How long before some faction in Iowa City says dont play Arizona

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Officer pulls you over. First thing they ask is, "May I see your driver's license and registration?"

Ooooh, wow. Guess I'm getting racially profiled every time I get caught speeding.

You're right--citizens of Latino descent will be questioned "quite frequently"... if they break the law.

Just like everybody else.

Here is an alternative scenario ...

Let's say that "one of us" has a 16 or 17 year old kid who is rather mature looking. Let's suppose the kid acts nervous around a police officer ... so the police officer then asks the kid whether they are a citizen. Of course, the kid says yes. The police officer then asks if the kid has his identification on him and the kid says no. All of a sudden the police officer seizes and detains the kid. Where the kid gets held ... who knows?

Now let's say that that unlucky "one of us" was white. Why is it that the automatic reaction of MOST people (at least white folks) is that such a scenario would never happen? If you actually entertained the possibility that it COULD happen to you or your loved ones ... all of a sudden you'd be a heck of a lot more indignant about this issue.

Many folks claim that the said law is only enforcing the federal law ... however, under federal law, what happens if the individual under suspicion claims to be a citizen? No officer has the right to harass a citizen. Does the Arizona law actually have a provision where they have to ask if the individual is a citizen first?
What is so absurd about being concerned about a law that would require every single spanish speaking latino in Arizona to carry ID with them at all times or risk being arrested and shipped to federal law enforcement in order to prove thier status?

don't you carry your id with you? i always have my drivers license with me.
my bad on this thread..should have been in a different forum, and I tried moving it but seem to have a bug...gonna shut er down.
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