How long before some faction in Iowa City says dont play Arizona

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No, they're not. Read the bill.

Second, think about the wisdom of being drunk and belligerent if you're also here illegally.

The Hispanic guy could be a U.S. citizen (or legal resident, at any rate), but if he acts EXACTLY like a drunk and belligerent white guy, he's going to get sent to the feds. THAT is profiling. I don't know how anyone could seriously argue that racial profiling isn't going to become VERY common in Arizona.
The Hispanic guy could be a U.S. citizen (or legal resident, at any rate), but if he acts EXACTLY like a drunk and belligerent white guy, he's going to get sent to the feds. THAT is profiling. I don't know how anyone could seriously argue that racial profiling isn't going to become VERY common in Arizona.

If he's drunk and belligerent, he's going to spend the night in the county bed and breakfast, just like a white guy.

If he's a US citizen, that's easy enough to prove. The cops can do a quick search on their databases and find out that he's a citizen.

If he's not a US citizen, then he has already committed the crime of being in the country illegally. Wake up folks, there's a reason they are called "Illegals."

I do not see how this law really changes anything.
If he's drunk and belligerent, he's going to spend the night in the county bed and breakfast, just like a white guy.

If he's a US citizen, that's easy enough to prove. The cops can do a quick search on their databases and find out that he's a citizen.

If he's not a US citizen, then he has already committed the crime of being in the country illegally. Wake up folks, there's a reason they are called "Illegals."

I do not see how this law really changes anything.

Hate to quote myself, but that was my 666th post. Bwah ha ha ha! Antichrist post!
I have an uncle who lives in the Phoenix area who is very tan and has a mustache. I worry about him getting picked up (since he is a drunk), so I am going to send him some Barbasol.
If he's drunk and belligerent, he's going to spend the night in the county bed and breakfast, just like a white guy.

If he's a US citizen, that's easy enough to prove. The cops can do a quick search on their databases and find out that he's a citizen.

If he's not a US citizen, then he has already committed the crime of being in the country illegally. Wake up folks, there's a reason they are called "Illegals."

I do not see how this law really changes anything.

It doesn't. It simply makes an Arizona state law out of what was all ready federal law, with the difference being that the law might actually get enforced.

Steve Nash Calls Arizona Immigration Bill "Very Misguided" - Bright Side Of The Sun

And before you ask, yes, I have read the bill. And if you don't think Nash is right that it creates the opportunity for racial profiling (despite the language that race can't be the only factor in reasonable suspicion) you need to spend some time in Arizona and see how things actually work here.

It doesn't appear that things were working very well at all, otherwise the AZ legislature would have no reason to pass such a bill.
Again as was stated I'm not saying the bill itself endorses racial profiling, it may very well specifically condone it. However as Gravy stated racial profiling will certainly be a by product of the bill, there is no way you can enforce something like it WITHOUT profiling.

There are millions of people in that leagally reside in the united states who primarly speak Spanish and are of Latino decent. The reality is that every single one of them are going to be forced to prove thier citizenship or immigration status in every encounter with the police.

It doesn't matter if they commit a crime, or do something as mundane as be passenger in a speeding automobile without having your green card or DL in your possesion.

What's that you are hispanic and don't have your ID with you? You are going to have to come down town so we can determin your legal status. For all the rhetoric the far right (I know I know it's only a small portion of meatballs that agree with this or are as extreme) regarding Obama's policies as "Socialist" how can any sane person not recognize the irony in a law that essentially takes us back to the days of the iron curtain when "show me your papers" was the first thing out of any law enformcent agencies mouth?

And enough with the "read the bill" garbage. Obviously I haven't read the bill and somehow I doubt you have read the entire bill either. Regardless if you have read something that refutes or adresses the issues I and others have raised please post it, otherwise I invite you to save it. "Read the bill" doesn't do a damn thing to add to this conversation. It only cheaply implies that you are more educated on the subject than the rest of us which again very well may be the case, but I'd invite you to share that knowledge rather than chastise the rest of us for not having it.
It doesn't appear that things were working very well at all, otherwise the AZ legislature would have no reason to pass such a bill.

Ah, I see. The fact that the bill was passed shows that there was a problem that necessitated passing the bill. Logical. We all know that legislators only pass laws when there is a rational reason for doing so, right?

AZ has plenty of problems. The fact that the legislature is pretending to deal with them by passing a draconian immigration bill reminds me of a certain Simpsons episode...

Of course it creates racial profiling. People who "look like Canadians" aren't gonna get the scrutiny.

What's going to happen, of course, is that citizens are going to get harassed and this law is going to get sued out of existence.

On a related note, that Governor of Arizona is one ugly woman. Yikes.

As for football, yes, Iowa should play them, and yes, I would go to the game. I'm not going to let idiots determine where I go or what I do, and if they mess with me, I'll punish them horribly.
Well, this discussion flew off the tracks.

This is the best law I can remember being put on the books in a long time. For the life of me I cannot understand why people have a problem with it. I saw one idiot politician making a case that we should just legalize all illegal aliens so that we can get their tax money. Spoken like a true moronic politician. They don't belong in the country, GET THEM OUT!!
that's not true, the authorities could take both men to the same jail. Once they sober up, then the hispanic guy could be taken to federal authorities.
Of course it creates racial profiling. People who "look like Canadians" aren't gonna get the scrutiny.

What's going to happen, of course, is that citizens are going to get harassed and this law is going to get sued out of existence.

On a related note, that Governor of Arizona is one ugly woman. Yikes.

As for football, yes, Iowa should play them, and yes, I would go to the game. I'm not going to let idiots determine where I go or what I do, and if they mess with me, I'll punish them horribly.

Sure they are. Why do you think geriatrics and babies sometimes get searched at the airport?

On a related note, you talk a big game.
that's not true, the authorities could take both men to the same jail. Once they sober up, then the hispanic guy could be taken to federal authorities.

Yeah....if he's here illegally. Just like the white guys. You guys are absurd. Why would it be so wrong to enforce a federal law.

Citizens will be harassed? Why? Because all police are supposed "racists pigs"? These men sign up to serve and protect us...who better is qualified to ENFORCE a law that already exisits nationally?
What is so absurd about being concerned about a law that would require every single spanish speaking latino in Arizona to carry ID with them at all times or risk being arrested and shipped to federal law enforcement in order to prove thier status?
What is so absurd about being concerned about a law that would require every single spanish speaking latino in Arizona to carry ID with them at all times or risk being arrested and shipped to federal law enforcement in order to prove thier status?

You're right--it's absurd to carry ID. :)

I do some really crazy things every day, like drive my car. And if I want to drive my car, I take my ID and proof of citizenship with me. It's called my driver's license.

Apparently nobody in Arizona drives with their driver's license.

Because that's what we're talking about, folks. A driver's license.
Yeah....if he's here illegally. Just like the white guys. You guys are absurd. Why would it be so wrong to enforce a federal law.

Citizens will be harassed? Why? Because all police are supposed "racists pigs"? These men sign up to serve and protect us...who better is qualified to ENFORCE a law that already exisits nationally?

Citizens of Latino descent will undoubtedly be questioned quite frequently to show proof of citizenship. THAT I have a problem with. And for those who think Latinos get the same treatment as the rest of us, take a look at this:

ICE locks 'em up, throws away key: immigration becomes a human rights scandal

Then tell me that "it's pretty easy to determine if they're a citizen or not".
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