How long before some faction in Iowa City says dont play Arizona

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in football, due to the Arizona immigration flap?

I suspect not long...given the flap over pink locker rooms, etc

That's wrong on so many levels. I'll just say those people need to live in the real world for awhile.
Too early--the semester is ending, and summer is around the corner. Wait until football season starts up.

...maybe for the 9/18/10 game in Arizona, we could wear uniforms that say "Los Hawkeyes" or something, to placate the flannel shirt crowd, a la...
Too early--the semester is ending, and summer is around the corner. Wait until football season starts up.

...maybe for the 9/18/10 game in Arizona, we could wear uniforms that say "Los Hawkeyes" or something, to placate the flannel shirt crowd, a la...

Shouldn't it have been "Los Sols"? I mean, if you're going to protest, do it right.
I don't think it will be long. I've seen a poll about this on the politics forum. I think the people on this website were strongly in favor of keeping the Arizona game but I didn't see how the poll ended up.
There will certainly be some people in the fine city that are going to make a stink about it.
Probably not long. I don't see how anyone gives it serious consideration though.

I actually think all the attention out there is a good thing. It's not that I don't view illegal immigration as a problem but for the life of me I can't understand how anyone would think enforcement of a policy that essentially leagalizes racial profiling is the answer. It's kind of like trading chicken pox for the measals.
Probably not long. I don't see how anyone gives it serious consideration though.

I actually think all the attention out there is a good thing. It's not that I don't view illegal immigration as a problem but for the life of me I can't understand how anyone would think enforcement of a policy that essentially leagalizes racial profiling is the answer. It's kind of like trading chicken pox for the measals.

Not trying to get this sent to the cave, but that isn't what the law in Arizona is about, or what it does. As written, the law specifically prohibits racial profiling.

In a basic sense, what Arizona is doing is turning federal law into state law, with the difference being that this time the law will actually be enforced.
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Racial profiling...Who is illegal? Kind of like who is attacking the US and blowing up planes--young middle east men and women or the elderly woman from Sioux City? Who would you rather focus on at airports?

As for illegals in the southwest, who do you focus on --the white or black people or the hispanics? Call it racial profiling or whatever semantics you want but it is hispanic folks that are coming across the border is it not?

Like in airports, they can focus on the elderly lady from Sioux City but the chances of her having a bomb is slim to none. However, the chances of the young male, 20 to 35, from the Middle East of having a bomb goes up greatly does it not?

Same in Arizona, law enforcement can stop white and black folks and check their legal status and the chances of them being in the US illegally is slim to none. However, checking hispanics working in kitchens and elsewhere at menial jobs and at job sites and in select parts of the city and the odds go up greatly, does it not?

In Albuquerque, if law enforcement went to the Southwest part of the City, they would end up arresting most of that part of the city and the population of the City would probably be reduced by 1/4. Most of that part of the City is in Spanish (streets, signs, and so on). Mostly enforcement could randomly stop anyone there and they would be illegal 9 out of 10 times and probably could barely speak English. The same holds true in Phoenix I would bet and in numerous areas of Arizona. That is all law enforcement needs to focus on. It isn't like they need to start stopping people on the street.

Plus, remember when we go to other countries we are TOLD to keep our passports on us at all times and that INCLUDES Mexico or we can be put in jail or deported. And we can be stopped at ANY time and asked to see our identification. Isn't THAT ironic
Shouldn't it have been "Los Sols"? I mean, if you're going to protest, do it right.

If I was Steve Nash (born in South Africa, raised in Canada), I would be against the law, too. Hopefully he has his papers with him at all times.
Too early--the semester is ending, and summer is around the corner. Wait until football season starts up.

...maybe for the 9/18/10 game in Arizona, we could wear uniforms that say "Los Hawkeyes" or something, to placate the flannel shirt crowd, a la...

Who cares what a bunch of lumberjacks think?

(borderline racism in MY Hawkeyenation? It's more likely than you think.)
>Plus, remember when we go to other countries we are TOLD to keep our >passports on us at all times and that INCLUDES Mexico or we can be put >in jail or deported. And we can be stopped at ANY time and asked to see >our identification. Isn't THAT ironic

All true. But, if we become like them, how can we then say they hate our way of life?
Who cares what a bunch of lumberjacks think?

(borderline racism in MY Hawkeyenation? It's more likely than you think.)

Hey, no racism here. I'm talking about THIS flannel shirt crowd...
[ame=]YouTube - Barbasol | "Close Shave America"[/ame]

Yeah, I know it doesn't make any sense.
Not trying to get this sent to the cave, but that isn't what the law in Arizona is about, or what it does. As written, the law specifically prohibits racial profiling.

In a basic sense, what Arizona is doing is turning federal law into state law, with the difference being that this time the law will actually be enforced.

This discussion should probably be in another forum but...

I understand the "purpose" of the law is just to lay out guidelines on how to enforce federal law. The problem I have with it is that in order to enforce it officers of the state (law enforcement) are forced to use racial profiling. Under it law enforcement are directed to question anyone whose nationality is questioned and turn them into federal authorities and there is no way that can be done fairly and without prejudice. As an example...

The police encounter drunk belligerent white guy laying in the street. The guy in the street refuses to give his name or any information to the cops (pretty common). The cops see he’s white and appears to speak English so they take him to the drunk tank.

Now consider the same situation with drunk belligerent Hispanic guy. He speaks little or no English and refuses to identify himself. The police in this instance would have to send him to federal authorities to identify his nationality and immigration status.

The behavior of the two men were no different, but because one was Hispanic and one what Caucasian they get treated differently.
This discussion should probably be in another forum but...

I understand the "purpose" of the law is just to lay out guidelines on how to enforce federal law. The problem I have with it is that in order to enforce it officers of the state (law enforcement) are forced to use racial profiling. Under it law enforcement are directed to question anyone whose nationality is questioned and turn them into federal authorities and there is no way that can be done fairly and without prejudice. As an example...

The police encounter drunk belligerent white guy laying in the street. The guy in the street refuses to give his name or any information to the cops (pretty common). The cops see he’s white and appears to speak English so they take him to the drunk tank.

Now consider the same situation with drunk belligerent Hispanic guy. He speaks little or no English and refuses to identify himself. The police in this instance would have to send him to federal authorities to identify his nationality and immigration status.

The behavior of the two men were no different, but because one was Hispanic and one what Caucasian they get treated differently.

No, they're not. Read the bill.

Second, think about the wisdom of being drunk and belligerent if you're also here illegally.
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