Husker fans give respect to perfect Iowa

From my previous post: I went back and looked (Sorry didn't know who Smith was), it was the play were Gerry got ejected. I can't determine the intent of anyone, but I would have to assume that he was being congratulated because his team mates saw him break up a pass on 3rd down and thought it was a clean hit, not because an opposing player was hurt.

Most fans and football players don't want to see other players get seriously injured.

IMO, I don't like the rule, but it was likely called correctly in this instance.

I think that was the shortest amount of time for a replay review for an ejection. Those all get reviewed now and on tv it was very apparent and the kid's attitude when he knew what he did was very apparent also. If only the game were in Kinnick and we all got to say "goodbye" to him on his early exit to the locker room. Dirty play. Don't say it wasn't. Very clear.
He made a play and got ejected for it and rightly so given the rules. Nobody has any idea of what his intent was so to say he was or wasn't trying to take the kids head off is silly.

Serious question, what is the consensus here on the Jordan Lomax hit on Jarvis West last year? The replays of the two look similar. Both guys are on their way to the ground trying to separate the ball. Once they leave their feet, the trajectory is fixed, it's not like they have flight control surfaces to alter it. Listen to what Lomax had to say afterwards about that play, the same things he went through in terms of split second decisions apply to both guys. After each of the hits, both Gerry's and Lomax's teammates are celebrating in a similar way. Bonus question. Is it really the player or is it the uniform they are wearing?

The hits really aren't that similar. Gerry's hit on Smith was clearly helmet to helmet and when Lomax hit West it was obvious that he lead with his shoulder pad. Both were targeting penalties because the contact was to the head, and both probably deserved the ejection. However the intent appears different. Gerry didn't lead with his shoulder pads at all. He led with his head. Plus after the hit it was instantly clear that Tevaun Smith was down and the the Nebraska celebrating began. It wasn't as obvious that West was hurt until shortly after. Because there were two tacklers involved on the West hit it was more difficult to visualize the impact. Gerry's hit on Smith was instantaneous and Smith grabbed both sides of his helmet immediately. To continue cheering when that's happening right in front of you and everyone can see it is a pretty poor showing of sportsmanship. I'm surprised you can't see the difference, but maybe I shouldn't be.
Congratulations Iowa thread
Unfortunately, some moron named Hawkeye2011, went over there and had a meltdown while basically blasting every Husker fan, player, coach, and the entire history of the Nebraska program.

Whoever you are; thanks a lot, dumbarse.
I have to agree 2011 seems like a loser. Maybe he's a frustrated clown fan still holding a grudge against nebby. I noticed one thing from the Nebraska board. They have many posters who have the same level of class as 2011. Many of their posts are similar to cyfans types of posts. There were definitely some decent posters there and the mod posting on this thread seems decent. He didn't have to do it, props to him.
I have to agree 2011 seems like a loser. Maybe he's a frustrated clown fan still holding a grudge against nebby. I noticed one thing from the Nebraska board. They have many posters who have the same level of class as 2011. Many of their posts are similar to cyfans types of posts. There were definitely some decent posters there and the mod posting on this thread seems decent. He didn't have to do it, props to him.

I noticed that Nebby fans in that thread still cling to stuff that happened 20 years ago. I hope it comforts them through the long winter.
Can you explain the hit you are speaking of? Honestly I'm not sure what you are talking about.

Edit: Ok, I went back and looked, it was the play were Gerry got ejected. I can't determine the intent of anyone, but I would have to assume that he was being congratulated because his team mates saw him break up a pass on 3rd down and thought it was a clean hit, not because an opposing player was hurt.

Most fans and football players don't want to see other players get seriously injured.

Well, I was there and can tell you that the crowd in the North endzone was whooping and yelling when Ben Neimann (different play) tried to stand up after a hard hit to the head. They started their Go BR chant and were laughing at how confused he was. When your player got ejected, it was the same thing. As the ejected kid trotted off the field he did that arm signal (throw the bones?) and started swinging his arms to get everyone fired up. I've been in Kinnick a lot of years and the ONLY time I can remember our fans behaving that way after an injury was when three MSU players all suddenly developed a right knee injury at the exact same time.

Everyone is going to defend their own fan base but it was classless.
The hits really aren't that similar. Gerry's hit on Smith was clearly helmet to helmet and when Lomax hit West it was obvious that he lead with his shoulder pad. Both were targeting penalties because the contact was to the head, and both probably deserved the ejection. However the intent appears different. Gerry didn't lead with his shoulder pads at all. He led with his head. Plus after the hit it was instantly clear that Tevaun Smith was down and the the Nebraska celebrating began. It wasn't as obvious that West was hurt until shortly after. Because there were two tacklers involved on the West hit it was more difficult to visualize the impact. Gerry's hit on Smith was instantaneous and Smith grabbed both sides of his helmet immediately. To continue cheering when that's happening right in front of you and everyone can see it is a pretty poor showing of sportsmanship. I'm surprised you can't see the difference, but maybe I shouldn't be.

Wow...Okay. I'm trying to have a discussion about it without judging you or any other poster, regardless of which team they are a fan of. Did I have a homer take on this? I was curious to see what your fans thought of a similar situation with one of their own players. I'm willing to bet if you go ask Cyclone fans what they thought of the Lomax hit, they'll tell you they thought it was dirty and I'm also willing to bet you would explain it to them like you did here. I don't think either player was doing it with the intention to hurt, but then again, I'm also willing to concede that I don't know either of them personally in order to make a claim either way.
BTW, with respect to the OP. I have nothing but respect for Iowa's season. Anybody who's opinion is worth listening to knows that putting together an undefeated season is extremely hard, regardless of who you do it against, which is out of the players control. You have something to be proud of your team for. I'm not sure why it has to be assumed that if you are a Husker fan, you are automatically an idiot with rose colored glasses on and are incapable a non-biased view. Would be great to have a conversation and be judged on your posts rather than who you happen to have an allegiance to.
You should get hit like that once and see if you still like it.

I have. It hurt. It used to be football.

What would you assume when the offending player leaves the field and incites the plays to cheer after an illegal hit.

I try not to assume what it in the heart of another. It's kind of a lost position.
BTW, with respect to the OP. I have nothing but respect for Iowa's season. Anybody who's opinion is worth listening to knows that putting together an undefeated season is extremely hard, regardless of who you do it against, which is out of the players control. You have something to be proud of your team for. I'm not sure why it has to be assumed that if you are a Husker fan, you are automatically an idiot with rose colored glasses on and are incapable a non-biased view. Would be great to have a conversation and be judged on your posts rather than who you happen to have an allegiance to.

I personally don't think the hit was dirty. Players know now that if they lead with the head they will be penalized, and I think you do see less and less of it actually. I think he was trying to make an instinctual play and he delivered a hell of a hit to a defenseless player, and he was appropriately penalized and ejected. I don't think that is dirty, I think it just happens in football. Much like a facemask can happen, but it is still a penalty.

I think for me what I took exception to was the celebrating over an obviously injured player. #24 clearly looked at Smith and saw he was down, started patty Gerry on the back for it. At the same time you got a Assistant coach b!tching about the call, even though 3 officials made the same call. The only people who acted appropriately after the hit was your trainers who instantly came to help Smith.
Very well said Dean, I thought the reaction was bush league, and it's very upsetting to see kids act like that....nothing against the Gerry kid, he's extremely talented, but the reaction of the fans, and some the players was very disturbing to me....jmo
Well as you may disagree, I would ask you though. Is it really that hard for you to picture that happening? Players want to win, they will often do anything they can to do so whether it be by allowed or disallowed. Again I am not saying this was the case in this instance, but players can and will draw penalties if it can help them win. That happens in every single game. I will add to the bold statement to include that you can draw a Targeting penalty without it being a Mead crushing blow, and in tune with my thoughts Smart Players who will attempt to draw this penalty will do so in such a manor that can lead to the least amount of self harm, such as anticipating the impact and so on. It can and I assure you does happen. this situation though would be predicated on a player who is smart, aware and able. So I certainly don't want to make it as a blanket statement. I have found that posting on anything has more become a lesson in law than anything else. Where if you leave any detail out as assumed or otherwise it will be handed back to you in kind! :)

So I will leave it with this summary that although rare and difficult in nature I feel it would be and has been a rule that Smart offensive players, who can see the field of play and be aware, can determine an incoming opponent, if the right variables are present, and take action to draw a targeting penalty.

Sadly the easier and most common method of seeing these calls is from the natural motion of a running back bracing for impact and dropping to the ground which changes the height of his head drastically. Also common with sliding QBs.
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The other part of his post I disagree with is that Smith was laying on the turf and Gerry was pumping up the crowd. He clearly was being a dbag and if he played for Iowa I would say the same thing.

I highly doubt you would say the same thing if the uniforms were reversed. As I posted Gerry wasn't immediately aware of his ejection, (again going off memory as the entire film isn't showing just parsed clips) and so I was under the thought that Smith was up and off the field when Gerry was leaving the FOP, if I am wrong so be it. But Targeting comes with it a Review for the ejection and so the timeline supports my theory on the player leaving the field.

So when can a fanbase not be excited about an opposing offense failing to convert on 3rd down?? that is what the initial crowd support was for, and unless you have really close seats or great vision how the heck is anyone in the stands supposed to know?

The refs ruled helmet to helmet which is true, the video proves this took place, but if you want to nitpick you can see in this video Gerry tucked his chin away from the Iowa player and attempted to lead with the shoulder. the Iowa helmet impacted Gerry about where the N is.

that video is parsed so the timeline does vary.
You simply want to pick fights? I don't understand why. Have you ever played football? Just because your an Iowa fan doesn't mean that your players are squeaky clean. There is "dirty play" on every single down. Ask any O Lineman or D Lineman. The game would be nothing but flags if every single act of "Dirty Play" was caught. And no it is rarely coached to do specific things it is more of a learned action on what goes on, but players adding an extra twist, or throwing punches in a pile or at the LOS is quite common during game play. Heck look at BYU and A&M both teams had players literally punching the Offensive players in the Groin.

I Simply was attempting to grant Points of view to the Gerry situation, and without a much better view of the hit, there can be wild speculation until the cows come home on all things surrounding it. Point is it was flagged, he was ejected.

So now you show a Receiver, with injury troubles previously, who I can only assume wanted to be let go after he was down and avoid an injury by twisting ankle, legs, what have you. Until you ask Turner yourself, we would never know what was going through his mind.

But if you're trying to tell me that lineman was injured by that or in anyway it affected him at all, then you must think he is the most delicate flower on the face of the earth.
I really don't think Gerry was trying to hurt Tevaun. And how many times have we seen DBs get all pumped after a play and then throw a fit when PI is called?

What DID scare me was the way Tevaun grabbed his head after the hit. And kudos to the Nebby trainer for not only going to him immediately, but all but slamming through his own players to do so.

The rule is a good one. Will there be "overkill" calls? Sure. Heck, Tevaun not only got up from this, he returned to the game. But...what the rule intends is to prevent a situation where the player can NOT get up, much less return to the game.

We have seen "dirty" hits (think the MSU hit on Sandeman in 2009), and also hits where targeting was "probably" the correct call, but an ejection may not have been warranted. I can honestly say, though, that I have ZERO recent memories of Nebraska players being thugs...ON the field, anyway.
I really don't think Gerry was trying to hurt Tevaun. And how many times have we seen DBs get all pumped after a play and then throw a fit when PI is called?

What DID scare me was the way Tevaun grabbed his head after the hit. And kudos to the Nebby trainer for not only going to him immediately, but all but slamming through his own players to do so.

The rule is a good one. Will there be "overkill" calls? Sure. Heck, Tevaun not only got up from this, he returned to the game. But...what the rule intends is to prevent a situation where the player can NOT get up, much less return to the game.

We have seen "dirty" hits (think the MSU hit on Sandeman in 2009), and also hits where targeting was "probably" the correct call, but an ejection may not have been warranted. I can honestly say, though, that I have ZERO recent memories of Nebraska players being thugs...ON the field, anyway.

Lots of reasonable Hawkeyes fans so thanks for the civil discussion. I think it just proves that all fan bases are essentially the same. They all have their loud mouths. They all have their delusional, but for the most part, they all have a vast majority that are passionate and realistic. To suggest that one fan base is any different than another, given that they are a cross section of society, well that pretty much puts you in the delusional bucket in my book.

I will say, as much as I loved the disruption that Suh could cause, he could get carried away and I can see where the thug label would apply, but otherwise, I agree.
Lots of reasonable Hawkeyes fans so thanks for the civil discussion. I think it just proves that all fan bases are essentially the same. They all have their loud mouths. They all have their delusional, but for the most part, they all have a vast majority that are passionate and realistic. To suggest that one fan base is any different than another, given that they are a cross section of society, well that pretty much puts you in the delusional bucket in my book.

I will say, as much as I loved the disruption that Suh could cause, he could get carried away and I can see where the thug label would apply, but otherwise, I agree.

Suh really wasn't like that in college, though, to my recollection. And I really don't understand why he has been like that in the NFL (although he seems to have toned down recently) other than to say he is frustrated and just isn't dealing with that very well.

God, he really was a man among boys his last two seasons in Lincoln. Almost comical seeing a guy who was so much better than every single player on the field, bar none. Mark Ingram should have to return his Heisman Trophy.
Lots of reasonable Hawkeyes fans so thanks for the civil discussion. I think it just proves that all fan bases are essentially the same. They all have their loud mouths. They all have their delusional, but for the most part, they all have a vast majority that are passionate and realistic. To suggest that one fan base is any different than another, given that they are a cross section of society, well that pretty much puts you in the delusional bucket in my book.

I will say, as much as I loved the disruption that Suh could cause, he could get carried away and I can see where the thug label would apply, but otherwise, I agree.
You make a good point, fan bases may not be completely different in the ratio of loud mouths and irrational people to rational fans, but they are different. I'm not saying that one fan base is filled with good people and another fan base is evil by any stretch. You are right in the way that every fan base has their delusional and loud mouth fans. But some have more than other. It depends a lot on their history. For example, some fan bases are generally more arrogant and have much higher (and sometimes unrealistic) expectations based on their past accomplishments. Some other fan bases (think Ames, IA) have little brother syndrome and think the world is unfair. Iowa fans are a lot different than Iowa State fans simply because of expectations, history, and who is selling them what. Same goes for Iowa and Nebraska.

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