How Could Any Football Fan Not See it was Helmet to Helmet?

In the last 10 years or so, the "ideal" tackle has changed. It used to be a good tackle meant wrapping up and driving the opponent to the ground, now it is just leading with the helmet to deliver the knock out. Makes me kind of sick really. That was a very good call although late. Not sure what Wayne Larabee was looking at or if he couldn't hear the helmet to helmet or if he is kind of oblivious.

I won't give the MSU player a pass on that play. I do think it was intentional. Sandeman was vertical when he got nailed...that is 6+ feet of target and the MSU kid went for the head straight up.
Last year it seemed 2 me that NW meant to take Shonn Greene out of the game - two vicious H2H shots on the same play?

Greene had to leave and NW went on to win because we wouldn't trust the ball to Hampton.
I've held the NW staff responsible for that ...

I wouldn't put that past Fitz. JMO.
Some of you guys are looking for phantoms where there are none. Of course the MSU player didn't do it intentionally. Why on Earth would he try an illegal hit on a big 3rd down stop? Do you honestly think Dantonio is the kind of guy who encourages his players to try and severely injure the other team?

Look at the simple explaination here; The way Stanzi threw the pass, he left his man out to dry, the defender went in for the big hit, and got his hat in there. If you watch the replay, the defender also had his hands high. He clearly did not intend to hit heam with his helmet. He just wanted to hit him. It is unfortunate that he did, but he would have to be an absolute idiot and heartless thug to do that, and frankly I have too much respect fot the MSU coaching staff to beleive it.
This is the best freeze frame I could get due to the speed of the play.

I don't know how anyone can argue this one.

Some of you guys are looking for phantoms where there are none. Of course the MSU player didn't do it intentionally. Why on Earth would he try an illegal hit on a big 3rd down stop? Do you honestly think Dantonio is the kind of guy who encourages his players to try and severely injure the other team?

Look at the simple explaination here; The way Stanzi threw the pass, he left his man out to dry, the defender went in for the big hit, and got his hat in there. If you watch the replay, the defender also had his hands high. He clearly did not intend to hit heam with his helmet. He just wanted to hit him. It is unfortunate that he did, but he would have to be an absolute idiot and heartless thug to do that, and frankly I have too much respect fot the MSU coaching staff to beleive it.

The high hit was obviously intentional, the way he hit him was intentional, thinking he was going to get penalized was not on his mind. He could have tackled him anywhere but the head and still made a good strong hit. He wanted to make a big hit, he lead with his head into Sande's helmet and the right call was made eventually. Question is, will he have to sit a week?
This is the best freeze frame I could get due to the speed of the play.

I don't know how anyone can argue this one.


Wow.. definate leading with the helmet. This photo should be sent to the B10 and Ware should be suspended, especially considering his antics while Sandemen's on the ground frozen like a popsicle.
No, the hit was not "obviously intentional". It was an obvious h2h, but I seriously doubt he did it on purpose. I have no idea why you would want to beleive it, but every function of common sense and logic says that making an intentional illegal hit on a big third down stop in the 4th quarter of a tied game is insane.

Common sense shows that the way the ball was thrown, the receiver was almost powerless to defend himself. It was a bang-bang play, and the defender had a shot at an easy open hit and he took it. Look at Stormin's photo. The defender also had his hands up, and he had not felt his feet. He is clearly going for a big shot, but I don't think he meant to hive him a concussion.
No, the hit was not "obviously intentional". It was an obvious h2h, but I seriously doubt he did it on purpose. I have no idea why you would want to beleive it, but every function of common sense and logic says that making an intentional illegal hit on a big third down stop in the 4th quarter of a tied game is insane.

Common sense shows that the way the ball was thrown, the receiver was almost powerless to defend himself. It was a bang-bang play, and the defender had a shot at an easy open hit and he took it. Look at Stormin's photo. The defender also had his hands up, and he had not felt his feet. He is clearly going for a big shot, but I don't think he meant to hive him a concussion.

I disagree, Ware clearly sized him up on that hit. You really think he didn't intend to hit im in the head? Peoples actions usually follow there intentions. Now say Sandemen died or became a vegetable after the hit, you could say Ware didn't mean to kill him, but you can't say the hit itself wasn't intentional. If your intention is to not hit with you helmet, then you don't.
Wow.. definate leading with the helmet. This photo should be sent to the B10 and Ware should be suspended, especially considering his antics while Sandemen's on the ground frozen like a popsicle.

Hey Stormin, do you have an account at the Mich State boards? This seems to be the biggest point of contention...the Wegher fumble seems a little fuzzy because no one could really tell who recovered (although I have my DVR paused as Wegher gets up WITH THE BALL). But no one in Green thinks that there was anything wrong with the hit. Your pic clearly proves otherwise.
Hey Stormin, do you have an account at the Mich State boards? This seems to be the biggest point of contention...the Wegher fumble seems a little fuzzy because no one could really tell who recovered (although I have my DVR paused as Wegher gets up WITH THE BALL). But no one in Green thinks that there was anything wrong with the hit. Your pic clearly proves otherwise.
I've tried to get onto SpartanTailgate for years, not sure how long it takes for one of their mods to give you approval.
First of all, it was 2 and 7 on the helmet to helmet. The completion would have made it 3 and 5 1/2 with forward progress. Not ideal, but manageable.

I am all for a big hit and celebrating. However, when you have have 4 yards to size up you opponent and could drill him with a clean shoulder hit to the mid section and you choose to go up high and not wrap up, you risk a penalty. This is a textbook helmet to helmet call. If you disagree you are being intellectually dishonest with yourself. I feel sorry for you. I also feel sorry for the MSU players and coaches and their reaction. It showed their true character and why they are 4-4. If our players and Ferentz acted like this after an illegal hit by one of our players that knocked the other guy out and caused him to seize I would be even sadder. However, that is not our character and that is why we are 8-0.
I just watched the re run of the game Larivee was correcting his call and explaining
the reasoning by the end of the sequence....cut him some slack there are MANY
worse than him!!
I just watched the re run of the game Larivee was correcting his call and explaining
the reasoning by the end of the sequence....cut him some slack there are MANY
worse than him!!
I'd like to cut him slack, but before the commercial he saw the replay quite a few times and kept saying, "that's a clean hit". Sorry, he can't renege after missing the call that many times.
First of all, Sandeman didn't have a seizure. If he had, he would not have been allowed to walk off the field.

There can be no argument about the hit being head to head. But add the fact that the MSU player follows through the hit with his forearm towards the head.

I don't put fault on the play call itself but on Stanzi for his decision to underneath with a DB right there instead of going to DJK who was maybe 10 yards deeper than Sandeman. An incompletion is better than getting your guy laid out imo.
Hey Stormin, do you have an account at the Mich State boards? This seems to be the biggest point of contention...the Wegher fumble seems a little fuzzy because no one could really tell who recovered (although I have my DVR paused as Wegher gets up WITH THE BALL). But no one in Green thinks that there was anything wrong with the hit. Your pic clearly proves otherwise.

I'll say it again (3rd time now) MSU CALLED TIMEOUT on that play. There was 5+ minutes to play, so if they wanted to challenge it they could have.

The MSU coaching staff upstairs had more than enough time to watch that play and call down to Dantonio if they thought something was up.
I want to know what the coaching staff was seeing on the big screen? They kept pointing up there like they were seeing something that we weren't? Asking the referees to look and asking

"Look up there and tell me it's a high hit/helmet to helmet"

I have yet to see a solid defense on why it wasn't an illegal hit.
Wayne Larrivee. Used to do Chicago Bears games on the radio and then the Packers (he may still do their games). I don't think he crosses over to college football very well. He also used to do Chicago Bulls games on TV.

Larrivee still does play by play for the Packers.
What upsets me is how adamant the PbP guy was that it wasn't H2H even after he saw the replays. I couldn't believe someone that followed football could be that daft. Truly unbelievable.

Totally agree-that is frustrating when you can see with your own eyes that it is H2H and the PbP guy is telling you that you aren't seeing what you saw. But mostly, I just like your use of the word "daft." That has to be a first for this site. Just being droll, I am feeling rather blithesome today!

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