Howe column: Beast of the Big Ten West Takes Out Hawkeyes Again

I, for one, have been proven wrong numerous times on these boards.

No you haven't ... :)

Um not to be that guy but since someone got booted the number of randomly capitalized words became almost nonexistent. I'd ask if this thread is going to keep going out of respect Unknown I'd request we continue the use of random words capitalized in this post. THANK YOU.
When my avitar daughter was thirteen she was blinded, Eric Katenda style, in an AAU basketball game. The back of her retina bruised and swelled. The doctor told us he would not be able to determine if the optic nerve was damaged until the bruise healed. For six weeks we held our breath. I have learned both cool under pressure and patiently dealing with the arrogance of others. It helps on these boards on occasion.

That would be as serious as pressure can get, Northside. I hope your daughter healed well. My daughter was hit with an elbow that fractured her orbital socket which caused nerve damage, but after a long while, all was healed. Not an easy period of time to endure.....

That would be as serious as pressure can get, Northside. I hope your daughter healed well. My daughter was hit with an elbow that fractured her orbital socket which caused nerve damage, but after a long while, all was healed. Not an easy period of time to endure.....

Well I don't know if I would go quite that far, but maybe I would have a different story to tell if she had permanent vision loss. Either way, you're concern is well founded and appreciated.

As for whether or not she healed well, she would soon enter the realm of a teenage girl in high school, attitude and all. Oh, she healed all right!

We have a local newspaper columnist, Amy Gilligan, who is now the editor. Anyway, she once published a book entitled "I Have Four Teenagers-You Can't Scare Me"

Couldn't have summed it up better myself.