I gained a whole new respect for RDM last night

What does Marble shoot? 41%? Makes 3 more shots outta 100. Wow... Huge difference.

And Gesell definitely shoots 40% according to Yahoo.

90/236 = 38.1% and 3% is a big difference especially when Marble is turning the ball over less and getting to the free throw line much more too. His True Shooting % is 6% higher than MG's.
Yeah like I said, he plays point guard half the time too. In Iowa's offense there are gonna be a lot more assists cuz of transition and running the floor. That will scew the numbers. Anyway you can look up in B1G play? Just wanna see his averages there.

I'm not sure where to find "Big 10 only" stats. But every player on this list also had OOC games, so that's an even playing field.

That said, I took an average of RDM's assist numbers in Big Ten games only, and he still averages 3.52 APG in those games (67 in 19 games) which is pretty much right on his entire season's average. Feel free to check my math.

Marble had 11 assists in the 2nd Wisconsin game. Not bad for a selfish player that never passes the ball.
I'm not sure where to find "Big 10 only" stats. But every player on this list also had OOC games, so that's an even playing field.

That said, I took an average of RDM's assist numbers in Big Ten games only, and he still averages 3.52 APG in those games (67 in 19 games) which is pretty much right on his entire season's average. Feel free to check my math.

Marble had 11 assists in the 2nd Wisconsin game. Not bad for a selfish player that never passes the ball.

So what's the reasoning for nobody getting along with him?
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Sweet. Say everybody has 0 assists and he has 1 then he leads the team. Saying that means nothing. Look up guards in the B1G and see where he ranks. He would prolly even get a little assist action if he gave the ball to the open man when he's in his I'm not gonna pass mode. Dev also plays a lot of point to where most 2 guards only play 2.

Did you forget the part where you commented that Devyn fails to do anything but score.I brought up the fact earlier that he averages 3.5 assists/game, but that wasn't good enough for you despite the team leader only averaging 3.9 assists per game.

Then the fact that his leading all guards on the team in the rebound department mean nothing because he's 6'7.

Then averaging 2 steals per game wasn't good enough for you.

Your right. He's not leading the Big Ten in any of these categories, so its only natural to throw out a comment that he "fails to do anything but score". The problem with that is the fact that you don't like him and threw out a comment like that that has absolutely zero merit.

The numbers while not league leading prove the exact opposite and I've never heard anyone respectable in the college hoops community address the fact that Devyn is nothing more than a scorer.

You're not a fan of his we get that, but don't make comments that are nothing more than your opinion, when his stat line indicates that illustrates the exact opposite.
Anyone remember the non conference when Marble hardly scored at all because he was trying to get the rest of the team going? If he was selfish then he easily would have finished 2nd all time scoring at Iowa. I'm sure it was a big deal to him to be the only father son combo to be first and second at a school. He put that in jeopardy to help get the rest of the team involved and now he's not going to get it because of that. To me that's plenty proof that he's a team first player.

I will help you out a bit-

nonconf- 11-2
conf- 9-10

less than 10 shots a game- 8-1
more than 10 shots a game- 12-11

less than 15 shots a game- 17-2
more than 15 shots a game- 3-10
Obviously you have not followed basketball very closely. Scoring 20 is a very small part of basketball. A team playing together and distributing the basketball, sharing, making the extra pass and defending means more then 20 pts. Give me a TEAM...and we will not miss RDM...now give me RDM on a TEAM and I will take him in a heartbeat...

Good God I can't believe I'm reading this drivel from Iowa fans. Only this team and coaches know what's going on in the locker room, but as far as what is happening on the floor Marble is playing terrific. Yes, there is more to basketball than scoring 20 points game. There is defending, creating for others and knowing where to be. Marble is playing better than everyone else in those categories. Against Wisconsin he scored 21 points and had 11 assists. Iowa still lost. We could blame it all on Marble for having the ball knocked away by Kaminsky on the last play, but by that standard everyone is a bad player.

Against Northwestern Marble was the ONLY guy on the perimeter who could stay in front of his man. Basically whoever Oglesby, Gesell, White or Jok were guarding on the perimeter open shots or drove at will. At Michigan State he was the only guy who showed any stones whatsoever and kept Iowa in the game/ahead with a great first half. Which was nearly impossible to keep up that pace against a good MSU team.

Where does this come from that Marble is selfish? I don't get it. Marble averages 13 shots a game this year. That is too many? If anything, I want him shooting more. Who else should shoot? Gesell? Please. He has gone 22-76 for a whopping 29% over the past 7 games. Oglesby made shots like crazy against Wisconsin and Minnesota. Since the, he's 8-27. Marble is 53-114 in the same time (47%). Yes, HE is the problem.

Teams lose and win as teams. This team has put out a collective crap-burger over the last few weeks. I don't know the "source" of the problem, other than effort is part of it with the entire team basically deciding to not play defense since the Wisconsin game. Maybe Iowa was never very good, and the first 3/4 of the season was an aberration and the last 7 games were just how good they really are. Somehow I don't think that's the case.

If there's blame to be passed around, it's the coaches. It's their job to get guys to buy in and play hard. That stopped happening (collectively) once Iowa lost the Wisconsin game. It doesn't mean that it can't be reversed. Illinois for the first half of the Big 10 season looked like it didn't really care if they won or lost. They got much better the last half of the league slate. But to single out Marble as the source of the problem makes no sense to me?

Look at the effort stats against Northwestern. In the first half last night, Northwestern missed 12 shots from the field in the first half. They rebounded 5 of those misses, despite Iowa being taller at every position. Iowa missed 16 shots in the first half and rebounded only 3 of them. How does this happen? This is Marble's fault?
Look at the effort stats against Northwestern. In the first half last night, Northwestern missed 12 shots from the field in the first half. They rebounded 5 of those misses, despite Iowa being taller at every position. Iowa missed 16 shots in the first half and rebounded only 3 of them. How does this happen? This is Marble's fault?

Just like leadership you can't coach effort. That is 100% on the players.
Just like leadership you can't coach effort. That is 100% on the players.

I get that this is all a circular argument. Teams that win have great leaders. Those that lose don't. By that logic, why is Ohio State have its poorest season of any that Aaron Craft has been in Columbus? If he was such a great leader (and I'm sure he is) why aren't the Buckeyes doing better now than when he was a freshman and sophomore? My answer is he had guys like Sullinger and DeAndre Thomas who he could throw the ball to and they would put it in the basket. So Craft was a good leader then. Got it. But if it's all about leadership then why did OSU go 10-8 this year? The answer is they aren't as good.

I would argue that effort IS on the coaches. They are the ones who are paid a lot of money to get guys to play hard. Northwestern's guys have zero to play for, but they paid attention every possession and competed like crazy last night. Yes, the players are the ones out on the floor but it's the coaches' job to get 5 guys out there who will compete and execute the game plan.
Lol I've said Marble is selfish all season and is more about himself. I never hated on McCabe.

Making too much????? 40%??? Lol yaaaaaaa. Right. And the shots he takes at terrible times are good too... add the constly TO's when he could give it up... How about that 3 on 1 pull up from 18 ft out tonight when we needed a score? That wasn't selfish at all and pretty nice too.

Get a clue.

Not even close.
I cannot believe the amount of people think throwing up 20 shots a game and scoring double figs a game is hard. Anybody else on this team could do it.

Dev has taken 20 or more shots in three (two that went into OT) of the Hawks 32 games. Apparently you struggle with math. You shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion.
I will help you out a bit-

nonconf- 11-2
conf- 9-10

less than 10 shots a game- 8-1
more than 10 shots a game- 12-11

less than 15 shots a game- 17-2
more than 15 shots a game- 3-10

Ha that's interesting. I though we dominated the non conference because we played crap teams. Turns out it was because Marble shot less.

Anyway my post wasn't about whether we were better or worse off with Marble shooting the ball. It was in defense of him being called a selfish player. If he was a selfish player he would have used the sisters of the poor to rack up some stats.
Dev has taken 20 or more shots in three (two that went into OT) of the Hawks 32 games. Apparently you struggle with math. You shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion.

You must not understand exaggerating. He usually take 15-18.
I'm not sure its fair or possible to judge leadership but I'll say that Devyn doesn't appear to be the vocal take charge leader and the team seems to lack leadership... this of course coming from an outside perspective.

With that said, unless Dickerson or somebody new the roster can step in and provide an up lift. We don't have the horses on the current roster to replace Dev's scoring.

He's the most talented offensive player we have and there's no close 2nd.
So is your guys conclusion that this team really gets along with Marble and he never is all about himself?

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