yeah like I said, he plays point guard half the time too. In Iowa's offense there are gonna be a lot more assists cuz of transition and running the floor. That will scew the numbers. Anyway you can look up in B1G play? Just wanna see his averages there.

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