Husker fans give respect to perfect Iowa

From my previous post: I went back and looked (Sorry didn't know who Smith was), it was the play were Gerry got ejected. I can't determine the intent of anyone, but I would have to assume that he was being congratulated because his team mates saw him break up a pass on 3rd down and thought it was a clean hit, not because an opposing player was hurt.

Most fans and football players don't want to see other players get seriously injured.

IMO, I don't like the rule, but it was likely called correctly in this instance.

No fan likes the rule. But if you're a receiver stretched out trying to receive a pass and you get hit by the opponent's helmet ANYWHERE when you are defenseless, you have to like the rule. Many a career (high school, pro and college) has ended with hits just like the one Gerry delivered to Smith. It was a much more serious hit than Lomax delivered last year in the ISU game where he was ejected for targeting.
No fan likes the rule. But if you're a receiver stretched out trying to receive a pass and you get hit by the opponent's helmet ANYWHERE when you are defenseless, you have to like the rule. Many a career (high school, pro and college) has ended with hits just like the one Gerry delivered to Smith. It was a much more serious hit than Lomax delivered last year in the ISU game where he was ejected for targeting.

I understand that. In this instance, Smith laid out head first and left himself defenseless. Smith left a small target that Gerry had to hit to break up the play, and unfortunately for Gerry, he made helmet to helmet contact and was rightfully flagged. That will happen when guys are running that fast and diving.

To get so upset about it makes one look like they are stretching for things to be upset about.
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How do you husker fans justify this clean play?
Boy, looks like to me Jewell made an attempt to knee the Nebraska player. Not sure was the best vid to post for your point. I guess I'd be upset to if I was the Nebraska player getting a knee in that area. Hmm.

Good catch. It looks like retaliation for taking an intentional cheap shot to the, well, jewels, if you will.

Not the best vine to use if you're trying to accuse another team of being dirty.
Well thank you for those of you who remained, as I expected, courteous. Which is what I like about the B1G, most fans that I have had discussions with in B1G country are normally fairly well adjusted, fantastic down to earth people. Some can obviously be Stubborn and even downright ignorant as you have all been witness to and or will be at some point in your lives. At least none of you have to deal with all this SEC Love fest crap down here in Texas. Then on top of that you add in Texas, a very entitled group, and new money Baylor (Oregon 2.0). Then the SEC Cultist that are A&M who are the biggest SEC HOMERS I have ever heard and can not be convinced that Football is played elsewhere at all! (two Aggies in my family)

So I truly enjoy this forum as I find the discussions to be of higher quality and content!

As I said in my first post on this site, Really jealous of you guys for having so much excitement in the program and the season still. Definitely a feeling I would hope to have to some extent again someday.

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